Please take the following steps prior to using the binding. Create a Miele cloud account in the Miele@mobile app for [Android]( or [iOS]( (if not already done).
Afterwards, pair your appliances.
Once your appliances are set up, register at the [Miele Developer Portal](
You will receive a pair of client ID and client secret which will be used to pair your Miele cloud account to the Miele cloud openHAB binding.
Keep these credentials to yourself and treat them like a password!
It may take some time until the registration e-mail arrives.
There is no auto discovery for the Miele cloud account.
The account is paired using OAuth2 with your Miele login and the developer credentials obtained from the [Miele Developer Portal](
To pair the account go to the binding's configuration UI at `https://<your openHAB address>/mielecloud`.
For a standard openHABian Pi installation the address is [https://openhabianpi:8443/mielecloud](https://openhabianpi:8443/mielecloud).
Note that your browser will file a warning that the certificate is self-signed.
This is fine and you can safely continue.
It is also possible to use an unsecured connection for pairing but it is strongly recommended to use a secured connection because your credentials will otherwise be transferred without encryption over the local network.
For more information on this topic, see [Securing access to openHAB](
For a detailed walk through the account configuration, see [Account Configuration Example](#account-configuration-example).
Once a Miele account is paired, all supported appliances are automatically discovered as individual things and placed in the inbox.
They can then be paired with your favorite management UI.
As an alternative, the binding configuration UI provides a things-file template per paired account that can be used to pair the appliances.
## Thing Configuration
A Miele cloud account needs to be configured to get access to your appliances.
After that appliances can be configured.
### Account Configuration
The Miele cloud account must be paired via the binding configuration UI before a bridge that relies on it can be configured in openHAB.
For details on the configuration UI see [Discovery](#discovery) and [Account Configuration Example](#account-configuration-example).
The account serves as a bridge for the things representing your appliances.
On success the configuration assistant will directly configure the account without requiring further actions.
As an alternative, it provides a things-file template.
| email | required | E-mail address identifying this account. This exists only to distinguish accounts. If the address is changed after authorization then the account needs to be authorized again. |
| locale | optional | The locale to use for full text channels of things from this account. Possible values are `en`, `de`, `da`, `es`, `fr`, `it`, `nl`, `nb`. Default is `en`. |
### Appliance Configuration
The binding configuration UI will show a things-file template containing things for all supported appliances from the paired account.
This can be used as a starting point for a custom things-file.
All Miele cloud appliance things have the following parameters:
| deviceIdentifier | required | Technical device identifier uniquely identifying the Miele appliance. Use the discovery result or the things-file template to obtain it. |
## Channels
The following table lists all available channels.
See the following chapters for detailed information about which appliance supports which channels.
Depending on the exact appliance configuration not all channels might be supported, e.g. a hob with four plates will only fill the channels for plates 1-4.
Channel ID and channel type ID match unless noted.
| Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description | Read only |
Hob things have an additional property `plateCount` that indicates the number of plates present on the appliance.
Only the channels `plate_1_power_step` to `plate_x_power_step` will be populated by the binding where `x` is the value of the `plateCount` property.
The plate numbers do not represent the physical layout of the plates on the appliance, but always start with the `plate_1_power_step` channel.
This means that a hob with two plates will have `plate_1_power_step` and `plate_2_power_step` populated and all other `plate_x_power_step` channels empty.
The `plate_x_power_step` channels show the current power step of the according plate.
**Please note that some hobs may use dynamic numbering for plates.**
Hobs that use dynamic numbering will use the first power step channel that is currently at a power step of zero when the plate is turned on.
Additionally, when a plate is turned off all other plates with higher numbers will decrease their number by one.
For example if plate 1, 2 and 3 are active and plate 1 is turned off then plate 2 will become plate 1, plate 3 will become plate 2 and plate 3 will have a power step of zero.
This behavior is a fixed part of the affected appliances and cannot be changed.
### Note on door_state channel
The `door_state` channel might not always provide a value matching the actual state.
For example, a washing machine will not provide a valid `door_state` when the appliance is turned off.
A valid door state can be expected when the appliance is in one of the following raw operation states, compare the `operation_state_raw` channel:
-`3`: Program selected
-`4`: Program selected, waiting to start
-`5`: Running
-`6`: Paused
## Properties
The following chapters list the properties offered by appliances.
We strongly recommend to use a secure connection for pairing, details on this topic can also be found in the [Discovery](#discovery) section.
Click `Pair Account` to start the pairing process.
If not already done, go to the [Miele Developer Portal](, register there and wait for the confirmation e-mail.
Obtain your client ID and client secret according to the instructions presented there.
Once you obtained your client ID and client secret continue pairing by filling in your client ID, client secret, bridge ID and an e-mail address that you wish to use for identifying the account.
You may choose any bridge ID you like as long as you only use letters, numbers, underscores and dashes.
The e-mail address does not need to match the e-mail address used for your Miele Cloud Account.
If you need to change the e-mail address later then you will need to authorize the account again.

A click on `Pair Account` will take you to the Miele cloud service login form where you need to log in with the same account as you used for the Miele@mobile app.

When this is the first time you pair an account, you will need to allow openHAB to access your account.
When everything worked, you are presented with a page stating that pairing was successful.
Select the locale which should be used to display localized texts in openHAB channels.
From here, you have two options:
Either let the binding automatically configure a bridge instance or copy the presented things-file template to a things-file and return to the overview page.

Once the bridge instance is `ONLINE`, you can either pair things for all appliances via your favorite management UI or use a things-file.
The account overview provides a things-file template that is shown when you expand the account.
This can serve as a starting point for your own things-file.

## Rule Ideas
Here are some ideas on what could be done with this binding. You have more ideas or even an example? Great! Feel free to contribute!
- Notify yourself of a finished dishwasher, tumble dryer, washer dryer or washing machine, e.g. by changing the lighting
- Control the supercooler / superfreezer of your freezer, fridge or fridge-freezer combination with a voice assistant
- Notify yourself when the oven has finished pre-heating
## Acknowledgements
The development of this binding was initiated and sponsored by Miele & Cie. KG.