| miio:generic | Generic type for discovered devices. Once the token is available and the device model is determined, this ThingType will automatically change to the appropriate ThingType |
| miio:vacuum | For Xiaomi Robot Vacuum products |
| miio:basic | For several basic devices like yeelights, airpurifiers. Channels and commands are determined by database configuration |
| miio:unsupported | For experimenting with other devices which use the Mi IO protocol |
# Discovery
The binding has 2 methods for discovering devices. Depending on your network setup and the device model, your device may be discovered by one or both methods. If both methods discover your device, 2 discovery results may be in your inbox for the same device.
The mDNS discovery method will discover your device type, but will not discover a (required) token.
The basic discovery will not discovery the type, but will discover a token for models that support it.
Accept only one of the 2 discovery results, the alternate one can further be ignored.
## Tokens
The binding needs a token from the Xiaomi Mi Device in order to be able to control it.
The binding can retrieve the needed tokens from the Xiaomi cloud.
Go to the binding config page and enter your cloud username and password.
The server(s) to which your devices are connected need to be entered as well.
Use the one of the regional servers: ru,us,tw,sg,cn,de. Multiple servers can be separated with comma, or leave blank to test all known servers.
## Tokens without cloud access
Some devices provide the token upon discovery. This may depends on the firmware version.
If the device does not discover your token, it needs to be retrieved from the Mi Home app.
The easiest way to obtain tokens is to browse through log files of the Mi Home app version 5.4.49 for Android.
It seems that version was released with debug messages turned on by mistake.
An APK file with the old version can be easily found using one of the popular web search engines.
After downgrading use a file browser to navigate to directory SmartHome/logs/plug_DeviceManager, then open the most recent file and search for the token. When finished, use Google Play to get the most recent version back.
For iPhone, use an un-encrypted iTunes-Backup and unpack it and use a sqlite tool to view the files in it:
Then search in "RAW, com.xiaomi.home," for "USERID_mihome.sqlite" and look for the 32-digit-token or 96 digit encrypted token.
Note. The Xiaomi devices change the token when inclusion is done. Hence if you get your token after reset and than include it with the Mi Home app, the token will change.
## Binding Configuration
No binding configuration is required. However to enable cloud functionality enter your Xiaomi username, password and server(s).
For Xiaomi vacuums the map can be visualized in openHAB using the cloud connection.

## Thing Configuration
Each Xiaomi device (thing) needs the IP address and token configured to be able to communicate. See discovery for details.
Optional configuration is the refresh interval and the deviceID. Note that the deviceID is automatically retrieved when it is left blank.
The configuration for model is automatically retrieved from the device in normal operation.
However, for devices that are unsupported, you may override the value and try to use a model string from a similar device to experimentally use your device with the binding.
| Mi Smart Home Gateway v1 | miio:basic | [lumi.gateway.v1](#lumi-gateway-v1) | Yes | Used to control the gateway itself. Use the mihome binding to control devices connected to the Xiaomi gateway. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Smart Home Gateway v2 | miio:basic | [lumi.gateway.v2](#lumi-gateway-v2) | Yes | Used to control the gateway itself. Use the mihome binding to control devices connected to the Xiaomi gateway. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Smart Home Gateway v3 | miio:basic | [lumi.gateway.v3](#lumi-gateway-v3) | Yes | Used to control the gateway itself. Use the mihome binding to control devices connected to the Xiaomi gateway. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Mi Mijia Gateway V3 ZNDMWG03LM | miio:basic | [lumi.gateway.mgl03](#lumi-gateway-mgl03) | Yes | Used to control the gateway itself. Use the mihome binding to control devices connected to the Xiaomi gateway. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mr Bond M1 Pro Smart Clothes Dryer | miio:basic | [mrbond.airer.m1pro](#mrbond-airer-m1pro) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mr Bond M1 Smart Clothes Dryer | miio:basic | [mrbond.airer.m1s](#mrbond-airer-m1s) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mr Bond M1 Super Smart Clothes Dryer | miio:basic | [mrbond.airer.m1super](#mrbond-airer-m1super) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.bceiling1](#philips-light-bceiling1) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.bceiling2](#philips-light-bceiling2) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.lnblight1](#philips-light-lnblight1) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.lnblight2](#philips-light-lnblight2) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.lnlrlight](#philips-light-lnlrlight) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.lrceiling](#philips-light-lrceiling) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Down Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.dlight](#philips-light-dlight) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.mceil](#philips-light-mceil) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.mceilm](#philips-light-mceilm) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.mceils](#philips-light-mceils) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.obceil](#philips-light-obceil) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.obceim](#philips-light-obceim) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.obceis](#philips-light-obceis) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.sceil](#philips-light-sceil) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.sceilm](#philips-light-sceilm) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.sceils](#philips-light-sceils) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.xzceil](#philips-light-xzceil) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.xzceim](#philips-light-xzceim) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Philips Ceiling Light | miio:basic | [philips.light.xzceis](#philips-light-xzceis) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier v1 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpurifier.v1](#yunmi-waterpurifier-v1) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier v2 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpurifier.v2](#yunmi-waterpurifier-v2) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier v3 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpurifier.v3](#yunmi-waterpurifier-v3) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier v4 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpurifier.v4](#yunmi-waterpurifier-v4) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx2 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx2](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx2) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx3 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx3](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx3) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx4 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx4](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx4) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx5 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx5](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx5) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx6 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx6](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx6) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx7 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx7](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx7) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx8 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx8](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx8) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx9 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx9](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx9) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx10 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx10](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx10) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx11 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx11](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx11) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Water Purifier lx12 | miio:basic | [yunmi.waterpuri.lx12](#yunmi-waterpuri-lx12) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Mijia Whale Smart Toilet Cover | miio:basic | [xjx.toilet.pro](#xjx-toilet-pro) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Mijia Smart Toilet Cover | miio:basic | [xjx.toilet.relax](#xjx-toilet-relax) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Mijia Smart Toilet Cover | miio:basic | [xjx.toilet.pure](#xjx-toilet-pure) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Mijia Smart Toilet Cover | miio:basic | [xjx.toilet.zero](#xjx-toilet-zero) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Zhimi Heater | miio:basic | [zhimi.heater.za1](#zhimi-heater-za1) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
There are 2 ways to get unsupported devices working, by overriding the model with the model of a supported item or by test all known properties to see which are supported by your device.
Make sure you define all the fields as per above example.
Or, better, try to get it going first without text config.
_The token is wrong_
The most common cause of non responding devices is a wrong token.
When you reset, or change wifi or update firmware, and possibly other cases as well, the token may change. You'll need to get a refreshed token.
_My token is coming from the cloud... how can it be wrong?_
Is not very likely but still can happen._
This can happen e.g. if your device is defined on multiple country servers.
The binding may pull the token from the wrong country server.
First try to get the token from all country servers by leave the county setting empty.
If that does not solve it, you define only the country that the device is on in the binding config page (where the cloud userid/pwd is entered) this should pull the right token.
_You have the same device added multiple times._
The communication each time send a sequential number.
If the device is twice defined, the numbers received by the device are no longer sequential and it will stop responding for some time.
_The connection is not too good, so you have timeouts etc._
Position your device closer to wifi / check in the mihome app if the wifi strength is good enough.
Alternatively as described above, double check for multiple connections for single device.
_Your device is on a different subnet?_
This is in most cases not working.
Firmware of the device don't accept commands coming from other subnets.
_Cloud connectivity is not working_
The most common problem is a wrong userId/password. Try to fix your userId/password.
If it still fails, you're bit out of luck. You may try to restart OpenHAB (not just the binding) to clean the cookies.
As the cloud logon process is still little understood, your only luck might be to enable trace logging and see if you can translate the Chinese error code that it returns.
| actions#commands | String | send commands. see below |
note: the ADVANCED `actions#commands` channel can be used to send commands that are not automated via the binding. This is available for all devices
e.g. `smarthome:send actionCommand 'upd_timer["1498595904821", "on"]'` would enable a pre-configured timer. See https://github.com/marcelrv/XiaomiRobotVacuumProtocol for all known available commands.
### Mi Air Monitor v1 (<a name="zhimi-airmonitor-v1">zhimi.airmonitor.v1</a>) Channels
### Mi Air Monitor v1 (zhimi.airmonitor.v1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airmonitor) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airmonitor "Mi Air Monitor v1" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:power"}
Number aqi "Air Quality Index" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:aqi"}
Number battery "Battery" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:battery"}
Number night_begin "Night Begin Time" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:night_begin"}
Number night_end "Night End Time" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:night_end"}
### Mi Air Quality Monitor 2gen (cgllc.airmonitor.b1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airmonitor) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airmonitor "Mi Air Quality Monitor 2gen" <status>
Number battery "Battery" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:battery"}
Number pm25 "PM2.5" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:pm25"}
Number co2 "CO2e" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:co2"}
Number tvoc "tVOC" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:tvoc"}
Number humidity "Humidity" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:humidity"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:temperature"}
### Mi Air Quality Monitor S1 (cgllc.airmonitor.s1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airmonitor) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airmonitor "Mi Air Quality Monitor S1" <status>
Number battery "Battery" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:battery"}
Number pm25 "PM2.5" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:pm25"}
Number co2 "CO2" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:co2"}
Number tvoc "tVOC" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:tvoc"}
Number humidity "Humidity" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:humidity"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:temperature"}
### Mi Air Humidifier (zhimi.humidifier.v1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Mi Air Humidifier" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:power"}
### Mi Air Humidifier (zhimi.humidifier.ca1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Mi Air Humidifier" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:power"}
### Mi Air Humidifier 2 (zhimi.humidifier.cb1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Mi Air Humidifier 2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier v1 (zhimi.airpurifier.v1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier v1" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier v2 (zhimi.airpurifier.v2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier v2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier v3 (zhimi.airpurifier.v3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier v3" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier v5 (zhimi.airpurifier.v5) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier v5" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier Pro v6 (zhimi.airpurifier.v6) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier Pro v6" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier Pro v7 (zhimi.airpurifier.v7) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier Pro v7" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier 2 (mini) (zhimi.airpurifier.m1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier 2 (mini)" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier (mini) (zhimi.airpurifier.m2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier (mini)" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier MS1 (zhimi.airpurifier.ma1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier MS1" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier MS2 (zhimi.airpurifier.ma2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier MS2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier 3 (zhimi.airpurifier.ma4) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier 3" <status>
Number Fault "Air Purifier-Device Fault" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:Fault"}
Switch On "Air Purifier-Switch Status" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:On"}
Number FanLevel "Air Purifier-Fan Level" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:FanLevel"}
Number Mode "Air Purifier-Mode" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:Mode"}
Switch PhysicalControlsLocked "Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:PhysicalControlsLocked"}
Number RebootCause "others-reboot_cause" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:RebootCause"}
Number HwVersion "others-hw-version" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:HwVersion"}
Number I2cErrorCount "others-i2c-error-count" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:I2cErrorCount"}
Number ManualLevel "others-manual-level" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:ManualLevel"}
### Mi Air Purifier 3 (zhimi.airpurifier.mb3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier 3" <status>
Number Fault "Air Purifier-fault" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:Fault"}
Switch On "Air Purifier-Switch Status" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:On"}
Number FanLevel "Air Purifier-Fan Level" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:FanLevel"}
Number Mode "Air Purifier-Mode" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:Mode"}
Switch PhysicalControlsLocked "Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:PhysicalControlsLocked"}
Number RebootCause "others-reboot-cause" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:RebootCause"}
Number HwVersion "others-hw-version" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:HwVersion"}
Number IicErrorCount "others-iic-error-count" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:IicErrorCount"}
Number ManualLevel "others-manual-level" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:ManualLevel"}
Number CountryCode "others-National code" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:CountryCode"}
### Mi Air Purifier Super (zhimi.airpurifier.sa1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier Super" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier Super 2 (zhimi.airpurifier.sa2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier Super 2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Fresh Air Ventilator (dmaker.airfresh.t2017) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airfresh) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airfresh "Mi Fresh Air Ventilator" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:power"}
### Mi Fresh Air Ventilator A1 (dmaker.airfresh.a1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airfresh) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airfresh "Mi Fresh Air Ventilator A1" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
String Model "Device Information-Device Model" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:Model"}
String SerialNumber "Device Information-Device Serial Number" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:SerialNumber"}
Switch On "Switch-Switch Status" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:On"}
### Mi Air Purifier mb1 (zhimi.airpurifier.mb1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier mb1" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier 2S (zhimi.airpurifier.mc1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier 2S" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
### Mi Air Purifier 2S (zhimi.airpurifier.mc2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airpurifier "Mi Air Purifier 2S" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:airpurifier:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Fan" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Fan" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:power"}
### Mi Smart Pedestal Fan (zhimi.fan.v3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Pedestal Fan" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:power"}
### Xiaomi Mi Smart Pedestal Fan (zhimi.fan.sa1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Xiaomi Mi Smart Pedestal Fan" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:power"}
### Xiaomi Mi Smart Pedestal Fan (zhimi.fan.za1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Xiaomi Mi Smart Pedestal Fan" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:power"}
### Xiaomi Mi Smart Pedestal Fan (zhimi.fan.za4) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Xiaomi Mi Smart Pedestal Fan" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:power"}
### Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan (dmaker.fan.1c) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan" <status>
Switch PhysicalControlsLocked "Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:PhysicalControlsLocked"}
### Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan (dmaker.fan.p5) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:power"}
Switch roll "Rotation" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:roll"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:mode"}
Number angle "Angle" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:angle"}
Number timer "Timer" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:timer"}
Number speed "Speed" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:speed"}
### Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan (dmaker.fan.p8) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan" <status>
Switch PhysicalControlsLocked "Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:PhysicalControlsLocked"}
### Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan (dmaker.fan.p9) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan" <status>
Number MotorControl "Fan-Motor Control" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:MotorControl"}
Number SpeedLevel "Fan-Speed Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:SpeedLevel"}
Switch PhysicalControlsLocked "Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:PhysicalControlsLocked"}
### Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan (dmaker.fan.p10) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Xiaomi Mijia Smart Tower Fan" <status>
### Mi Smart Home Gateway v1 (lumi.gateway.v1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (gateway) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_gateway "Mi Smart Home Gateway v1" <status>
### Mi Smart Home Gateway v2 (lumi.gateway.v2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (gateway) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_gateway "Mi Smart Home Gateway v2" <status>
### Mi Smart Home Gateway v3 (lumi.gateway.v3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (gateway) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_gateway "Mi Smart Home Gateway v3" <status>
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (gateway) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_gateway "Xiaomi Mi Mijia Gateway V3 ZNDMWG03LM" <status>
### Mi Humdifier (zhimi.humidifier.v1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Mi Humdifier" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:power"}
### Mr Bond M1 Pro Smart Clothes Dryer (mrbond.airer.m1pro) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airer) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airer "Mr Bond M1 Pro Smart Clothes Dryer" <status>
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airer) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airer "Mr Bond M1 Smart Clothes Dryer" <status>
Number distime "Disinfect Time" (G_airer) {channel="miio:basic:airer:distime"}
### Mr Bond M1 Super Smart Clothes Dryer (mrbond.airer.m1super) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airer) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airer "Mr Bond M1 Super Smart Clothes Dryer" <status>
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Smart Lamp 2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Smart Lamp 2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
### Xiaomi Philips LED Ceiling Lamp (philips.light.ceiling) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Xiaomi Philips LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
### Xiaomi Philips LED Ceiling Lamp (philips.light.zyceiling) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Xiaomi Philips LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Xiaomi Philips Bulb" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Xiaomi Philips Wi-Fi Bulb E27 White" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "PHILIPS Zhirui Smart LED Bulb E14 Candle Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Xiaomi Philips Downlight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Xiaomi Philips ZhiRui bedside lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Light" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Light" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Light" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Light" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Light" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Light" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Light" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
### Xiaomi PHILIPS Zhirui Smart LED Bulb E14 Candle Lamp White Crystal (philips.light.candle2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Xiaomi PHILIPS Zhirui Smart LED Bulb E14 Candle Lamp White Crystal" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "philips.light.mono1" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Philips Ceiling Light" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:on"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:mode"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:brightness"}
Number cct "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:cct"}
Number dv "Delayed Turn-off" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:dv"}
Switch WallSceneEn "Wall Scene Enable" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:WallSceneEn"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "philips.light.virtual" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "philips.light.zysread" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "philips.light.zystrip" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
### Mi Power-plug (chuangmi.plug.m1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Power-plug" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Indicator light" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
### Mi Power-plug v1 (chuangmi.plug.v1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Power-plug v1" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
### Mi Power-plug v2 (chuangmi.plug.v2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Power-plug v2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
### Mi Power-plug v3 (chuangmi.plug.v3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Power-plug v3" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Wifi LED" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
### Mi Power-plug (chuangmi.plug.m3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Power-plug" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Indicator light" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
### Mi Smart Plug (chuangmi.plug.hmi205) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Plug" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Indicator light" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
### Mi Smart Plug (chuangmi.plug.hmi206) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Plug" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Wifi LED" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
### Mi Smart Plug (chuangmi.plug.hmi208) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Plug" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Wifi LED" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
### Qing Mi Smart Power Strip v1 (qmi.powerstrip.v1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (powerstrip) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_powerstrip "Qing Mi Smart Power Strip v1" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:power"}
Number powerUsage "Power Consumption" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:powerUsage"}
Switch led "wifi LED" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:led"}
Number power_price "power_price" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:power_price"}
Number current "Current" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:current"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:temperature"}
### Mi Power-strip v2 (zimi.powerstrip.v2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (powerstrip) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_powerstrip "Mi Power-strip v2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:power"}
Number powerUsage "Power Consumption" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:powerUsage"}
Switch led "wifi LED" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:led"}
Number power_price "power_price" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:power_price"}
Number current "Current" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:current"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_powerstrip) {channel="miio:basic:powerstrip:temperature"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (vacuum) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_vacuum "Xiaomi Mijia vacuum V-RVCLM21B" <status>
Number vacuumaction "Vacuum Action" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:vacuumaction"}
Number state "State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:state"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mode"}
Number err_state "Error" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:err_state"}
Number battery_life "Battery" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:battery_life"}
Number box_type "Box type" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:box_type"}
Number mop_type "mop_type" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mop_type"}
Number s_time "Clean time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:s_time"}
Number s_area "Clean Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:s_area"}
Number suction_grade "suction_grade" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:suction_grade"}
Number water_grade "water_grade" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:water_grade"}
Number remember_map "remember_map" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:remember_map"}
Number has_map "has_map" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:has_map"}
Number is_mop "is_mop" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:is_mop"}
Number has_newmap "has_newmap" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:has_newmap"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (vacuum) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_vacuum "Xiaomi Mijia vacuum mop STYJ02YM" <status>
Number vacuumaction "Vacuum Action" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:vacuumaction"}
Number state "State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:state"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mode"}
Number err_state "Error" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:err_state"}
Number battery_life "Battery" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:battery_life"}
Number box_type "Box type" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:box_type"}
Number mop_type "mop_type" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mop_type"}
Number s_time "Clean time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:s_time"}
Number s_area "Clean Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:s_area"}
Number suction_grade "suction_grade" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:suction_grade"}
Number water_grade "water_grade" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:water_grade"}
Number remember_map "remember_map" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:remember_map"}
Number has_map "has_map" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:has_map"}
Number is_mop "is_mop" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:is_mop"}
Number has_newmap "has_newmap" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:has_newmap"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (vacuum) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_vacuum "Xiaomi Mijia vacuum mop STYJ02YM v2" <status>
Number vacuumaction "Vacuum Action" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:vacuumaction"}
Number state "State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:state"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mode"}
Number err_state "Error" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:err_state"}
Number battery_life "Battery" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:battery_life"}
Number box_type "Box type" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:box_type"}
Number mop_type "mop_type" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mop_type"}
Number s_time "Clean time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:s_time"}
Number s_area "Clean Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:s_area"}
Number suction_grade "suction_grade" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:suction_grade"}
Number water_grade "water_grade" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:water_grade"}
Number remember_map "remember_map" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:remember_map"}
Number has_map "has_map" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:has_map"}
Number is_mop "is_mop" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:is_mop"}
Number has_newmap "has_newmap" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:has_newmap"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (vacuum) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (switch) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_switch " Mijia 1 Gang Wall Smart Switch (WIFI) - PTX switch" <status>
Number switch1state "Switch 1" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch1state"}
String switch1name "Switch Name 1" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch1name"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (switch) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_switch " Mijia 2 Gang Wall Smart Switch (WIFI) - PTX switch" <status>
Number switch1state "Switch 1" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch1state"}
Number switch2state "Switch 2" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch2state"}
String switch1name "Switch Name 1" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch1name"}
String switch2name "Switch Name 2" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch2name"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (switch) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_switch " Mijia 3 Gang Wall Smart Switch (WIFI) - PTX switch" <status>
Number switch1state "Switch 1" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch1state"}
Number switch2state "Switch 2" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch2state"}
Number switch3state "Switch 3" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch3state"}
String switch1name "Switch Name 1" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch1name"}
String switch2name "Switch Name 2" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch2name"}
String switch3name "Switch Name 3" (G_switch) {channel="miio:basic:switch:switch3name"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpurifier "Mi Water Purifier v1" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_usedtime"}
### Mi Water Purifier v2 (yunmi.waterpurifier.v2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpurifier "Mi Water Purifier v2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_usedtime"}
### Mi Water Purifier v3 (yunmi.waterpurifier.v3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpurifier "Mi Water Purifier v3" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_usedtime"}
### Mi Water Purifier v4 (yunmi.waterpurifier.v4) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpurifier) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpurifier "Mi Water Purifier v4" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpurifier) {channel="miio:basic:waterpurifier:f3_usedtime"}
### Mi Water Purifier lx2 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpuri "Mi Water Purifier lx2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:power"}
### Mi Water Purifier lx3 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpuri "Mi Water Purifier lx3" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:power"}
### Mi Water Purifier lx4 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx4) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpuri "Mi Water Purifier lx4" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpuri "Mi Water Purifier lx5" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedtime"}
### Mi Water Purifier lx6 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx6) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpuri "Mi Water Purifier lx7" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedtime"}
### Mi Water Purifier lx8 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx8) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpuri "Mi Water Purifier lx9" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedtime"}
### Mi Water Purifier lx10 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx10) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpuri "Mi Water Purifier lx10" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedtime"}
### Mi Water Purifier lx11 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx11) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpuri "Mi Water Purifier lx11" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedtime"}
### Mi Water Purifier lx12 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx12) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (waterpuri) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_waterpuri "Mi Water Purifier lx12" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:power"}
Number run_status "Run Status" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:run_status"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:temperature"}
Number rinse "Rinse" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:rinse"}
Number tds_in "TDS in" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_in"}
Number tds_out "TDS out" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:tds_out"}
Number f1_totalflow "Filter 1 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totalflow"}
Number f1_totaltime "Filter 1 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_totaltime"}
Number f1_usedflow "Filter 1 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedflow"}
Number f1_usedtime "Filter 1 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f1_usedtime"}
Number f2_totalflow "Filter 2 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totalflow"}
Number f2_totaltime "Filter 2 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_totaltime"}
Number f2_usedflow "Filter 2 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedflow"}
Number f2_usedtime "Filter 2 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f2_usedtime"}
Number f3_totalflow "Filter 3 Total Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totalflow"}
Number f3_totaltime "Filter 3 Total Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_totaltime"}
Number f3_usedflow "Filter 3 Used Flow" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedflow"}
Number f3_usedtime "Filter 3 Used Time" (G_waterpuri) {channel="miio:basic:waterpuri:f3_usedtime"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (toilet) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_toilet "Xiaomi Mijia Whale Smart Toilet Cover" <status>
Number seat_temp "Seat Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:seat_temp"}
Number status_seatheat "Seat Status" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:status_seatheat"}
Number water_temp_t "Water Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:water_temp_t"}
Number fan_temp "Fan Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:fan_temp"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (toilet) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_toilet "Xiaomi Mijia Smart Toilet Cover" <status>
Number seat_temp "Seat Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:seat_temp"}
Number status_seatheat "Seat Status" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:status_seatheat"}
Number water_temp_t "Water Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:water_temp_t"}
Number fan_temp "Fan Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:fan_temp"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (toilet) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_toilet "Xiaomi Mijia Smart Toilet Cover" <status>
Number seat_temp "Seat Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:seat_temp"}
Number status_seatheat "Seat Status" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:status_seatheat"}
Number water_temp_t "Water Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:water_temp_t"}
Number fan_temp "Fan Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:fan_temp"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (toilet) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_toilet "Xiaomi Mijia Smart Toilet Cover" <status>
Number seat_temp "Seat Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:seat_temp"}
Number status_seatheat "Seat Status" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:status_seatheat"}
Number water_temp_t "Water Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:water_temp_t"}
Number fan_temp "Fan Temperature" (G_toilet) {channel="miio:basic:toilet:fan_temp"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (bhf_light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_bhf_light "Yeelight BadHeater" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_bhf_light) {channel="miio:basic:bhf_light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (bhf_light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_bhf_light "Yeelight BadHeater" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_bhf_light) {channel="miio:basic:bhf_light:power"}
Number delayoff "Shutdown Timer" (G_bhf_light) {channel="miio:basic:bhf_light:delayoff"}
Number temperature "Temperature" (G_bhf_light) {channel="miio:basic:bhf_light:temperature"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_bhf_light) {channel="miio:basic:bhf_light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v2 (yeelink.light.ceiling2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v3 (yeelink.light.ceiling3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v3" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v4 (JIAOYUE 650 RGB)" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number ambientColorMode "Ambient Color Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:ambientColorMode"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v4 (yeelink.light.ceiling4.ambi) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (ceiling4) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_ceiling4 "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v4" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_ceiling4) {channel="miio:basic:ceiling4:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_ceiling4) {channel="miio:basic:ceiling4:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v5 (yeelink.light.ceiling5) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v5" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v6 (yeelink.light.ceiling6) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v6" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v7 (yeelink.light.ceiling7) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v7" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v8 (yeelink.light.ceiling8) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v8" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v9 (yeelink.light.ceiling9) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v9" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Meteorite lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling10) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Meteorite lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number ambientColorMode "Ambient Color Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:ambientColorMode"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v11 (yeelink.light.ceiling11) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v11" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v12 (yeelink.light.ceiling12) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v12" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v13 (yeelink.light.ceiling13) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp v13" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling14) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling15) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling16) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling17) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling18) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling19) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling20) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling21) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling22) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling23) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling4.ambi) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (ceiling4) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_ceiling4 "Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_ceiling4) {channel="miio:basic:ceiling4:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_ceiling4) {channel="miio:basic:ceiling4:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling10.ambi) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (ceiling10) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_ceiling10 "Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_ceiling10) {channel="miio:basic:ceiling10:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_ceiling10) {channel="miio:basic:ceiling10:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling19.ambi) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (ceiling19) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_ceiling19 "Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_ceiling19) {channel="miio:basic:ceiling19:power"}
Number nightlightBrightness "Nightlight Brightness" (G_ceiling19) {channel="miio:basic:ceiling19:nightlightBrightness"}
### Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling20.ambi) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (ceiling20) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_ceiling20 "Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_ceiling20) {channel="miio:basic:ceiling20:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight ct2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number delayoff "Shutdown Timer" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:delayoff"}
Number colorTemperature "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:colorTemperature"}
Number colorMode "Color Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:colorMode"}
String name "Name" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:name"}
### Yeelight White Bulb (yeelink.light.mono1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight White Bulb" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number delayoff "Shutdown Timer" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:delayoff"}
Number colorTemperature "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:colorTemperature"}
Number colorMode "Color Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:colorMode"}
String name "Name" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:name"}
### Yeelight White Bulb v2 (yeelink.light.mono2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight White Bulb v2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
### Yeelight White (yeelink.light.mono5) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight White" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Panel" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Strip" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Strip" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Strip" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Number delayoff "Shutdown Timer" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:delayoff"}
Number colorTemperature "Color Temperature" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:colorTemperature"}
Number colorMode "Color Mode" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:colorMode"}
String name "Name" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:name"}
### Yeelight Color Bulb (yeelink.light.color1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Color Bulb" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Color rgbColor "RGB Color" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:rgbColor"}
String name "Name" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:name"}
### Yeelight Color Bulb YLDP06YL 10W (yeelink.light.color2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Color Bulb YLDP06YL 10W" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
Color rgbColor "RGB Color" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:rgbColor"}
String name "Name" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:name"}
### Yeelight Color Bulb YLDP02YL 9W (yeelink.light.color3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Color Bulb YLDP02YL 9W" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight Bulb YLDP13YL (8,5W)" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight yilai ceiling" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight yilai ceiling" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (light) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_light "Yeelight yilai ceiling" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_light) {channel="miio:basic:light:power"}
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (heater) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_heater "Zhimi Heater" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_heater) {channel="miio:basic:heater:power"}
Number target_temperature "Target Temperature" (G_heater) {channel="miio:basic:heater:target_temperature"}
Number brightness "Brightness" (G_heater) {channel="miio:basic:heater:brightness"}