| `port` | The serial port to connect to| URL to use for playing notification sounds, e.g. `/dev/ttyUSB0` | yes | |
| `refresh` | The refresh interval in seconds | Defines at which interval the values of the meter device shall be read | no | 20 |
| `mode` | The protocol mode to use | Can be `SML` (PUSH mode), `ABC` (PULL) or `D` (PUSH) | no | `SML` |
| `baudrateChangeDelay` | Delay of baudrate change in ms | USB to serial converters often require a delay of up to 250ms after the ACK before changing baudrate (only relevant for 'C' mode) | no | 0 |
| `baudrate` | (initial) Baudrate | The baudrate of the serial port. If set to `AUTO`, it will be negotiated with the meter. The default is `300` baud for modes A, B, and C and `2400` baud for mode D, and `9600` baud for SML. | no | `AUTO` |
## Channels
All available OBIS codes which are read out from the device are created as channels.
At every read out the channels are synchronized with the OBIS codes from the device.
Following conversion from OBIS codes to channel ID is done:
`.` is replaced by `-` and `:` or `*` is replaced by `_`.
| OBIS code | Channel ID |
|`1-0:1.8.1` | `1-0_1-8-1` |
|`1.8.0*00` | `1-8-0_00` |
### Channel Configuration
**negate:** Energy meters often provide absolute values and provide information about the *energy direction* in a separate bit.
With this config you can specify the channel where this bit is located, the bit position and the bits value which shall be set.
"1-0_1-8-0:5:1:status" // negate if status(1-0_1-8-0) and 2^5 = 1
"1-0_96-5-5:5:1" // negate if 1-0#96-5-5 and 2^5 = 1
## Unit Conversion
Please use the [Units Of Measurement](https://www.openhab.org/docs/concepts/units-of-measurement.html) concept of openHAB for unit conversion which is fully supported by this binding.
Please see the item example on how to use it.
*NOTE:* your meter device needs to provide correct unit information to work properly.