The Velbus binding integrates with a [Velbus]( system through a Velbus configuration module (VMBRSUSB, VMB1USB or VMB1RS) or a network connection (TCP/IP).
The binding has been tested with a USB configuration module for universal mounting (VMB1USB).
For optimal stability, the preferred configuration module is the VMBRSUSB module.
The binding exposes basic actions from the Velbus System that can be triggered from the smartphone/tablet interface, as defined by the [Velbus Protocol info sheets](
Supported item types are switches, dimmers and rollershutters.
Pushbutton, temperature sensors and input module states are retrieved and made available in the binding.
## Supported Things
A Velbus configuration module (e.g. VMBRSUSB) or a network server (e.g. [VelServer]( is required as a "bridge" for accessing any other Velbus devices.
It has to be added manually by defining the serial port of the Velbus Configuration module for the Velbus Serial Bridge or by defining the IP Address and port for the Velbus Network Bridge.
For the Velbus Serial Bridge it is necessary to specify the serial port device used for communication.
On Linux systems, this will usually be either `/dev/ttyS0`, `/dev/ttyUSB0` or `/dev/ttyACM0` (or a higher number than `0` if multiple devices are present).
Setting the interval to 0 minutes or leaving it empty disables the update of the realtime clock, date and daylight savings status of the Velbus modules.
`thingId` is the hexadecimal Velbus address of the thing.
`"Label"` is an optional label for the thing.
`@ "Location"` is optional, and represents the location of the thing.
`[CHx="..."]` is optional, and represents the name of channel x, e.g. CH1 specifies the name of channel 1.
For thing types with builtin sensors (e.g. temperature), the interval at which the sensors should be checked can be set by specifying the Refresh Interval, e.g.:
The `vmb7in` thing type also supports a refresh interval. For this thing type, the refresh interval is the interval at which the counter values should be refreshed.
For dimmers the speed (in seconds) at which the modules should dim from 0% to 100% can be set by specifying the Dimspeed, e.g.:
The module `vmb1ts` has a number of channels to set the module's thermostat (`thermostat:currentTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeAntiFrostTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeSafeTemperatureSetpoint`, `operatingMode` and `thermostat:mode`) and thermostat trigger channels: `thermostat:heater`, `thermostat:boost`, `thermostat:pump`, `thermostat:cooler`, `thermostat:alarm1`, `thermostat:alarm2`, `thermostat:alarm3`, `thermostat:alarm4`.
For thing types `vmb2bl` and `vmb2ble` the supported channels are `CH1` and `CH2`. UpDown, StopMove and Percent command types are supported.
Thing types `vmb2pbn`, `vmb6pbn`, `vmb7in`, `vmb8pb`, `vmb8pbu`, `vmbrfr8s` and `vmbvp1` also have and 2 channels to steer the button LED feedback (`feedback:CH1` and `feedback:CH2`).
Additionally, the modules `vmb2pbn`, `vmb6pbn`, `vmb7in`, `vmb8pbu`, `vmbrfr8s` and `vmbvp1` have a number of channels to set the module's alarms: `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeHour` and `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute`.
Each pair has a channel to retrieve the raw analog value (`analogInput:CH9Raw` ... `analogInput:CH12Raw`) and a channel to retrieve the textual analog value (`analogInput:CH9` ... `analogInput:CH12`).
Thing types `vmbel1`, `vmbel2`, `vmbel4`, `vmbelpir`, `vmbgp1`, `vmbgp2`, `vmbgp4`, `vmbgp4pir` and `vmbpiro` have 8 trigger channels `input:CH1` ... `input:CH8` and one temperature channel `input:CH9`.
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channels `button#CH1` and `button#CH2` for the thing type `vmbelpir`.
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channels `button#CH1` ... `button#CH8` for the thing types `vmbel1`, `vmbel2`, `vmbel4`, `vmbgp1`, `vmbgp2`, `vmbgp4`, `vmbgp4pir` and `vmbpiro`.
Thing types `vmbel1`, `vmbel2`, `vmbel4`, `vmbelpir`, `vmbgp1`, `vmbgp2`, `vmbgp4` and `vmbgp4pir` have a number of channels to set the module's alarms: `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeHour` and `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute`.
Thing types `vmbel1`, `vmbel2`, `vmbel4`, `vmbelpir`, `vmbgp1`, `vmbgp2`, `vmbgp4` and `vmbgp4pir` also have a number of channels to set the module's thermostat (`thermostat:currentTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeAntiFrostTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeSafeTemperatureSetpoint`, `operatingMode` and `thermostat:mode`) and thermostat trigger channels: `thermostat:heater`, `thermostat:boost`, `thermostat:pump`, `thermostat:cooler`, `thermostat:alarm1`, `thermostat:alarm2`, `thermostat:alarm3`, `thermostat:alarm4`.
They have have 32 channels to steer the button LED feedback `feedback:CH1` ... `feedback:CH32`.
They have a number of channels to set the module's alarms: `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeHour` and `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute`.
They have a number of channels to set the module's thermostat thermostat (`thermostat:currentTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:heatingModeAntiFrostTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint`, `thermostat:coolingModeSafeTemperatureSetpoint`, `operatingMode` and `thermostat:mode`) and thermostat trigger channels: `thermostat:heater`, `thermostat:boost`, `thermostat:pump`, `thermostat:cooler`, `thermostat:alarm1`, `thermostat:alarm2`, `thermostat:alarm3`, `thermostat:alarm4`.
They also have two channels to control the module's display `oledDisplay:MEMO` and `oledDisplay:SCREENSAVER`.
Thing type `vmbmeteo`has 8 trigger channels (`input:CH1` ... `input:CH8`). These channels will be triggered by the module's alarms.
It has a number of channels to set the module's alarms: `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeHour` and `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute`.
It also has a number of channels to read out the weather station's sensors: `weatherStation:temperature`, `weatherStation:rainfall`, `weatherStation:illuminance` and `weatherStation:windspeed`.
Thing types `vmbpirc` and `vmbpirm` have 7 trigger channels `input:CH1` ... `input:CH7`.
Additionally, these modules have a number of channels to set the module's alarms: `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Enabled`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2Type`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupHour`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2WakeupMinute`, `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeHour` and `clockAlarm:clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute`.
The trigger channels can be used as a trigger to rules. The event message can be `PRESSED`, `RELEASED`or `LONG_PRESSED`.