# LIFX Binding This binding integrates the [LIFX LED Lights](https://www.lifx.com/). All LIFX lights are directly connected to the WLAN and the binding communicates with them over a UDP protocol. ![LIFX E27](doc/lifx_e27.jpg) ## Supported Things The following table lists the thing types of the supported LIFX devices: | Device Type | Thing Type | |------------------------------|---------------| | Original 1000 | colorlight | | Color 650 | colorlight | | Color 1000 | colorlight | | Color 1000 BR30 | colorlight | | LIFX A19 | colorlight | | LIFX BR30 | colorlight | | LIFX Candle | colorlight | | LIFX Downlight | colorlight | | LIFX GU10 | colorlight | | LIFX Mini Color | colorlight | | | | | LIFX Clean | colorhevlight | | | | | LIFX+ A19 | colorirlight | | LIFX+ BR30 | colorirlight | | | | | LIFX Beam | colormzlight | | LIFX Z | colormzlight | | | | | LIFX Tile | tilelight | | | | | White 800 (Low Voltage) | whitelight | | White 800 (High Voltage) | whitelight | | White 900 BR30 (Low Voltage) | whitelight | | LIFX Candle Warm to White | whitelight | | LIFX Filament | whitelight | | LIFX Mini Day and Dusk | whitelight | | LIFX Mini White | whitelight | The thing type determines the capability of a device and with that the possible ways of interacting with it. The following matrix lists the capabilities (channels) for each type: | Thing Type | On/Off | Brightness | Color | Color Zone | Color Temperature | Color Temperature Zone | HEV Cycle | Infrared | Tile Effects | |---------------|:------:|:----------:|:-----:|:----------:|:-----------------:|:----------------------:|:---------:|:--------:|:------------:| | colorlight | X | | X | | X | | | | | | colorhevlight | X | | X | | X | | X | | | | colorirlight | X | | X | | X | | | X | | | colormzlight | X | | X | X | X | X | | | | | tilelight | X | X | X | | X | | | | X | | whitelight | X | X | | | X | | | | | ## Discovery The binding is able to auto-discover all lights in a network over the LIFX UDP protocol. Therefore all lights must be turned on. *Note:* To get the binding working, all lights must be added to the WLAN network first with the help of the [LIFX smart phone applications](https://www.lifx.com/pages/app). The binding is NOT able to add or detect lights outside the network. ## Thing Configuration Each light needs a Device ID or Host as a configuration parameter. The device ID is printed as a serial number on the light and can also be found within the native LIFX Android or iOS application. But usually the discovery works quite reliably, so that a manual configuration is not needed. However, in the thing file, a manual configuration looks e.g. like ``` Thing lifx:colorlight:living [ deviceId="D073D5A1A1A1", fadetime=200 ] ``` The *fadetime* is an optional thing configuration parameter which configures the time to fade to a new color value (in ms). When the *fadetime* is not configured, the binding uses 300ms as default. You can optionally also configure a fixed Host or IP address when lights are in a different subnet and are not discovered. ``` Thing lifx:colorirlight:porch [ host="", fadetime=0 ] ``` ## Channels All devices support some of the following channels: | Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description | Thing Types | |-----------------|-----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | brightness | Dimmer | This channel supports adjusting the brightness value. | whitelight | | color | Color | This channel supports full color control with hue, saturation and brightness values. | colorlight, colorhevlight, colorirlight, colormzlight, tilelight | | colorzone | Color | This channel supports full zone color control with hue, saturation and brightness values. | colormzlight | | effect | String | This channel represents a type of light effect (e.g. for tile light: off, morph, flame) | tilelight | | hevcycle | Switch | This channel supports starting and stopping the HEV clean cycle. | colorhevlight | | infrared | Dimmer | This channel supports adjusting the infrared value. *Note:* IR capable lights only activate their infrared LEDs when the brightness drops below a certain level. | colorirlight | | signalstrength | Number | This channel represents signal strength with values 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4; 0 being worst strength and 4 being best strength. | colorlight, colorhevlight, colorirlight, colormzlight, tilelight, whitelight | | temperature | Dimmer | This channel supports adjusting the color temperature from cold (0%) to warm (100%). | colorlight, colorhevlight, colorirlight, colormzlight, tilelight, whitelight | | temperaturezone | Dimmer | This channel supports adjusting the zone color temperature from cold (0%) to warm (100%). | colormzlight | The *color* and *brightness* channels have a "Power On Brightness" configuration option that is used to determine the brightness when a light is switched on. When it is left empty, the brightness of a light remains unchanged when a light is switched on or off. The *color* channels have a "Power On Color" configuration option that is used to determine the hue, saturation, brightness levels when a light is switched on. When it is left empty, the color of a light remains unchanged when a light is switched on or off. Configuration options contains 3 comma separated values, where first value is hue (0-360), second saturation (0-100) and third brightness (0-100). If both "Power on brightness" and "Power On Color" configuration options are defined, "Power on brightness" option overrides the brightness level defined on the "Power on color" configuration option. The *temperature* channels have a "Power On Temperature" configuration option that is used to determine the color temperature when a light is switched on. When it is left empty, the color temperature of a light remains unchanged when a light is switched on or off. MultiZone lights (*colormzlight*) have several channels (e.g. *colorzone0*, *temperaturezone0*, etc.) that allow for controlling specific zones of the light. Changing the *color* and *temperature* channels will update the states of all zones. The *color* and *temperature* channels of MultiZone lights always return the same state as *colorzone0*, *temperaturezone0*. The *hevcycle* channels have an optional "HEV Cycle Duration" configuration option that can be used to override the cycle duration configured in the light. LIFX Tile (*tilelight*) supports special tile effects: morph and flame. These effects are predefined to their appearance using LIFX application. Each effect has a separate speed configuration option. ## Full Example In this example **living** is a Color 1000 light that has a *colorlight* thing type which supports *color* and *temperature* channels. The **desk** light is a LIFX Clean that has a *colorhevlight* thing type which supports *color*, *temperature* and *hevcycle* channels. The **porch** light is a LIFX+ BR30 that has a *colorirlight* thing type which supports *color*, *temperature* and *infrared* channels. The **ceiling** light is a LIFX Z with 2 strips (16 zones) that has a *colormzlight* thing type which supports *color*, *colorzone*, *temperature* and *temperaturezone* channels. Finally, **kitchen** is a White 800 (Low Voltage) light that has a *whitelight* thing type which supports *brightness* and *temperature* channels. Either create a single *Color* item linked to the *color* channel and define *Switch*, *Slider* and *Colorpicker* entries with this item in the sitemap. Or create items for each type (*Color*, *Switch*, *Dimmer*) and define the correspondent entries in the sitemap. ### demo.things: ``` Thing lifx:colorlight:living [ deviceId="D073D5A1A1A1" ] Thing lifx:colorlight:living2 [ deviceId="D073D5A2A2A2" ] { Channels: Type color : color [ powerOnBrightness=50 ] } Thing lifx:colorhevlight:desk [ deviceId="D073D5A3A3A3" ] { Channels: Type hevcycle : hevcycle [ hevCycleDuration=3600 ] } Thing lifx:colorirlight:porch [ deviceId="D073D5B2B2B2", host="", fadetime=0 ] { Channels: Type color : color [ powerOnBrightness=75 ] } Thing lifx:colorirlight:porch [ deviceId="D073D5B2B2B2", host="", fadetime=0 ] { Channels: Type temperature : temperature [ powerOnTemperature=20 ] } Thing lifx:colorirlight:porch [ deviceId="D073D5B2B2B2", host="", fadetime=0 ] { Channels: Type color : color [ powerOnColor="120,100,50" ] // Deep green, 50% brightness } Thing lifx:colormzlight:ceiling [ host="" ] Thing lifx:whitelight:kitchen [ deviceId="D073D5D4D4D4", fadetime=150 ] ``` ### demo.items: ``` // Living Color Living_Color { channel="lifx:colorlight:living:color" } Dimmer Living_Temperature { channel="lifx:colorlight:living:temperature" } // Living2 (alternative approach) Color Living2_Color { channel="lifx:colorlight:living2:color" } Switch Living2_Switch { channel="lifx:colorlight:living2:color" } Dimmer Living2_Dimmer { channel="lifx:colorlight:living2:color" } Dimmer Living2_Temperature { channel="lifx:colorlight:living2:temperature" } // Desk Color Desk_Color { channel="lifx:colorhevlight:desk:color" } Dimmer Desk_Temperature { channel="lifx:colorhevlight:desk:temperature" } Switch Desk_HEV_Cycle { channel="lifx:colorhevlight:desk:hevcycle" } // Porch Color Porch_Color { channel="lifx:colorirlight:porch:color" } Dimmer Porch_Infrared { channel="lifx:colorirlight:porch:infrared" } Dimmer Porch_Temperature { channel="lifx:colorirlight:porch:temperature" } Number Porch_Signal_Strength { channel="lifx:colorirlight:porch:signalstrength" } // Ceiling Color Ceiling_Color { channel="lifx:colormzlight:ceiling:color" } Dimmer Ceiling_Temperature { channel="lifx:colormzlight:ceiling:temperature" } Color Ceiling_Color_Zone_0 { channel="lifx:colormzlight:ceiling:colorzone0" } Dimmer Ceiling_Temperature_Zone_0 { channel="lifx:colormzlight:ceiling:temperaturezone0" } Color Ceiling_Color_Zone_15 { channel="lifx:colormzlight:ceiling:colorzone15" } Dimmer Ceiling_Temperature_Zone_15 { channel="lifx:colormzlight:ceiling:temperaturezone15" } // Kitchen Switch Kitchen_Toggle { channel="lifx:whitelight:kichen:brightness" } Dimmer Kitchen_Brightness { channel="lifx:whitelight:kitchen:brightness" } Dimmer Kitchen_Temperature { channel="lifx:whitelight:kitchen:temperature" } ``` ### demo.sitemap: ``` sitemap demo label="Main Menu" { Frame label="Living" { Switch item=Living_Color Slider item=Living_Color Colorpicker item=Living_Color Slider item=Living_Temperature } Frame label="Living2" { Switch item=Living2_Toggle Slider item=Living2_Dimmer Colorpicker item=Living2_Color Slider item=Living2_Temperature } Frame label="Desk" { Switch item=Desk_Color Slider item=Desk_Color Colorpicker item=Desk_Color Slider item=Desk_Temperature Switch item=Desk_HEV_Cycle } Frame label="Porch" { Switch item=Porch_Color Slider item=Porch_Color Colorpicker item=Porch_Color Slider item=Porch_Temperature Slider item=Porch_Infrared Text item=Porch_Signal_Strength } Frame label="Ceiling" { Switch item=Ceiling_Color Slider item=Ceiling_Color Colorpicker item=Ceiling_Color Slider item=Ceiling_Temperature Colorpicker item=Ceiling_Color_Zone_0 Slider item=Ceiling_Temperature_Zone_0 Colorpicker item=Ceiling_Color_Zone_15 Slider item=Ceiling_Temperature_Zone_15 } Frame label="Kitchen" { Switch item=Kitchen_Toggle Slider item=Kitchen_Brightness Slider item=Kitchen_Temperature } } ```