This binding integrates the [Logitech Media Server]( and compatible Squeeze players.
## Introduction
Slim Devices was established in 2000, and was first known for its SlimServer used for streaming music, but launched a hardware player named SliMP3 able to play these streams in 2001.
Although the first player was fairly simple only supporting wired Ethernet and MP3 natively, it was followed two years later by a slightly more advanced player which was renamed to Squeezebox.
Other versions followed, gradually adding native support for additional file formats, Wi-Fi-support, gradually adding larger and more advanced displays as well as a version targeting audiophile users.
Support for playing music from external streaming platforms such as Pandora, Napster, and Sirius were also added.
The devices in general have two operating modes; either standalone where the device connects to an internet streaming service directly, or to a local computer running the Logitech Media Server or a network-attached storage device.
Both the server software and large parts of the firmware on the most recent players are released under open source licenses.
In 2006, Slim Devices was acquired by Logitech for $20 million USD.
Logitech continued the development of the player until they announced in August 2012 that it would be discontinued.
Given the cross-platform nature of the server and software client, some users have ensured the continued use of the platform by utilizing the Raspberry Pi as dedicated Squeezebox device (both client and server).
Taken from: [Wiki](
## Supported Things
At least one Squeeze Server is required to act as a bridge for Squeeze players on the network.
Squeeze players may be official Logitech products or other players like [Squeeze Lites](
## Discovery
A Squeeze Server is discovered through UPnP in the local network.
Once it is added as a Thing the Squeeze Server bridge will discover Squeeze Players automatically.
If your Squeeze Server is not discovered automatically, you can add it manually by creating a .thing file containing something like this (more example [below](
| control | Player | Control the Zone Player, e.g. play/pause/next/previous/ffward/rewind |
| stream | String | Play the given HTTP or file stream (file:// or http://) |
| source | String | Shows the source of the currently playing playlist entry. (i.e. |
| sync | String | Add another player to your device for synchronized playback (other player mac address) |
| playListIndex | Number | Playlist Index |
| currentPlayingTime | Number | Current Playing Time |
| duration | Number | Duration of currently playing track (in seconds) |
| currentPlaylistShuffle | Number | Current playlist shuffle mode (0 No Shuffle, 1 Shuffle Songs, 2 Shuffle Albums) |
| currentPlaylistRepeat | Number | Current playlist repeat Mode (0 No Repeat, 1 Repeat Song, 2 Repeat Playlist) |
| title | String | Title of the current song |
| remotetitle | String | Remote Title (Radio) of the current song |
| album | String | Album name of the current song |
| artist | String | Artist name of the current song |
| year | String | Release year of the current song |
| genre | String | Genre name of the current song |
| coverartdata | Image | Image data of cover art of the current song |
| ircode | String | Received IR code |
| numberPlaylistTracks | Number | Number of playlist tracks |
| playFavorite | String | ID of Favorite to play (channel's state options contains available favorites) |
| rate | Switch | "Like" or "unlike" the currently playing song (if supported by the streaming service) |
## Example .Items File
Add the items you want to the .items file. A few examples are shown below, the power, volume and album art channels are connected here to the items by copying across the channel discriptions from the Paper UI. Make suure each channel is linked for your needs See [openHAB New User Configuration documentation]( for further details on linking and channels.
Squeeze Players can be set up as audio sinks in openHAB.
Please follow the [openHAB multimedia documentation]( for setup guidance.
You can set the default notification volume in the player thing configuration.
You can override the default notification volume by supplying it as a parameter to `say` and `playSound`.
You can play notifications from within rules.
rule "Garage Door Open Notification"
Item GarageDoorOpenNotification received command ON
// Play the notification on the default sink at a specified volume level
say("The garage door is open!", "voicerss:enUS", new PercentType(35))
// Play the notification on a specific sink
say("The garage door is open!", "voicerss:enUS", "squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:5919BEA2-764B-4590-BC70-D74DCC15491B:20cfbf221510")
And, you can play sounds from the `conf/sounds` directory.
rule "Play Sounds"
Item PlaySounds received command ON
// Play the sound on the default sink
// Play the sound on a specific sink at a specified volume level
playSound("squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:5919BEA2-764B-4590-BC70-D74DCC15491B:20cfbf221510", "doorbell.mp3", new PercentType(45))
## Rating Songs
Some streaming services, such as Pandora and Slacker, all songs to be rated.
When playing from these streaming services, sending commands to the `rate` channel can be used to *like* or *unlike* the currently playing song.
Sending the ON command will *like* the song.
Sending the OFF command will *unlike* the song.
If the streaming service doesn't support rating, sending commands to the `rate` channel has no effect.
### Known Issues
- There are some versions of squeezelite that will not correctly play very short duration mp3 files.
Versions of squeezelite after v1.7 and before v1.8.6 will not play very short duration mp3 files reliably.
For example, if you're using piCorePlayer (which uses squeezelite), please check your version of squeezelite if you're having trouble playing notifications.
This bug has been fixed in squeezelite version 1.8.6-985, which is included in piCorePlayer version 3.20.
- When streaming from a remote service (such as Pandora or Spotify), after the notification plays, the Squeezebox Server starts playing a new track, instead of picking up from where it left off on the currently playing track.
- There have been reports that notifications do not play reliably, or do not play at all, when using Logitech Media Server (LMS) version 7.7.5.
Therefore, it is recommended that the LMS be on a more current version than 7.7.5.
- There have been reports that the LMS does not play some WAV files reliably. If you're using a TTS service that produces WAV files, and the notifications are not playing, try using an MP3-formatted TTS notification.
This issue reportedly was [fixed in the LMS]( by accepting additional MIME types for WAV files.
- The LMS treats player MAC addresses as case-sensitive.
Therefore, the case of MAC addresses in the Squeeze Player thing configuration must match the case displayed on the *Information* tab in the LMS Settings.