| httpPort | Port of deCONZ HTTP interface | string | 80 |
| port | Port of deCONZ Websocket (optional, can be filled automatically) **(Advanced)** | string | n/a |
| apikey | Authorization API key (optional, can be filled automatically) | string | n/a |
| timeout | Timeout for asynchronous HTTP requests (in milliseconds) | integer | 2000 |
The deCONZ bridge requires the IP address or hostname as a configuration value in order for the binding to know where to access it.
If needed you can specify an optional port for the HTTP interface or the Websocket.
The Websocket port can be filled automatically by requesting it via the HTTP interface - you only need to specify it if your deCONZ instance is running containerized.
The API key is an optional value.
If a deCONZ API key is available because it has already been created manually, it can also be entered as a configuration value.
Otherwise the field can be left empty and the binding will generate the key automatically.
For this process the deCONZ bridge must be unlocked in the deCONZ software so that third party applications can register ([see deCONZ documentation](https://dresden-elektronik.github.io/deconz-rest-doc/getting_started/#unlock-the-gateway)).
### Things
All non-bridge things share the mandatory `id` parameter, an integer assigned to the device while pairing to deconz.
Auto-discovered things do not need to be configured.
All sensor-things have an additional `lastSeenPolling` parameter.
Due to limitations in the API of deCONZ, the `lastSeen` channel (available some sensors) is only available when using polling.
Allowed values are all positive integers, the unit is minutes.
The default-value is `0`, which means "no polling at all".
`dimmablelight`, `extendedcolorlight`, `colorlight` and `colortemperaturelight` have an additional optional parameter `transitiontime`.
The transition time is the time to move between two states and is configured in seconds.
The resolution provided is 1/10s.
If no value is provided, the default value of the device is used.
### Textual Thing Configuration - Retrieving an API Key
If you use the textual configuration, the thing file without an API key will look like this, for example:
In this case, the API key is generated automatically as described above (the deCONZ bridge has to be unlocked).
Please note that the generated key cannot be written automatically to the `.thing` file, and has to be set manually.
The generated key can be queried from the configuration using the openHAB console.
To do this log into the [console](https://www.openhab.org/docs/administration/console.html) and use the command `things show` to display the configuration parameters, e.g:
things show deconz:deconz:homeserver
Afterwards the API key has to be inserted in the `.thing` file as `apikey` configuration value, e.g.:
| color | Color | R | Color set by remote | colorcontrol |
**NOTE:** Beside other non mandatory channels, the `battery_level` and `battery_low` channels will be added to the Thing during runtime if the sensor is battery-powered.
The specification of your sensor depends on the deCONZ capabilities.
Have a detailed look for [supported devices](https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/wiki/Supported-Devices).
The `last_seen` channel is added when it is available AND the `lastSeenPolling` parameter of this sensor is used to enable polling.
| brightness | Dimmer | R/W | Brightness of the light | `dimmablelight`, `colortemperaturelight` |
| switch | Switch | R/W | State of a ON/OFF device | `onofflight` |
| color | Color | R/W | Color of an multi-color light | `colorlight`, `extendedcolorlight`, `lightgroup`|
| color_temperature | Number | R/W | Color temperature in kelvin. The value range is determined by each individual light | `colortemperaturelight`, `extendedcolorlight`, `lightgroup` |
| position | Rollershutter | R/W | Position of the blind | `windowcovering` |
| heatsetpoint | Number:Temperature | R/W | Target Temperature in °C | `thermostat` |
| valve | Number:Dimensionless | R | Valve position in % | `thermostat` |