# Tibber Binding The Tibber Binding connects to the [Tibber API](https://developer.tibber.com), and enables users to retrieve electricity data: * Default: Frequent polls are performed to retrieve electricity price and cost/consumption information * Optional: For users having Tibber Pulse, a websocket connection is established to retrieve live measurements Refresh time (poll frequency) is set manually as part of setup, minimum 1 minute. Tibber Pulse will automatically be detected by the Binding if present and associated with the token/HomeID used for setup. ## Supported Things Provided one have a Tibber User Account, the Tibber API is recognized as a thing in openHAB using the Tibber Binding. Tibber Pulse is optional, but will enable live measurements. The channels (i.e. measurements) associated with the Binding: Tibber Default: | Channel ID | Description | Read-only | |--------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|-----------| | Current Total | Current Total Price (energy + tax) | True | | Starts At | Current Price Timestamp | True | | Current Level | Current Price Level | True | | Daily Cost | Daily Cost (last/previous day) | True | | Daily Consumption | Daily Consumption (last/previous day) | True | | Daily From | Timestamp (daily from) | True | | Daily To | Timestamp (daily to) | True | | Hourly Cost | Hourly Cost (last/previous hour) | True | | Hourly Consumption | Hourly Consumption (last/previous hour) | True | | Hourly From | Timestamp (hourly from) | True | | Hourly To | Timestamp (hourly to) | True | | Tomorrow prices | JSON array of tomorrow's prices. See below for example. | True | | Today prices | JSON array of today's prices. See below for example. | True | Tibber Pulse (optional): | Channel ID | Description | Read-only | |-------------------------|------------------------------------------|-----------| | Timestamp | Timestamp for live measurements | True | | Power | Live Power Consumption | True | | Last Meter Consumption | Last Recorded Meter Consumption | True | | Accumulated Consumption | Accumulated Consumption since Midnight | True | | Accumulated Cost | Accumulated Cost since Midnight | True | | Accumulated Reward | Accumulated Reward since Midnight | True | | Currency | Currency of Cost | True | | Min Power | Min Power Consumption since Midnight | True | | Average Power | Average Power Consumption since Midnight | True | | Max Power | Max Power Consumption since Midnight | True | | Voltage 1-3 | Voltage per Phase | True | | Current 1-3 | Current per Phase | True | | Power Production | Live Power Production | True | | Accumulated Production | Accumulated Production since Midnight | True | | Last Meter Production | Last Recorded Meter Production | True | | Min Power Production | Min Power Production since Midnight | True | | Max Power Production | Max Power Production since Midnight | True | ## Binding Configuration To access and initiate the Tibber Binding, a Tibber user account is required. The following input is required for initialization: * Tibber token * Tibber HomeId * Refresh Interval (min 1 minute) Note: Tibber token is retrieved from your Tibber account: [Tibber Account](https://developer.tibber.com/settings/accesstoken) Note: Tibber HomeId is retrieved from [developer.tibber.com](https://developer.tibber.com/explorer): * Sign in (Tibber user account) and "load" personal token. * Copy query from below and paste into the Tibber API Explorer, and run query. * If Tibber Pulse is connected, the Tibber API Explorer will report "true" for "realTimeConsumptionEnabled" * Copy HomeId from Tibber API Explorer, without quotation marks, and use this in the bindings configuration. ``` { viewer { homes { id features { realTimeConsumptionEnabled } } } } ``` If user have multiple HomeIds / Pulse, separate Things have to be created for the different/desired HomeIds. ## Thing Configuration When Tibber Binding is installed, Tibber API should be auto discovered. Retrieve personal token and HomeId from description above, and initialize/start a scan with the binding. Tibber API will be auto discovered if provided input is correct. ## Tomorrow and Today Prices Example of tomorrow and today prices data structure - an array of tuples: ```json [ { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T00:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 3.8472 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T01:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 3.0748 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T02:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 2.2725 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T03:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 2.026 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T04:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 2.6891 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T05:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 3.7821 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T06:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 3.9424 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T07:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.158 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T08:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.2648 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T09:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.2443 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T10:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.2428 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T11:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.2061 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T12:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.1458 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T13:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 3.9396 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T14:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 3.8563 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T15:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.0364 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T16:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.093 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T17:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.1823 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T18:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.2779 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T19:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.3154 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T20:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.3469 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T21:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.2329 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T22:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.1014 }, { "startsAt": "2022-09-27T23:00:00.000+02:00", "total": 4.0265 } ] ``` ## Full Example ### demo.things ``` Thing tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492 [ homeid="xxx", token="xxxxxxx" ] ``` ### demo.items: ``` Number:Dimensionless TibberAPICurrentTotal "Current Total Price [%.2f NOK]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:current_total"} DateTime TibberAPICurrentStartsAt "Timestamp - Current Price" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:current_startsAt"} String TibberAPICurrentLevel "Price Level" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:current_level"} DateTime TibberAPIDailyFrom "Timestamp - Daily From" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:daily_from"} DateTime TibberAPIDailyTo "Timestamp - Daily To" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:daily_to"} Number:Dimensionless TibberAPIDailyCost "Total Daily Cost [%.2f NOK]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:daily_cost"} Number:Energy TibberAPIDailyConsumption "Total Daily Consumption [%.2f kWh]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:daily_consumption"} DateTime TibberAPIHourlyFrom "Timestamp - Hourly From" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:hourly_from"} DateTime TibberAPIHourlyTo "Timestamp - Hourly To" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:hourly_to"} Number:Dimensionless TibberAPIHourlyCost "Total Hourly Cost [%.2f NOK]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:hourly_cost"} Number:Energy TibberAPIHourlyConsumption "Total Hourly Consumption [%.2f kWh]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:hourly_consumption"} String TibberAPITomorrowPrices "Price per hour tomorrow JSON array" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:tomorrow_prices"} String TibberAPITodayPrices "Price per hour today JSON array" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:today_prices"} DateTime TibberAPILiveTimestamp "Timestamp - Live Measurement" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_timestamp"} Number:Power TibberAPILivePower "Live Power Consumption [%.0f W]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_power"} Number:Energy TibberAPILiveLastMeterConsumption "Last Meter Consumption [%.2f kWh]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_lastMeterConsumption"} Number:Energy TibberAPILiveAccumulatedConsumption "Accumulated Consumption [%.2f kWh]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_accumulatedConsumption"} Number:Dimensionless TibberAPILiveAccumulatedCost "Accumulated Cost [%.2f NOK]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_accumulatedCost"} Number:Dimensionless TibberAPILiveAccumulatedReward "Accumulated Reward [%.2f NOK]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_accumulatedReward"} String TibberAPILiveCurrency "Currency" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_currency"} Number:Power TibberAPILiveMinPower "Min Power Consumption [%.0f W]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_minPower"} Number:Power TibberAPILiveAveragePower "Average Power Consumption [%.0f W]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_averagePower"} Number:Power TibberAPILiveMaxPower "Max Power Consumption [%.0f W]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_maxPower"} Number:ElectricPotential TibberAPILiveVoltage1 "Live Voltage Phase 1 [%.0 V]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_voltage1"} Number:ElectricPotential TibberAPILiveVoltage2 "Live Voltage Phase 2 [%.0 V]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_voltage2"} Number:ElectricPotential TibberAPILiveVoltage3 "Live Voltage Phase 3 [%.0 V]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_voltage3"} Number:ElectricCurrent TibberAPILiveCurrent1 "Live Current Phase 1 [%.1 A]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_current1"} Number:ElectricCurrent TibberAPILiveCurrent2 "Live Current Phase 2 [%.1 A]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_current2"} Number:ElectricCurrent TibberAPILiveCurrent3 "Live Current Phase 3 [%.1 A]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_current3"} Number:Power TibberAPILivePowerProduction "Live Power Production [%.0f W]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_powerProduction"} Number:Energy TibberAPILiveAccumulatedProduction "Accumulated Production [%.2f kWh]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_accumulatedProduction"} Number:Energy TibberAPILiveLastMeterProduction "Min Power Production [%.0f W]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_lastMeterProduction"} Number:Power TibberAPILiveMinPowerproduction "Min Power Production [%.0f W]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_minPowerproduction"} Number:Power TibberAPILiveMaxPowerproduction "Max Power Production [%.0f W]" {channel="tibber:tibberapi:7cfae492:live_maxPowerproduction"} ```