| `sound` | text | The default notification sound on target device (default: `default`) (see [supported notification sounds](https://pushover.net/api#sounds)). |
| `retry` | integer | The retry parameter specifies how often (in seconds) the Pushover servers will send the same notification to the user (default: `300`). **advanced** |
| `expire` | integer | The expire parameter specifies how long (in seconds) your notification will continue to be retried (default: `3600`). **advanced** |
-`sendMessage(String message, @Nullable String title)` - This method is used to send a plain text message.
-`sendHtmlMessage(String message, @Nullable String title)` - This method is used to send a HTML message.
-`sendMonospaceMessage(String message, @Nullable String title)` - This method is used to send a monospace message.
-`sendAttachmentMessage(String message, @Nullable String title, String attachment, @Nullable String contentType)` - This method is used to send a message with an attachment. It takes a (local) path to the attachment (parameter `attachment`**mandatory**) and an optional `contentType` to define the content-type of the attachment (default: `image/jpeg`).
-`sendURLMessage(String message, @Nullable String title, String url, @Nullable String urlTitle)` - This method is used to send a message with an URL. A supplementary `url` to show with the message and a `urlTitle` for the URL, otherwise just the URL is shown.
-`sendMessageToDevice(String device, String message, @Nullable String title)` - This method is used to send a message to a specific device. Parameter `device`**mandatory** is the name of a specific device (multiple devices may be separated by a comma).
-`sendPriorityMessage(String message, @Nullable String title, @Nullable Integer priority)` - This method is used to send a priority message. Parameter `priority` is the priority (`-2`, `-1`, `0`, `1`, `2`) to be used (default: `2`).