| org.openhab.automation.jrubyscripting:gem_home | $OPENHAB_CONF/scripts/lib/ruby/gem_home | Location ruby gems will be installed and loaded, directory will be created if missing and gem installs are specified |
| org.openhab.automation.jrubyscripting:rubylib | $OPENHAB_CONF/automation/lib/ruby/ | Search path for user libraries. Separate each path with a colon (semicolon in Windows). |
| org.openhab.automation.jrubyscripting:local_context | singlethread | The local context holds Ruby runtime, name-value pairs for sharing variables between Java and Ruby. See [this](https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge#Context_Instance_Type) for options and details |
| org.openhab.automation.jrubyscripting:local_variables | transient | Defines how variables are shared between Ruby and Java. See [this](https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge#local-variable-behavior-options) for options and details |
| org.openhab.automation.jrubyscripting:gems | | A comma separated list of [Ruby Gems](https://rubygems.org/) to install. |
| org.openhab.automation.jrubyscripting:require | | A comma separated list of script names to be required by the JRuby Scripting Engine at the beginning of user scripts. |
For example this configuration will install the latest version of the [openHAB JRuby Scripting Library](https://boc-tothefuture.github.io/openhab-jruby/), and instruct the scripting engine to automatically insert `require 'openhab'` at the start of the script.
All [ScriptExtensions]({{base}}/configuration/jsr223.html#scriptextension-objects-all-jsr223-languages) are available in JRuby with the following exceptions/modifications:
- The `File` variable, referencing `java.io.File` is not available as it conflicts with Ruby's File class preventing Ruby from initializing
- Globals `scriptExtension`, `automationManager`, `ruleRegistry`, `items`, `voice`, `rules`, `things`, `events`, `itemRegistry`, `ir`, `actions`, `se`, `audio`, `lifecycleTracker` are prepended with a `$` (e.g. `$automationManager`) making them available as global objects in Ruby.
Depending on the openHAB logging configuration, you may need to prefix logger names with `org.openhab.automation` for them to show up in the log file (or you modify the logging configuration).
**Note**: Installing the [JRuby Scripting Library](https://boc-tothefuture.github.io/openhab-jruby/installation/) will provide enhanced capabilities with simpler rule syntax.