This is an openHAB binding for Tellstick devices produced by Telldus, a Swedish company based in Lund.
The original Tellstick focused on controlling 433 MHz devices like switches, dimmers and reading sensors from different brands.
Many of the supported devices are cheaper and "low-end" and support have been made by reverse engineer the transmission protocols.
All of these 433 MHz devices is one-way, so some versions of the Tellstick monitoring the air to keep the state of all devices.
The latest versions have also implemented Z-Wave as transmission protocol which open up for more robust transmission due two-ways communication.
<imgsrc="doc/tellstick_duo.jpg"alt="Tellstick Duo with device"width="300px"/>
## Supported Things
This binding supports the following thing types:
**Dimmable Device* - Usually for controlling lamps. `dimmer`
**Switchable Device* - On/Off only could be lamps or other electronic equipment. `switch`
**Sensors* - Temperature- and humidity-sensors. `sensor`
Additionally the binding have two types of bridge things which correspond to available API types:
**Telldus Core Bridge* - Oldest API, used by USB devices. `telldus-core`
**Telldus Live Bridge* - Telldus Cloud service, all devices with online access. `telldus-live`
***Switchbased sensors workaround***
* Some 433MHz magnetic & PIR sensors, for example, magnetic door sensors, are detected as regular `switch` Things instead of type `contact`. There is technically no way of distinguish them apart from regulur `switch` Things. For using them as sensors only (not paired to a lamp) please consult the workaround in the channel section.
## Discovery
Devices which is added to *Telldus Core* and *Telldus Live* can be discovered by openHAB.
When you add this binding it will try to discover the *Telldus Core Bridge*.
If it is installed correct its devices will show up.
If you want to use the *Telldus Live* its bridge, *Telldus Live bridge* need to be added manually.
> To enable communication between openHAB and tellstick-core service (Telldus center) they must use same architecture, eg. 32-bit or 64-bit. The supplied version from Telldus is compiled against 32-bit architecture. Therefore, it is better to use 32-bit java for openHAB. To check which version of Java is currently in use, run: `java -d32 -version`
> *For changing architecture in Linux check out: `dpkg --add-architecture`*
The telldus-core bridge uses a library on the local computer which is a `.dll` file for Windows and a `.so` file for Linux. The default one is usually correct.
| rainrate | Number:Length | This current rate of rain. |
| raintotal | Number:Length | The total rain. |
### Switchbased sensor workaround
All switchbased sensors are binary and the goal is to represent them as a `contact` item in openHAB. Eg. a door is open or closed and can't be altered by sending a radio signal.
To achieve that we will create a proxy item which is updated by a rule.