* New translations gree.properties (German)
* New translations iCloud.properties (French)
* New translations iCloud.properties (German)
* New translations jeelink.properties (German)
* New translations linky.properties (French)
* New translations mail.properties (French)
* New translations mail.properties (Russian)
* New translations pixometer.properties (German)
* New translations sagercaster.properties (French)
* New translations sonyprojector.properties (French)
* New translations twitter.properties (Russian)
* New translations weathercompany.properties (French)
* Some enhancements and corrections on the linky binding
spotless apply
Adressing code review comments
* Adressing potential NPR.
* Code review findings correction
* Pleasing SAT checks
Signed-off-by: clinique <gael@lhopital.org>