# Dominoswiss Binding This binding allows the control of rollershutters, using an eGate as gateway and Dominoswiss radio receivers. The eGate-gateway is connected via ethernet to openHAB and sends its commands via radio to all rollershutters. See <https://www.brelag.com/> for more information. ## Supported Things eGate: Dominoswiss eGate Server. The eGate is the gateway which sends the commands to the connected rollershutters. The bridge-type ID is egate. Blind: represents one rollershutter, that can be controlled via eGate. The thing-type ID is blind. ## Discovery Unfortunately no automatic discovery is possible due to protocol restrictions. Every rollershutter must be known by eGate and can be called by it's number of storage-place on eGate gateway. ## Thing Configuration The bridge "eGate" has one channel "getconfig" which returns the config of this bridge. The eGate is configured with both an `ipAddress` and a port. |Property|Default|Required|Description| |--------|-------|--------|-----------| |ipAddress|none|Yes|The IP or host name of the Dominoswiss EGate Serve| |port|1318|Yes|Port interface of the Dominoswiss EGate Server| ```java Bridge dominoswiss:egate:myeGate "My eGate Server" @ "Home" [ ipAddres="localhost", port=5700 ] ``` The thing blind represents one blind on the eGate. Each blind is represented by an id set on your eGate. ```java Thing blind officeBlind "Office" @ "1stFloor" [ id="1"] ``` The blind-Thing has the following channels: |Channel Type ID|Item Type|Description| |---------------|---------|-----------| |pulseUp|Rollershutter|sends one pulse up to this blind.| |pulseDown|Rollershutter|sends one pulse down to this blind| |continuousUp|Rollershutter|sends a continuous up to this blind. The blind will automatically stop as it is fully up.| |continuousDown|Rollershutter|send a continous down to this blind. The blind will automatically stop as it is fully down.| |stop|Rollershutter|stop the action of the blind. The command will be imadiatly sent to the blind.| |shutter|Rollershutter|this is used to bind the channel to the shutter item. There are no further rules needed this channel will handel the up/down/stop commands. See example for usage.| |tilt|Rollershutter|same as shutter, this will handel all up/down/stop - tilt commands to be used with the shutter-item.| |tiltUp|Rollershutter|sends 3 pulse-up commands to this blind to tilt the blind. If your blind needs more than 3 pulse-up, create a rule yourself with three pluse-up commands. Between each pulse-up you should wait 150ms to let the command be processed. |tiltDown|Rollershutter|sends 3 pulse-down commands to this blind to tilt the blind. If your blind needs more than 3 pulse-down, create a rule yourself with three pluse-down commands. Between each pulse-down you should wait 150ms to let the command be processed. | ## Full Example Sample things file: ```java Bridge dominoswiss:egate:myeGate "My eGate Server" @ "Home" [ ipAddres="localhost", port="5500" ] { Thing blind officeBlind "Office" @ "1stFloor" [ id="1"] Thing blind diningRoomBlind "Dining Room" @ "EG" [id="2"] Thing blind kitchenBlind "Kitchen" @ "EG" [id="12"] } ``` Sample items file: ```java Rollershutter OfficeBlindShutter "Office blind" <rollershutter> (g_blinds) { channel="dominoswiss:blind:myeGate:officeBlind:shutter"} Rollershutter OfficeBlindShutterTilt "Tilt Office" <rollershutter> (g_blinds_tilt) { channel="dominoswiss:blind:meGgate:bueroBlind:tilt"} ``` Sample sitemap file ```perl Switch item=OfficeBlindShutter Switch item=OfficeBlindShutterTilt ``` Sample rule file This example moves the blind of the office up as the sun passed 110 azimuth (so the sun is no longer shining directly into the office). ```java rule "OneSide up" when Item Azimuth changed then val azimuth = Math::round((Azimuth.state as DecimalType).intValue) if (azimuth == 110) { OfficeBlindShutter.sendCommand(UP) } end ```