A transparent bridge between the serial interface of the heat pump and network (i.e. wifi) is used.
This way no additional wires are required between heat pump and computer, running openHAB.
There are many existing project providing such functionality, i.e. [ser2net](http://ser2net.sourceforge.net/).
For my setup, I used a low budget (~5€) circuit, that is integrated into the heat pump and connects to a wifi using an ESP8266 based module.

The code running on the ESP module can be found [here](https://github.com/crnjan/esp8266-bridge).
There are other projects providing ESP firmware with similar functionality, i.e. [ESP-LINK](https://github.com/jeelabs/esp-link), but did not test with those.
In order to connect directly to the rego 6xx controller, one needs to adjust the TTL levels coming from the rego unit to levels used by a RS232 serial port, used within computers, using MAX232 or similar.
| sensorValues#externalHotWater | Temperature | R |
| status#lastErrorTimestamp | DateTime | R |
| status#lastErrorType | String | R |
| frontPanel#powerLamp | Switch | R |
| frontPanel#heatPumpLamp | Switch | R |
| frontPanel#additionalHeatLamp | Switch | R |
| frontPanel#hotWaterLamp | Switch | R |
| frontPanel#alarmLamp | Switch | R |
| controlData#radiatorReturnTarget | Temperature | R |
| controlData#radiatorReturnOn | Temperature | R |
| controlData#radiatorReturnOff | Temperature | R |
| controlData#hotWaterOn | Temperature | R |
| controlData#hotWaterOff | Temperature | R |
| controlData#radiatorForwardTarget | Temperature | R |
| controlData#addHeatPower | Number (%) | R |
| deviceValues#coldFluidPump | Switch | R |
| deviceValues#compressor | Switch | R |
| deviceValues#additionalHeat3kW | Switch | R |
| deviceValues#additionalHeat6kW | Switch | R |
| deviceValues#radiatorPump | Switch | R |
| deviceValues#heatFluidPump | Switch | R |
| deviceValues#switchValue | Switch | R |
| deviceValues#alarm | Switch | R |
| settings#hotWaterTarget | Temperature | RW |
| settings#hotWaterTargetHysteresis | Temperature | RW |
| settings#heatCurve | Number | RW |
| settings#heatCurveFineAdj | Temperature | RW |
| settings#heatCurve2 | Number | RW |
| settings#heatCurve2FineAdj | Temperature | RW |
| settings#indoorTempSetting | Temperature | RW |
| settings#curveInflByInTemp | Number | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAt20 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAt15 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAt10 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAt5 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAt0 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAtMinus5 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAtMinus10 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAtMinus15 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAtMinus20 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAtMinus25 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAtMinus30 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#adjCurveAtMinus35 | Temperature | RW |
| settings#heatCurveCouplingDiff | Temperature | RW |
| settings#summerDisconnection | Temperature | RW |
| operatingTimes#heatPumpInOperationRAD | Hours | R |
| operatingTimes#heatPumpInOperationDHW | Hours | R |
| operatingTimes#addHeatInOperationRAD | Hours | R |
| operatingTimes#addHeatInOperationDHW | Hours | R |
Access: R = read only; RW = read write
**Note - breaking change:** to have all writable channels within the settings group, hotWaterTarget channel was moved from controlData to the setting group.
## The Husdata interface
The [Husdata](https://www.husdata.se/) interface bridges the often complex communication methods with a heat pump controller and provides access through a simple standard interface over RS-232.