Alternatively, a PC running [KNXD]( (free open source component software) can be put in between which then acts as a broker allowing multiple client to connect to the same gateway.
| ipAddress | for `TUNNEL` | Network address of the KNX/IP gateway. If type `ROUTER` is set, the IPv4 Multicast Address can be set. | for `TUNNEL`: \<nothing\>, for `ROUTER`: |
| portNumber | for `TUNNEL` | Port number of the KNX/IP gateway | 3671 |
| localIp | No | Network address of the local host to be used to set up the connection to the KNX/IP gateway | the system-wide configured primary interface address |
| localSourceAddr | No | The (virtual) individual address for identification of this KNX/IP gateway within the KNX bus <br/><br/>Note: Use a free address, not the one of the interface. Or leave it at `0.0.0` and let openHAB decide which address to use. | 0.0.0 |
*basic* Things are wrappers around arbitrary group addresses on the KNX bus.
They have no specific function in the KNX binding, except that if the *address* is defined, the binding will actively poll the Individual Address on the KNX bus to detect that the KNX actuator is reachable.
Under normal real-world circumstances, either all devices on a bus are reachable, or the entire bus is down.
If line couplers are installed, physical device addressing might be filtered; in this case please do not specify the addresses for devices on this line.
All channels of a device share one configuration parameter defined on device level: *readInterval*, an optional parameter which indicates if 'readable' group addresses of that Channel should be read periodically at the given interval, in seconds.
'Readable' group addresses are marked with an `<` in the group address definition of a Channel, see below.
All readable group addresses are queried by openHAB during startup.
If readInterval is not specified or set to 0, no further periodic reading will be triggered (default: 0).
They are used in the common case where the physical state is owned by a device within the KNX bus, e.g. by a switch actuator who "knows" whether the light is turned on or off, or by a temperature sensor which reports the room temperature regularly.
In contrast to the standard channels above, the control channel types are used for cases where the KNX bus does not own the physical state of a device.
If from the KNX bus a `GroupValueRead` telegram is sent to a *-control Channel, the bridge responds with a `GroupValueResponse` telegram to the KNX bus.
| switch | Group address for the binary switch | 1.001 |
| position | Group address of the absolute position | 5.001 |
| increaseDecrease | Group address for relative movement | 3.007 |
| frequency | Increase/Decrease frequency in milliseconds in case the binding should handle that (0 if the KNX device sends the commands repeatedly itself) | 0 |
With `*-control` channels, the state is not owned by any device on the KNX bus, therefore no read requests will be sent by the binding, i.e. `<` signs will be ignored for them.
Each configuration parameter has a `mainGA` where commands are written to and optionally several `listeningGA`s.
> NOTE: Support for KNX Secure is partly implemented for openHAB and should be considered as experimental.
### KNX IP Secure
KNX IP Secure protects the traffic between openHAB and your KNX installation.
It **requires a KNX Secure Router or a Secure IP Interface** and a KNX installation **with security features enabled in ETS tool**.
For *Secure routing* mode, the so called `backbone key` needs to be configured in openHAB.
It is created by the ETS tool and cannot be changed via the ETS user interface.
- The backbone key can be extracted from Security report (ETS, Reports, Security, look for a 32-digit key) and specified in parameter `routerBackboneKey`.
For *Secure tunneling* with a Secure IP Interface (or a router in tunneling mode), more parameters are required.
A unique device authentication key, and a specific tunnel identifier and password need to be available.
- All information can be looked up in ETS and provided separately: `tunnelDeviceAuthentication`, `tunnelUserPassword`.
`tunnelUserId` is a number which is not directly visible in ETS, but can be looked up in keyring export or deduced (typically 2 for the first tunnel of a device, 3 for the second one, ...).
`tunnelUserPasswort` is set in ETS in the properties of the tunnel (below the IP interface you will see the different tunnels listed) denoted as "Password". `tunnelDeviceAuthentication` is set in the properties of the IP interface itself, check for a tab "IP" and a description "Authentication Code".
### KNX Data Secure
KNX Data Secure protects the content of messages on the KNX bus. In a KNX installation, both classic and secure group addresses can coexist.
Data Secure does _not_ necessarily require a KNX Secure Router or a Secure IP Interface, but a KNX installation with newer KNX devices which support Data Secure and with **security features enabled in ETS tool**.
> NOTE: **openHAB currently ignores messages with secure group addresses.**