* **Opt Out Logging** - By default, all IBM Watson™ services log requests and their results. Logging is done only to improve the services for future users. The logged data is not shared or made public.
* **No Results Message** - Message to be told when no results.
* **Smart Formatting** - If true, the service converts dates, times, series of digits and numbers, phone numbers, currency values, and internet addresses into more readable. (Not available for all locales)
* **Redaction** - If true, the service redacts, or masks, numeric data from final transcripts. (Not available for all locales)
### Configuration via a text file
In case you would like to setup the service via a text file, create a new file in `$OPENHAB_ROOT/conf/services` named `watsonstt.cfg`
org.openhab.voice.watsonstt:noResultsMessage="Sorry, I didn't understand you"
### Default Speech-to-Text Configuration
You can setup your preferred default Speech-to-Text in the UI:
* Go to **Settings**.
* Edit **System Services - Voice**.
* Set **Watson** as **Speech-to-Text**.
In case you would like to setup these settings via a text file, you can edit the file `runtime.cfg` in `$OPENHAB_ROOT/conf/services` and set the following entries: