# Drayton Wiser Binding This binding integrates the [Drayton Wiser Smart Heating System](https://wiser.draytoncontrols.co.uk/). The integration happens through the HeatHub, which acts as an IP gateway to the ZigBee devices (thermostats and TRVs). ## Supported Things The Drayton Wiser binding supports the following things: | Bridge | Label | Description | |-----------|---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `heathub` | HeatHub | The network device in the controller that allows us to interact with the other devices in the system | | Thing | Label | Description | |---------------------|-------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `boiler-controller` | Boiler Controller | The _HeatHub_ attached to the boiler. This also acts as the hub device | | `room` | Room Name | Virtual groups of _Room Thermostats_ and _TRVs_ that can have temperatures and humidities | | `roomstat` | Thermostat | Wireless thermostats which monitor temperature and humidity, and call for heat | | `itrv` | iTRV | Wireless TRVs that monitor temperature, alter the radiator valve state and call for heat | | `hotwater` | Hot Water | Virtual thing to manage hot water states | | `smart-plug` | Smart Plug | Wireless plug sockets which can be remotely switched | ## Discovery The HeatHub can be discovered automatically via mDNS, however the `secret` cannot be determined automatically. Once the `secret` has been configured, all other devices can be discovered by triggering device discovery again. ## Thing Configuration ### HeatHub Configuration Once discovered, the HeatHub `secret` needs to be configured. There are a few ways to obtain this, assuming you have already configured the system using the Wiser App. 1. Temporarily install a packet sniffing tool on your mobile device. Every request made includes the `secret` in the header. 2. Enable setup mode on the HeatHub. Connect a machine temporarily to the `WiserHeat_XXXXX` network and browse to `` to obtain the `secret`. The `refresh` interval defines in seconds, how often the binding will poll the controller for updates. The `awaySetPoint` defines the temperature in degrees Celsius that will be sent to the heathub when away mode is activated. ## Channels ### Readonly Channels #### Boiler Controller | Channel | Item Type | Description | |------------------------------|----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | `heatingOverride` | Switch | State of the heating override button on the controller | | `heatChannel1Demand` | Number:Dimensionless | Current demand level of heating channel 1 | | `heatChannel1DemandState` | Switch | Is channel 1 calling the boiler for heat | | `heatChannel2Demand` | Number:Dimensionless | Current demand level of heating channel 2 | | `heatChannel2DemandState` | Switch | Is channel 2 calling the boiler for heat | | `currentSignalRSSI` | Number | Relative Signal Strength Indicator | | `currentWiserSignalStrength` | String | Human readable signal strength | | `currentSignalStrength` | Number | Signal strength value that maps to qualityofservice icon | #### Hot Water | Channel | Item Type | Description | |--------------------------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | `hotWaterOverride` | Switch | State of the hot water override button on the controller | | `hotWaterDemandState` | Switch | Is hot water calling the boiler for heat | | `hotWaterBoosted` | Switch | Is hot water currently being boosted | | `hotWaterBoostRemaining` | Number:Time | How long until the boost deactivates in minutes | #### Room | Channel | Item Type | Description | |----------------------|----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `currentTemperature` | Number:Temperature | Currently reported temperature | | `currentHumidity` | Number:Dimensionless | Currently reported humidity (if there is a room stat configured in this room | | `currentDemand` | Number:Dimensionless | Current heat demand percentage of the room | | `heatRequest` | Switch | Is the room actively requesting heat from the controller | | `roomBoosted` | Switch | Is the room currently being boosted | | `roomBoostRemaining` | Number:Time | How long until the boost deactivates in minutes | | `windowState` | Contact | Is the window open or closed? | #### Room Stat | Channel | Item Type | Description | |------------------------------|--------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | `currentTemperature` | Number:Temperature | Currently reported temperature | | `currentHumidity` | Number:Dimensionless | Currently reported humidity | | `currentSetPoint` | Number:Temperature | Currently reported set point | | `currentBatteryVoltage` | Number:ElectricPotential | Currently reported battery voltage | | `currentWiserBatteryLevel` | String | Human readable battery level | | `currentBatteryLevel` | Number | Battery level in percent | | `currentSignalRSSI` | Number | Relative Signal Strength Indicator | | `currentSignalLQI` | Number | Link Quality Indicator | | `currentWiserSignalStrength` | String | Human readable signal strength | | `currentSignalStrength` | Number | Signal strength value that maps to qualityofservice icon | | `zigbeeConnected` | Switch | Is the roomstat joined to network | #### Smart TRV | Channel | Item Type | Description | |------------------------------|--------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | `currentTemperature` | Number:Temperature | Currently reported temperature | | `currentDemand` | Number:Dimensionless | Current heat demand percentage of the TRV | | `currentSetPoint` | Number:Temperature | Currently reported set point | | `currentBatteryVoltage` | Number:ElectricPotential | Currently reported battery voltage | | `currentWiserBatteryLevel` | String | Human readable battery level | | `currentBatteryLevel` | Number | Battery level in percent | | `currentSignalRSSI` | Number | Relative Signal Strength Indicator | | `currentSignalLQI` | Number | Link Quality Indicator | | `currentWiserSignalStrength` | String | Human readable signal strength | | `currentSignalStrength` | Number | Signal strength value that maps to qualityofservice icon | | `zigbeeConnected` | Switch | Is the TRV joined to network | #### Smart Plug | Channel | Item Type | Description | |---------------------|-----------|------------------------------------| | `currentSignalRSSI` | Number | Relative Signal Strength Indicator | | `currentSignalLQI` | Number | Link Quality Indicator | | `zigbeeConnected` | Switch | Is the TRV joined to network | ### Command Channels #### Boiler Controller | Channel | Item Type | Description | |--------------------|-----------|-------------------------------| | `awayModeState` | Switch | Has away mode been enabled | | `ecoModeState` | Switch | Has eco mode been enabled | | `comfortModeState` | Switch | Has comfort mode been enabled | #### Hot Water | Channel | Item Type | Description | |-------------------------|-----------|--------------------------------------------| | `manualModeState` | Switch | Has manual mode been enabled | | `hotWaterSetPoint` | Switch | The current hot water setpoint (on or off) | | `hotWaterBoostDuration` | Number | Period in hours to boost the hot water | #### Room | Channel | Item Type | Description | |------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------------------------| | `currentSetPoint` | Number:Temperature | The current set point temperature for the room | | `manualModeState` | Switch | Has manual mode been enabled | | `roomBoostDuration` | Number | Period in hours to boost the room temperature | | `windowStateDetection` | Switch | Detect whether windows are open | #### Room Stat | Channel | Item Type | Description | |----------------|-----------|----------------------------------| | `deviceLocked` | Switch | Is the roomstat interface locked | #### Smart TRV | Channel | Item Type | Description | |----------------|-----------|-----------------------------| | `deviceLocked` | Switch | Are the TRV controls locked | #### Smart Plug | Channel | Item Type | Description | |-------------------|-----------|----------------------------------------------| | `plugOutputState` | Switch | The current on/off state of the smart plug | | `plugAwayAction` | Switch | Should the plug switch off when in away mode | | `manualModeState` | Switch | Has manual mode been enabled | | `deviceLocked` | Switch | Are the Smart Plug controls locked | #### Known string responses for specific channels: | Channel | Known responses | |------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | `currentWiserSignalStrength` | `{ "VeryGood", "Good", "Medium", "Poor", "NoSignal" }` | | `currentWiserBatteryLevel` | `{ "Full", "Normal", "TwoThirds", "OneThird", "Low", "Critical" }` | ## Full Example ### .things file ``` Bridge draytonwiser:heathub:HeatHub [ networkAddress="192.168.1.X", refresh=60, secret="secret from hub", awaySetPoint=10 ] { boiler-controller controller "Controller" room livingroom "Living Room" [ name="Living Room" ] room bathroom "Bathroom" [ name="Bathroom" ] room bedroom "Bedroom" [ name="Bedroom" ] roomstat livingroomstat "Living Room Thermostat" [ serialNumber="ABCDEF1234" ] itrv livingroomtrv "Living Room - TRV" [ serialNumber="ABCDEF1235" ] hotwater hotwater "Hot Water" smart-plug tvplug "TV" [ serialNumber="ABCDEF1236" ] } ``` The `name` corresponds to the room name configured in the Wiser App. It is not case sensitive. The `serialNumber` corresponds to the device serial number which can be found on a sticker inside the battery compartment of the Smart Valves/TRVs, and behind the wall mount of the Room Thermostats. ### .items file ``` Switch Heating_Override "Heating Override" (gHouse) { channel="draytonwiser:boiler-controller:HeatHub:controller:heatingOverride" } Number Heating_Demand "Heating Demand [%.0f %%]" (gHouse) { channel="draytonwiser:boiler-controller:HeatHub:controller:heatChannel1Demand" } Switch Heating_Requesting_Heat "Heating On" (gHouse) { channel="draytonwiser:boiler-controller:HeatHub:controller:heatChannel1DemandState" } Switch Heating_Away_Mode "Away Mode" (gHouse) { channel="draytonwiser:boiler-controller:HeatHub:controller:awayModeState" } Switch Heating_Eco_Mode "Eco Mode" (gHouse) { channel="draytonwiser:boiler-controller:HeatHub:controller:ecoModeState" } /* Heating */ Switch Heating_GF_Living "Heating" (GF_Living, Heating) ["Heat Request"] { channel="draytonwiser:room:HeatHub:livingroom:heatRequest" } /* Indoor Temperatures */ Number:Temperature livingroom_temperature "Temperature [%.1f °C]" (GF_Living, Temperature) ["Temperature"] {channel="draytonwiser:room:HeatHub:livingroom:currentTemperature"} /* Setpoint Temperatures */ Number:Temperature livingroom_setpoint "Set Point [%.1f °C]" (GF_Living) ["Set Point"] {channel="draytonwiser:room:HeatHub:livingroom:currentSetPoint"} /* Heat Demand */ Number livingroom_heatdemand "Heat Demand [%.0f %%]" (GF_Living) ["Heat Demand"] {channel="draytonwiser:room:HeatHub:livingroom:currentDemand"} /* Manual Mode */ Switch ManualMode_GF_Living "Manual Mode" (GF_Living) ["Manual Mode"] { channel="draytonwiser:room:HeatHub:livingroom:manualModeState" } /* Boost Mode */ Switch BoostMode_GF_Living "Boosted" (GF_Living) ["Boost Mode"] { channel="draytonwiser:room:HeatHub:livingroom:roomBoosted" } /* Boost Duration */ Number BoostDuration_GF_Living "Boost For[]" (GF_Living) ["Boost Duration"] { channel="draytonwiser:room:HeatHub:livingroom:roomBoostDuration" } /* Boost Remaining */ Number BoostRemaining_GF_Living "Boost Remaining" (GF_Living) ["Boost Remaining"] { channel="draytonwiser:room:HeatHub:livingroom:roomBoostRemaining" } /* Humidity */ Number:Humidity livingroom_humidity "Humidity [%.0f %%]" (GF_Living) ["Humidity"] {channel="draytonwiser:room:HeatHub:livingroom:currentHumidity"} ``` ### Sitemap ``` Text label="Living Room" icon="sofa" { Text item=livingroom_temperature Setpoint item=livingroom_setpoint step=0.5 Text item=livingroom_humidity Text item=Heating_GF_Living Text item=livingroom_heatdemand Switch item=ManualMode_GF_Living Text item=BoostMode_GF_Living Switch item=BoostDuration_GF_Living icon="time" mappings=[0="0", 0.5="0.5", 1="1", 2="2", 3="3"] Text item=BoostRemaining_GF_Living icon="time" } ```