diff --git a/bundles/org.openhab.binding.miio/README.md b/bundles/org.openhab.binding.miio/README.md
index 60e346d7f..8d7d877d6 100644
--- a/bundles/org.openhab.binding.miio/README.md
+++ b/bundles/org.openhab.binding.miio/README.md
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Currently the miio binding supports more than 210 different models.
| Yeelight Smart Bath Heater | miio:unsupported | yeelight.bhf_light.v2 | No | |
| Gosund Plug | miio:basic | [cuco.plug.cp1](#cuco-plug-cp1) | Yes | |
| XIAOMI MIJIA WIDETECH WDH318EFW1 Dehumidifier | miio:unsupported | nwt.derh.wdh318efw1 | No | |
-| Vacuum 1C STYTJ01ZHM | miio:basic | [dreame.vacuum.mc1808](#dreame-vacuum-mc1808) | Yes | |
+| Vacuum 1C STYTJ01ZHM | miio:basic | [dreame.vacuum.mc1808](#dreame-vacuum-mc1808) | Yes | Identified manual actions for execution
`action{"did":"remote-start-remote","siid":21,"aiid":1,"in":[1.0, 2.0]}`
Please test and feedback if they are working to they can be linked to a channel.
Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| dreame.vacuum.p2008 | miio:basic | [dreame.vacuum.p2008](#dreame-vacuum-p2008) | Yes | Identified manual actions for execution
Please test and feedback if they are working to they can be linked to a channel.
Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mi Air Purifier mb1 | miio:basic | [zhimi.airpurifier.mb1](#zhimi-airpurifier-mb1) | Yes | |
| Mi Air Purifier 2S | miio:basic | [zhimi.airpurifier.mc1](#zhimi-airpurifier-mc1) | Yes | |
@@ -977,35 +977,35 @@ e.g. `smarthome:send actionCommand 'upd_timer["1498595904821", "on"]'` would ena
| vacuumaction | String | Vacuum Action | |
| BatteryLevel | Number | Battery-Battery Level | |
-| ChargingState | Number | Battery-Charging State | |
-| Fault | Number | Robot Cleaner-Device Fault | |
-| Status | Number | Robot Cleaner-Status | |
-| BrushLeftTime | String | Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time | |
+| ChargingState | Number | Battery-Charging State | Value mapping [1="Charging",2="Not Charging",4="Charging",5="Go Charging"] |
+| Fault | Number | Robot Cleaner-Device Fault | Value mapping [0="No faults"] |
+| Status | Number | Robot Cleaner-Status | Value mapping [1="Sweeping",2="Idle",3="Paused",4="Error",5="Go Charging",6="Charging"] |
+| BrushLeftTime | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time | |
| BrushLifeLevel | Number | Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level | |
-| FilterLifeLevel | Number | Filter-Filter Life Level | |
-| FilterLeftTime | String | Filter-Filter Left Time | |
-| BrushLeftTime1 | String | Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time | |
+| FilterLifeLevel | Number | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
+| FilterLeftTime | Number:Time | Filter-Filter Left Time | |
+| BrushLeftTime1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time | |
| BrushLifeLevel1 | Number | Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level | |
| WorkMode | Number | clean-workmode | |
| Area | String | clean-area | |
| Timer | String | clean-timer | |
-| Mode | Number | clean-mode | |
-| TotalCleanTime | String | clean-total time | |
-| TotalCleanTimes | String | clean-total times | |
-| TotalCleanArea | String | clean-Total area | |
-| CleanLogStartTime | String | clean-Start Time | |
-| ButtonLed | String | clean-led | |
-| TaskDone | Number | clean-task done | |
-| LifeSieve | String | consumable-life-sieve | |
-| LifeBrushSide | String | consumable-life-brush-side | |
-| LifeBrushMain | String | consumable-life-brush-main | |
-| Enable | Switch | annoy-enable | |
-| StartTime | String | annoy-start-time | |
-| StopTime | String | annoy-stop-time | |
-| MapView | String | map-map-view | |
-| Volume | Number | audio-volume | |
-| VoicePackets | String | audio-voiceId | |
-| TimeZone | String | timezone | |
+| Mode | Number | clean-mode | Value mapping [0="quiet",1="standard",2="medium",3="strong"] |
+| TotalCleanTime | Number:Time | Clean - Total Clean Time | |
+| TotalCleanTimes | Number | Clean - Total Clean Times | |
+| TotalCleanArea | Number:Area | Clean - Total Clean Area | |
+| CleanLogStartTime | Number | Clean - Clean Log Start Time | |
+| ButtonLed | Number | Clean - Button Led | |
+| TaskDone | Number | Clean - Task Done | Value mapping [0="",1=""] |
+| LifeSieve | String | Consumable - Life Sieve | |
+| LifeBrushSide | String | Consumable - Life Brush Side | |
+| LifeBrushMain | String | Consumable - Life Brush Main | |
+| Enable | Switch | Annoy - Enable | |
+| StartTime | String | Annoy - Start Time | |
+| StopTime | String | Annoy - Stop Time | |
+| MapView | String | Map - Map View | |
+| Volume | Number | Audio - Volume | |
+| VoicePackets | String | Audio - Voice Packets | |
+| TimeZone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
### dreame.vacuum.p2008 (dreame.vacuum.p2008) Channels
@@ -4005,32 +4005,32 @@ Number BatteryLevel "Battery-Battery Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacu
Number ChargingState "Battery-Charging State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:ChargingState"}
Number Fault "Robot Cleaner-Device Fault" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Fault"}
Number Status "Robot Cleaner-Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Status"}
-String BrushLeftTime "Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLeftTime"}
+Number:Time BrushLeftTime "Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLeftTime"}
Number BrushLifeLevel "Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLifeLevel"}
-Number FilterLifeLevel "Filter-Filter Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:FilterLifeLevel"}
-String FilterLeftTime "Filter-Filter Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:FilterLeftTime"}
-String BrushLeftTime1 "Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLeftTime1"}
+Number FilterLifeLevel "Filter - Filter Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:FilterLifeLevel"}
+Number:Time FilterLeftTime "Filter-Filter Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:FilterLeftTime"}
+Number:Time BrushLeftTime1 "Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLeftTime1"}
Number BrushLifeLevel1 "Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLifeLevel1"}
Number WorkMode "clean-workmode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:WorkMode"}
String Area "clean-area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Area"}
String Timer "clean-timer" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Timer"}
Number Mode "clean-mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Mode"}
-String TotalCleanTime "clean-total time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TotalCleanTime"}
-String TotalCleanTimes "clean-total times" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TotalCleanTimes"}
-String TotalCleanArea "clean-Total area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TotalCleanArea"}
-String CleanLogStartTime "clean-Start Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:CleanLogStartTime"}
-String ButtonLed "clean-led" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:ButtonLed"}
-Number TaskDone "clean-task done" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TaskDone"}
-String LifeSieve "consumable-life-sieve" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:LifeSieve"}
-String LifeBrushSide "consumable-life-brush-side" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:LifeBrushSide"}
-String LifeBrushMain "consumable-life-brush-main" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:LifeBrushMain"}
-Switch Enable "annoy-enable" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Enable"}
-String StartTime "annoy-start-time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:StartTime"}
-String StopTime "annoy-stop-time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:StopTime"}
-String MapView "map-map-view" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:MapView"}
-Number Volume "audio-volume" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Volume"}
-String VoicePackets "audio-voiceId" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:VoicePackets"}
-String TimeZone "timezone" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TimeZone"}
+Number:Time TotalCleanTime "Clean - Total Clean Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TotalCleanTime"}
+Number TotalCleanTimes "Clean - Total Clean Times" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TotalCleanTimes"}
+Number:Area TotalCleanArea "Clean - Total Clean Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TotalCleanArea"}
+Number CleanLogStartTime "Clean - Clean Log Start Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:CleanLogStartTime"}
+Number ButtonLed "Clean - Button Led" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:ButtonLed"}
+Number TaskDone "Clean - Task Done" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TaskDone"}
+String LifeSieve "Consumable - Life Sieve" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:LifeSieve"}
+String LifeBrushSide "Consumable - Life Brush Side" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:LifeBrushSide"}
+String LifeBrushMain "Consumable - Life Brush Main" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:LifeBrushMain"}
+Switch Enable "Annoy - Enable" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Enable"}
+String StartTime "Annoy - Start Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:StartTime"}
+String StopTime "Annoy - Stop Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:StopTime"}
+String MapView "Map - Map View" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:MapView"}
+Number Volume "Audio - Volume" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Volume"}
+String VoicePackets "Audio - Voice Packets" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:VoicePackets"}
+String TimeZone "Time - Time Zone" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TimeZone"}
### dreame.vacuum.p2008 (dreame.vacuum.p2008) item file lines
diff --git a/bundles/org.openhab.binding.miio/src/main/resources/database/dreame.vacuum.mc1808-miot.json b/bundles/org.openhab.binding.miio/src/main/resources/database/dreame.vacuum.mc1808-miot.json
index b7bc045ff..6340897b1 100644
--- a/bundles/org.openhab.binding.miio/src/main/resources/database/dreame.vacuum.mc1808-miot.json
+++ b/bundles/org.openhab.binding.miio/src/main/resources/database/dreame.vacuum.mc1808-miot.json
@@ -12,6 +12,31 @@
"channel": "vacuumaction",
"channelType": "dreameControl",
"type": "String",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "value": "vacuum",
+ "label": "Vacuum"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "stop",
+ "label": "Stop"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "sweep",
+ "label": "Sweep"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "stopsweep",
+ "label": "Stop Sweep"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "dock",
+ "label": "Goto Dock"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"refresh": false,
"actions": [
@@ -107,8 +132,8 @@
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Battery-Battery Level",
"channel": "BatteryLevel",
- "channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
+ "channelType": "system:battery-level",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -118,10 +143,31 @@
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Battery-Charging State",
"channel": "ChargingState",
- "channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "value": "1",
+ "label": "Charging"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "2",
+ "label": "Not Charging"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "4",
+ "label": "Charging"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "5",
+ "label": "Go Charging"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"refresh": true,
- "actions": []
+ "actions": [],
+ "readmeComment": "Value mapping [1\u003d\"Charging\",2\u003d\"Not Charging\",4\u003d\"Charging\",5\u003d\"Go Charging\"]"
"property": "fault",
@@ -129,10 +175,19 @@
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Robot Cleaner-Device Fault",
"channel": "Fault",
- "channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "value": "0",
+ "label": "No faults"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"refresh": true,
- "actions": []
+ "actions": [],
+ "readmeComment": "Value mapping [0\u003d\"No faults\"]"
"property": "status",
@@ -140,10 +195,39 @@
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Robot Cleaner-Status",
"channel": "Status",
- "channelType": "miot_int8",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "value": "1",
+ "label": "Sweeping"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "2",
+ "label": "Idle"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "3",
+ "label": "Paused"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "4",
+ "label": "Error"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "5",
+ "label": "Go Charging"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "6",
+ "label": "Charging"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"refresh": true,
- "actions": []
+ "actions": [],
+ "readmeComment": "Value mapping [1\u003d\"Sweeping\",2\u003d\"Idle\",3\u003d\"Paused\",4\u003d\"Error\",5\u003d\"Go Charging\",6\u003d\"Charging\"]"
"property": "brush-left-time",
@@ -151,8 +235,12 @@
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time",
"channel": "BrushLeftTime",
- "channelType": "miot_uint16",
- "type": "String",
+ "type": "Number:Time",
+ "unit": "hour",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.1f %unit%",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -162,8 +250,11 @@
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level",
"channel": "BrushLifeLevel",
- "channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.0f",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -171,10 +262,13 @@
"property": "filter-life-level",
"siid": 27,
"piid": 1,
- "friendlyName": "Filter-Filter Life Level",
+ "friendlyName": "Filter - Filter Life Level",
"channel": "FilterLifeLevel",
- "channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.0f",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -184,8 +278,12 @@
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Filter-Filter Left Time",
"channel": "FilterLeftTime",
- "channelType": "miot_uint16",
- "type": "String",
+ "type": "Number:Time",
+ "unit": "hour",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.1f %unit%",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -195,8 +293,12 @@
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time",
"channel": "BrushLeftTime1",
- "channelType": "miot_uint16",
- "type": "String",
+ "type": "Number:Time",
+ "unit": "hour",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.1f %unit%",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -206,8 +308,11 @@
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level",
"channel": "BrushLifeLevel1",
- "channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.0f",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -217,8 +322,11 @@
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "clean-workmode",
"channel": "WorkMode",
- "channelType": "miot_int32",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.1f",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -228,7 +336,6 @@
"piid": 4,
"friendlyName": "clean-area",
"channel": "Area",
- "channelType": "miot_string",
"type": "String",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
@@ -260,24 +367,48 @@
"piid": 6,
"friendlyName": "clean-mode",
"channel": "Mode",
- "channelType": "miot_int32",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "value": "0",
+ "label": "quiet"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "1",
+ "label": "standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "2",
+ "label": "medium"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "3",
+ "label": "strong"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
"command": "set_properties",
"parameterType": "NUMBER"
- ]
+ ],
+ "readmeComment": "Value mapping [0\u003d\"quiet\",1\u003d\"standard\",2\u003d\"medium\",3\u003d\"strong\"]"
"property": "total-clean-time",
"siid": 18,
"piid": 13,
- "friendlyName": "clean-total time",
+ "friendlyName": "Clean - Total Clean Time",
"channel": "TotalCleanTime",
- "channelType": "miot_uint32",
- "type": "String",
+ "type": "Number:Time",
+ "unit": "minutes",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.1f %unit%",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -285,10 +416,13 @@
"property": "total-clean-times",
"siid": 18,
"piid": 14,
- "friendlyName": "clean-total times",
+ "friendlyName": "Clean - Total Clean Times",
"channel": "TotalCleanTimes",
- "channelType": "miot_uint32",
- "type": "String",
+ "type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.0f",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -296,10 +430,14 @@
"property": "total-clean-area",
"siid": 18,
"piid": 15,
- "friendlyName": "clean-Total area",
+ "friendlyName": "Clean - Total Clean Area",
"channel": "TotalCleanArea",
- "channelType": "miot_uint32",
- "type": "String",
+ "type": "Number:Area",
+ "unit": "square_meter",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.1f",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -307,10 +445,13 @@
"property": "clean-log-start-time",
"siid": 18,
"piid": 16,
- "friendlyName": "clean-Start Time",
+ "friendlyName": "Clean - Clean Log Start Time",
"channel": "CleanLogStartTime",
- "channelType": "miot_uint32",
- "type": "String",
+ "type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.1f",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -318,10 +459,13 @@
"property": "button-led",
"siid": 18,
"piid": 17,
- "friendlyName": "clean-led",
+ "friendlyName": "Clean - Button Led",
"channel": "ButtonLed",
- "channelType": "miot_uint16",
- "type": "String",
+ "type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.0f",
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -329,18 +473,31 @@
"property": "task-done",
"siid": 18,
"piid": 18,
- "friendlyName": "clean-task done",
+ "friendlyName": "Clean - Task Done",
"channel": "TaskDone",
- "channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "value": "0",
+ "label": "in progress"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "1",
+ "label": "done"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"refresh": true,
- "actions": []
+ "actions": [],
+ "readmeComment": "Value mapping [0\u003d\"\",1\u003d\"\"]"
"property": "life-sieve",
"siid": 19,
"piid": 1,
- "friendlyName": "consumable-life-sieve",
+ "friendlyName": "Consumable - Life Sieve",
"channel": "LifeSieve",
"channelType": "miot_string",
"type": "String",
@@ -356,9 +513,8 @@
"property": "life-brush-side",
"siid": 19,
"piid": 2,
- "friendlyName": "consumable-life-brush-side",
+ "friendlyName": "Consumable - Life Brush Side",
"channel": "LifeBrushSide",
- "channelType": "miot_string",
"type": "String",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
@@ -372,9 +528,8 @@
"property": "life-brush-main",
"siid": 19,
"piid": 3,
- "friendlyName": "consumable-life-brush-main",
+ "friendlyName": "Consumable - Life Brush Main",
"channel": "LifeBrushMain",
- "channelType": "miot_string",
"type": "String",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
@@ -388,9 +543,8 @@
"property": "enable",
"siid": 20,
"piid": 1,
- "friendlyName": "annoy-enable",
+ "friendlyName": "Annoy - Enable",
"channel": "Enable",
- "channelType": "miot_bool",
"type": "Switch",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
@@ -404,9 +558,8 @@
"property": "start-time",
"siid": 20,
"piid": 2,
- "friendlyName": "annoy-start-time",
+ "friendlyName": "Annoy - Start Time",
"channel": "StartTime",
- "channelType": "miot_string",
"type": "String",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
@@ -420,9 +573,8 @@
"property": "stop-time",
"siid": 20,
"piid": 3,
- "friendlyName": "annoy-stop-time",
+ "friendlyName": "Annoy - Stop Time",
"channel": "StopTime",
- "channelType": "miot_string",
"type": "String",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
@@ -436,10 +588,12 @@
"property": "map-view",
"siid": 23,
"piid": 1,
- "friendlyName": "map-map-view",
+ "friendlyName": "Map - Map View",
"channel": "MapView",
- "channelType": "miot_string",
"type": "String",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
@@ -447,10 +601,12 @@
"property": "volume",
"siid": 24,
"piid": 1,
- "friendlyName": "audio-volume",
+ "friendlyName": "Audio - Volume",
"channel": "Volume",
- "channelType": "miot_int32",
"type": "Number",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "pattern": "%.1f"
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
@@ -463,9 +619,8 @@
"property": "voice-packets",
"siid": 24,
"piid": 3,
- "friendlyName": "audio-voiceId",
+ "friendlyName": "Audio - Voice Packets",
"channel": "VoicePackets",
- "channelType": "miot_string",
"type": "String",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
@@ -479,13 +634,17 @@
"property": "time-zone",
"siid": 25,
"piid": 1,
- "friendlyName": "timezone",
+ "friendlyName": "Time - Time Zone",
"channel": "TimeZone",
- "channelType": "miot_string",
"type": "String",
+ "stateDescription": {
+ "readOnly": true
+ },
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
- ]
+ ],
+ "readmeComment": "Identified manual actions for execution\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"battery-start-charge\",\"siid\":2,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"vacuum-start-sweep\",\"siid\":3,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"vacuum-stop-sweeping\",\"siid\":3,\"aiid\":2,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life\",\"siid\":26,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"filter-reset-filter-life\",\"siid\":27,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life\",\"siid\":28,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"clean-start-clean\",\"siid\":18,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"clean-stop-clean\",\"siid\":18,\"aiid\":2,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"remote-start-remote\",\"siid\":21,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[1.0, 2.0]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"remote-stop-remote\",\"siid\":21,\"aiid\":2,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"remote-exit-remote\",\"siid\":21,\"aiid\":3,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"map-map-req\",\"siid\":23,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[2.0]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"audio-position\",\"siid\":24,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"audio-set-voice\",\"siid\":24,\"aiid\":2,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003e`action{\"did\":\"audio-play-sound\",\"siid\":24,\"aiid\":3,\"in\":[]}`\u003cbr /\u003ePlease test and feedback if they are working to they can be linked to a channel.",
+ "experimental": true