# TasmotaPlug Binding

This binding connects Tasmota flashed smart plugs with 1, 2, 3 or 4 relay channels to openHAB.
The plug must report the status of the relay via the url `http://$PLUG_IP/cm?cmnd=Power` in order for the binding to work.
See the [Tasmota Supported Devices Repository](https://templates.blakadder.com/plug.html) for a list of supported plugs.

## Supported Things

There is exactly one supported thing type, which represents any supported Tasmota smart plug.
It has the `plug` id.
Multiple Things can be added if more than one plug is to be controlled.

## Discovery

Discovery is not supported. All things must be added manually.

## Thing Configuration

At minimum, the host name must be specified.
The refresh interval and number of channels can be overridden from the default.

| Parameter   | Description                                                                             |
| hostName    | The host name or IP address of the plug. Mandatory.                                     |
| refresh     | Overrides the refresh interval of the plug status. Optional, the default is 30 seconds. |
| numChannels | Number of channels on the Tasmota Plug (1-4). Optional, the default is 1                |
| username    | Username for authentication with the Tasmota Plug. Default 'admin'                      |
| password    | Password for authentication with the Tasmota Plug, if not supplied auth is disabled.    |

## Channels

The number of channels depends of on the `numChannels` configuration parameter.
Channels above the number specified are automatically removed.
Therefore `numChannels` cannot be changed upward after Thing creation.
If the number of channels must be increased, delete the Thing and re-create it with the correct number.

| Channel ID | Item Type | Description                             |
| power      | Switch    | Turns the smart plug relay #1 ON or OFF |
| power2     | Switch    | Turns the smart plug relay #2 ON or OFF |
| power3     | Switch    | Turns the smart plug relay #3 ON or OFF |
| power4     | Switch    | Turns the smart plug relay #4 ON or OFF |

## Full Example


tasmotaplug:plug:plug1 "Plug 1" [ hostName="", refresh=30 ]
tasmotaplug:plug:plug2 "Plug 2" [ hostName="myplug2", refresh=30 ]


Switch Plug1 "Plug 1 Power" { channel="tasmotaplug:plug:plug1:power" }

Switch Plug2a "4ch Power 1" { channel="tasmotaplug:plug:plug2:power" }
Switch Plug2b "4ch Power 2" { channel="tasmotaplug:plug:plug2:power2" }
Switch Plug2c "4ch Power 3" { channel="tasmotaplug:plug:plug2:power3" }
Switch Plug2d "4ch Power 4" { channel="tasmotaplug:plug:plug2:power4" }


sitemap tasmotaplug label="My Tasmota Plugs" {
    Frame label="Plugs" {
        Switch item=Plug1

        Switch item=Plug2a
        Switch item=Plug2b
        Switch item=Plug2c
        Switch item=Plug2d