It transfers any item command from the local server to the remote server.
It can map any remote thing to a local thing.
Through this mapping, in your rules (local server), you can take actions based upon status updates or status changes generated by remote things and you can take actions based upon trigger events generated by the trigger channels defined in the remote thing.
Another use is for users to interact with older versions of openHAB that may support old openHABv1 bindings that were not migrated to openHABv2 or openHABv3.
They can keep an openHABv2 server to run their old openHABv1 bindings and setup a new openHABv3 server for everything else.
The Remote openHAB binding installed on the openHABv3 server will then allow to use the openHABv1 bindings through communication with the openHABv2 server.
A third usage is for users that would like to keep unchanged an existing openHABv2 server but would like to use the new UI from openHABv3; they can simply setup a new openHABv3 server with the Remote openHAB binding linked to their openHABv2 server.
There is two supported things: the `server` bridge thing representing a remote openHAB server and the `thing` thing representing a thing from the remote openHAB server.
Once a bridge thing representing a remote openHAB server is created, all things from this remote server will be discovered when you scan for new things.
| host | yes | The host name or IP address of the remote openHAB server. |
| useHttps | no | Set to true if you want to use HTTPS to communicate with the remote openHAB server. Default is false. |
| port | yes | The HTTP port to use to communicate with the remote openHAB server. Default is 8080. |
| trustedCertificate | no | Set to true if you want to use HTTPS even without a valid SSL certificate provided by your remote server. |
| restPath | yes | The subpath of the REST API on the remote openHAB server. Default is /rest |
| token | no | The token to use when the remote openHAB server is setup to require authorization to run its REST API. |
| accessibilityInterval | no | Minutes between checking the remote server accessibility. 0 to disable the check. Default is 3. |
| aliveInterval | no | Number of last minutes to take into account to determine whether the remote server is alive. 0 to disable this feature. Default is 5. |
| thingUID | yes | The thing UID in the remote openHAB server. |
| buildTriggerChannels | no | If set to true, a trigger channel will be automatically created and linked to each trigger channel from the remote thing. Default is true. |
Please note that if your remote server is an openHABv3 server, you will need to define a valid token on your bridge thing to have your things correctly initialized.
For example, if your remote thing provides a trigger channel with this UID `astro:sun:local:night#event`, the channel UID of the channel created by the binding will be `remoteopenhab:thing:xxx:astro_sun_local_night_event`.