2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
# LuftdatenInfo Binding
Binding for the Sensor Community [luftdaten.info ](https://luftdaten.info/ ). The community provides instructions to build sensors on your own and they can be integrated into the database.
With this binding you can integrate your sensor, a sensor nearby or even any sensors you want into openHAB.
## Supported Things
Three Things are supported
| Name | Thing Type ID | Description |
| Particulate Sensor | particulate | measure particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10 |
| Conditions Sensor | condition | measures environment conditions like temperature, humidity and some also provides atmospheric pressure |
| Noise Sensor | noise | measures noise exposures in the environment |
## Discovery
There's no auto discovery. See Thing configuration how to setup a Sensor.
## Thing Configuration
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Choose either a local IP address of your personal owned sensor _or_ a sensor id of an external one.
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| Parameter | Description |
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| ipAddress | Local IP address of your personal owned sensor |
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| sensorid | Sensor ID obtained from https://deutschland.maps.sensor.community/ |
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### Local Sensor
Please check in your browser if you can access your sensor with your local IP address.

### External Sensor
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Perform the following steps to get the appropriate Sensor ID
* Go to to [luftdaten.info map ](https://deutschland.maps.sensor.community/ )
* Choose your desired value in bottom list - now only the Sensors are displayed which are supporting this
* Click on your / any Sensor and the ID is displayed in the top right corner. Note: Sensor ID is just the number without beginning hash #
* Enter this Sensor ID into the thing configuration

## Channels
### Particulate Sensor
| Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
| pm25 | Number:Density | [Ultrafine particulates ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particulates#Size,_shape_and_solubility_matter ) microgram per cubic meter |
| pm100 | Number:Density | [Coarse particulate matter ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particulates#Size,_shape_and_solubility_matter ) microgram per cubic meter |
### Conditions Sensor
| Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
| temperature | Number:Temperature | current temperature |
| humidity | Number:Dimensionless | current humidity percent |
| pressure | Number:Pressure | Atmospheric Pressure (not supported by all sensors) |
| pressure-sea | Number:Pressure | Atmospheric Pressure on sea level (not supported by all sensors) |
### Noise Sensor
| Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
| noise-eq | Number:Dimensionless | Average noise in db |
| noise-min | Number:Dimensionless | Minimum noise covered in the last 2.5 minutes in db |
| noise-main | Number:Dimensionless | Maximum noise covered in the last 2.5 minutes in db |
## Full Example
### Things
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Thing luftdateninfo:particulate:pm_sensor "PM Sensor" [ ipAddress= ]
Thing luftdateninfo:conditions:cond_sensor "Condition Sensor" [ sensorid=28843 ]
Thing luftdateninfo:noise:noise_sensor "Noise Sensor" [ sensorid=39745 ]
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### Items
Number:Density PM_25 "PM2.5" { channel="luftdateninfo:particulate:pm_sensor:pm25" }
Number:Density PM_100 "PM10" { channel="luftdateninfo:particulate:pm_sensor:pm100" }
Number:Temperature LDI_Temperature "Temperature" { channel="luftdateninfo:conditions:cond_sensor:temperature" }
Number:Dimensionless LDI_Humidity "Humidity" { channel="luftdateninfo:conditions:cond_sensor:humidity" }
Number:Pressure LDI_Pressure "Atmospheric Pressure" { channel="luftdateninfo:conditions:cond_sensor:pressure" }
Number:Pressure LDI_PressureSea "Pressure sea level" { channel="luftdateninfo:conditions:cond_sensor:pressure-sea" }
Number:Dimensionless LDI_NoiseEQ "Noise EQ" { channel="luftdateninfo:noise:noise_sensor:noise-eq" }
Number:Dimensionless LDI_NoiseMin "Noise min" { channel="luftdateninfo:noise:noise_sensor:noise-min" }
Number:Dimensionless LDI_NoiseMax "Noise max" { channel="luftdateninfo:noise:noise_sensor:noise-max" }
### Sitemap
sitemap LuftdatenInfo label="LuftdatenInfo" {
Text item=PM_25 label="Particulate Matter 2.5 [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=PM_100 label="Particulate Matter 10 [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_Temperature label="Temperature [%d %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_Humidity label="Humidity [%d %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_Pressure label="Atmospheric Pressure [%d %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_PressureSea label="Atmospheric Pressure sea [%d %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_NoiseEQ label="Noise avg [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_NoiseMin label="Noise min [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_NoiseMax label="Noise max [%.1f %unit%]"