J-N-K bd664ff0c8
[infrastructure] add external null-annotations ()
Signed-off-by: Jan N. Klug <>
2020-10-31 00:29:03 +01:00
src/main [infrastructure] add external null-annotations () 2020-10-31 00:29:03 +01:00
NOTICE added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00 added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00
pom.xml added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00

Shelly Binding

This Binding integrates Alterco Shelly devices.

Alterco provides a rich set of smart home devices. All of them are WiFi enabled (2,4GHz, IPv4 only) and provide a documented API. The binding is officially acknowledged by Alterco and openHAB is listed as a reference. Alterco directly supports this project.

The binding controls the devices independently from the Alterco Shelly Cloud (in fact it can be disabled). The binding co-exists with Shelly App for Smartphones, Shelly Web App, Shelly Cloud, mqqt and other 3rd party Apps.

The binding focuses on reporting the device status and device control. Initial setup and device configuration has to be performed using the Shelly Apps. The binding gets in sync with the next status refresh.

Supported Devices

Thing Type Model Vendor ID
shelly1 Shelly Single Relay Switch SHSW-1
shelly1pm Shelly Single Relay Switch with integrated Power Meter SHSW-PM
shelly2-relay Shelly Double Relay Switch in relay mode SHSW-21
shelly2-roller Shelly2 in Roller Mode SHSW-21
shelly25-relay Shelly 2.5 in Relay Switch SHSW-25
shelly25-roller Shelly 2.5 in Roller Mode SHSW-25
shelly4pro Shelly 4x Relay Switch SHSW-44
shellydimmer Shelly Dimmer SHDM-1
shellydimmer2 Shelly Dimmer2 SHDM-2
shellyix3 Shelly ix3 SHIX3-1
shellyplug Shelly Plug SHPLG2-1
shellyplugs Shelly Plug-S SHPLG-S
shellyem Shelly EM with integrated Power Meters SHEM
shellyem3 Shelly 3EM with 3 integrated Power Meter SHEM-3
shellyrgbw2 Shelly RGB Controller SHRGBW2
shellybulb Shelly Bulb in Color or White Mode SHBLB-1
shellybulbduo Shelly Duo (White Mode) SHBDUO-1
shellyvintage Shelly Vintage (White Mode) SHVIN-1
shellyht Shelly Sensor (temp+humidity) SHHT-1
shellyflood Shelly Flood Sensor SHWT-1
shellysmoke Shelly Smoke Sensor
shellygas Shelly Gas Sensor SHGS-1
shellydw Shelly Door/Window SHDW-1
shellydw2 Shelly Door/Window 2 SHDW-2
shellybutton1 Shelly Button 1 SHBTN-1
shellysense Shelly Motion and IR Controller SHSEN-1
shellydevice A password protected Shelly device or an unknown type

Binding Configuration

The binding has the following configuration options:

Parameter Description Mandatory Default
defaultUserId Default user id for HTTP authentication when not set in the Thing no admin
defaultPassword Default password for HTTP authentication when not set in the Thing no admin
autoCoIoT Auto-enable CoIoT events when firmware 1.6+ is enabled. no true

The binding defaults to CoIoT events when firmware 1.6 or newer is detected. CoIoT provides near-realtime updates on device status changes. This mode also overrules event settings in the thing configuration.

Disabling this feature allows granular control, which event types will be used. This is also required when the Shelly devices are not located on the same IP subnet (e.g. using a VPN). In this case autoCoIoT should be disabled, CoIoT events will not work, because the underlying CoAP protocol is based on Multicast IP, which usually doesn't passes a VPN or routed network.


In general devices need to be powered to be discovered by the binding. The binding uses mDNS to discover the Shelly devices. They periodically announce their presence, which is used by the binding to find them on the local network.

Sometimes you need to run the manual discovery multiple times until you see all your devices.


The binding requires firmware version 1.7.0 or newer to enable all features. Some of the features are enabled dynamically or are not available depending on device type and firmware release. The Web UI of the Shelly device displays the current firmware version under Settings:Firmware and shows an update option when a newer version is available.

Version Notes
1.5.7 Minimum supported version. Older versions work in general, but have impacts to functionality (e.g. no events for battery powered devices). The binding displays a WARNING in the log if the firmware is older.
1.6.x First stable CoIoT implementation. AutoCoIoT is enabled when firmware version >= 1.6 is detected.
1.7.x Add additional status update values, fixes various issues
1.8.0 Brings CoIoT version 2, which fixes a lot issues and gaps of version 1.

The current firmware version is reported in the Thing Properties. A dedicated channel (device#updateAvailable) indicates the availability of a newer firmware. Use the device's Web UI or the Shelly App to perform the update.

Once you have updated the device you should delete and re-discover the openHAB Thing. Battery powered devices need to wake up by pressing the button. This makes sure that the Thing is correctly initialized and all supported channels are created. openHAB will kill the item linkage. At a minimum you should restart the binding on the openHAB console if you don't want to re-discover the things.

Password Protected Devices

The Shelly devices can be configured to require authorization through a user id and password. In this case you need to set these values in the Thing configuration after approving the Inbox entry.

If you have multiple devices protected by the same credentials it's recommended to set the default user id and password in the binding configuration BEFORE running the discovery. In this case the binding could directly access the device to retrieve the required information using those credentials. Otherwise a thing of type shellyprotected is created in the Inbox and you could set the credentials while adding the thing. In this case the credentials are persisted as part of the thing configuration.

Important for battery powered devices

Make sure to wake up battery powered devices, so that they show up on the network. The device has a push button inside. Open the case, press that button and the LED starts flashing. Wait a moment and then start the discovery. The device should show up in the Inbox and can be added. Sometimes you need to run the discovery multiple times.

Dynamic creation of channels

The Shelly series of devices has many combinations of relays, meters (different versions), sensors etc. For this the binding creates various channels dynamically based on the status information provided by the device at initialization time. If a channel is missing make sure the thing was discovered correctly and is ONLINE. If a channel is missing delete the thing and re-discover it.

Thing Status

The binding sets the following thing status depending on the device status:

Status Description
INITIALIZING This is the default status while initializing the thing. Once the initialization is triggered the thing switches to Status UNKNOWN.
UNKNOWN Indicates that the status is currently unknown, which must not show a problem. Usually the thing stays in this status when the device is in sleep mode. Once the device is reachable and was initialized the thing switches to status ONLINE.
ONLINE ONLINE indicates that the device can be accessed and is responding properly. Battery powered devices also stay ONLINE when in sleep mode. The binding has an integrated watchdog timer supervising the device, see below. The thing switches to status OFFLINE when some type of communication error occurs.
OFFLINE Communication with the device failed. Check the thing status in the UI and openHAB's log for an indication of the error. Try restarting OH or deleting and re-discovering the thing. You could also post to the community thread if the problem stays.

Battery powered devices: If the device is in sleep mode and can't be reached by the binding, the thing will change into UNKNOWN state. Once the device wakes up, the thing will perform initialization and the state will change to ONLINE.

The first time a device is discovered and initialized successfully, the binding will be able to perform auto-initialization when OH is restarted. Waking up the device triggers the event URL and/or CoIoT packet, which is processed by the binding and triggers initialization. Once a device is initialized, it is no longer necessary to manually wake it up after an openHAB restart unless you change the battery. In this case press the button and run the discovery again.

Device Watchdog

The binding supervises availability of the device once it becomes ONLINE by sending periodic status requests to the device. The watchdog is restarted when the device is responding properly.

Communication errors are handled depending on the device type:

  • regular power devices change to OFFLINE, because this status indicates an error
  • battery powered devices stay ONLINE, because usually the device is in sleep mode

The binding also monitors that the device is responding at least once within a given time period. The period is computed depending on the device type and configuration:

  • battery powered devices: <sleepPeriod from device config> + 10min, usually 12h+10min=730min
  • else, if CoIoT is enabled: 3*<update Period from device settings>+10sec, usually3*15+10=45sec
  • else 2*60+10sec = 130sec

Once the timer expires the device switches to OFFFLINE and the bindings starts to re-initialize the device periodically.

You could also create a rule to catch those status changes or device alarms (see rule examples).

Trouble Shooting

Network Settings

Shelly devices do only support IPv4. This implies that the openHAB host system has IPv4 bound to the network interface. The binding is only able to discover devices on the local subnet. Add things manually with the given IP if you have a routed network in between or using a VPN connection.

The binding enables CoIoT protocol by default if the device is running firmware 1.6 or newer. CoIoT is based on CoAP and uses a UDP based signaling using IP Multicast (, port 5683). Again if the device is not on the same local IP subnet you need special router/switch configurations to utilized CoAP via IP Multicast. Otherwise disable the Auto-CoIoT feature in the binding config (not the thing config), disable CoIoT events in the thing configuration and enable sensors events (http callback). Nevertheless in this setup the binding can communicate the device, but you are loosing the benefits of CoIoT.

Refer to openHAB's general documentation when running openHAB in a docker container. Enabling mDNS discovery has additional setup requirements.

Re-discover when IP address has changed

Important: The IP address should not be changed after the device is added to openHAB.

This can be achieved by

  • assigning a static IP address (recommended for battery powered devices) or
  • using DHCP and setup the router to always assign the same IP address to the device

When the IP address changes for a device you need to delete the Thing and then re-discover the device. In this case channel linkage gets lost and you need to re-link the channels/items.

Thing Configuration

Parameter Description Mandatory Default
deviceIp IP address of the Shelly device yes none
userId The user id used for HTTP authentication no none
password Password for HTTP authentication* no none
lowBattery Threshold for battery level. Set alert when level is below. no 20 (=20%), only for battery powered devices
updateInterval Interval for the background status check in seconds. no 1h for battery powered devices, 60s for all others
eventsButton true: register event "trigger when a button is pushed" no false
eventsPush true: register event "trigger on short and long push" no false
eventsSwitch true: register event "trigger of switching the relay output" no true
eventsSensorReport true: register event "posted updated sensor data" no true for sensor devices
eventsCoIoT true: Listen for CoIoT/COAP events no true for battery devices, false for others

General Notes

  • channels input and input1/input2 get only updated with firmware 1.5.6+.
  • channel button: Short push and long push events require firmware version 1.5.6+.
  • Use the channel rollerpos only if you need the inverted roller position, otherwise use the control channel with item type Number
  • The different devices have different types of power meters, which are mapped in different sets of channels.

Every device has a channel group device with the following channels:

Group Channel Type read-only Description
device deviceName String yes Device name as configured in the Shelly App
uptime Number yes Number of seconds since the device was powered up
wifiSignal Number yes WiFi signal strength (4=excellent, 3=good, 2=not string, 1=unreliable, 0=none)
innerTemp Number yes Internal device temperature (when provided by the device)
selfTest String yes Result from device self-test (pending/not_completed/running/completed/unknown)
alarm Trigger yes Self-Test result not_completed/completed/running/pending
accumulatedWatts Number yes Accumulated power in W of the device (including all meters)
accumulatedTotal Number yes Accumulated total power in kw/h of the device (including all meters)
accumulatedReturned Number yes Accumulated returned power in kw/h of the device (including all meters)
heartBeat DateTime yes Timestamp of the last successful device communication
updateAvailable Switch yes ON: A firmware update is available (use Shelly App to perform update)
statusLed Switch r/w ON: Status LED is disabled, OFF: LED enabled
powerLed Switch r/w ON: Power LED is disabled, OFF: LED enabled

Availability of channels is depending on the device type. The binding detects many of those channels on-the-fly (when Thing changes to ONLINE state) and adjusts the Thing's channel structure. The device must be discovered and ONLINE to successfully complete this process. The accumulated channels are only available for devices with more than 1 meter. accumulatedReturned only for the EM and 3EM. The LED channels are available for the Plug-S with firmware 1.6x and for various other devices with firmware 1.8 or newer. The binding detects them automatically.


Action URLs vs. CoIoT

Depending on the firmware release the Shelly devices supports 2 different mechanims to report sensor updates or events.

  1. Action URLs

Usually the binding polls the device to update the status and maps the returned values to the various channels. In addition the binding can register so-called Action URLs. Those a events triggered by the device to report special events. You need to disable autoCoIoT in the binding configuration to make specific selections for the Action events.

The following event types could be registered when enabled in the thing configuration:

Event Type Description
eventsButton This event is triggered when the device is in button mode. The device reports the ON/OFF status oh the button.
eventsSwitch This event reports the status of the relay output. This could change by the button or API calls.
eventsPush The device reports the short/longpush events when in button mode momentary, momentary_on_release or detached.
eventsSensorReport Sensor devices (like H&T) provide sensor updates when this action URL is enabled.

Important: The binding defaults to CoIoT when firmware 1.6 or newer is detected. This has significant experience improvements and also prevents interfering with other applications, because the device only supports one set of Action URLs.

  1. CoIoT / CoAP

Starting with version 1.6 the devices reports most status values via the CoIoT protocol. CoIoT provides near-realtime updates and better event support. Firmware 1.7 adds additional status values, also supported by the binding. Version 1.8 introduces CoIoT version 2, which fixes various issues with version 1 and provides almost all relevant status updates.

If there is no specific reason you should enable CoIoT. See Network Settings for more information.

Enable the autoCoIoT option in the binding configuration or eventsCoIoT is the thing configuration to activate CoIoT.

Button events

Various devices signal an event when the physical button is pressed. This could be a switch connected to the SW input of the relay or the Button 1.

The following trigger types are sent:

Event Type Description
SHORT_PRESSED The button was pressed once for a short time
DOUBLE_PRESSED The button was pressed twice with short delay
TRIPLE_PRESSED The button was pressed three times with short delay
LONG_PRESSED The button was pressed for a longer time
SHORT_LONG_PRESSED A short followed by a long button push
LONG_SHORT_PRESSED A long followed by a short button push

Check the channel definitions for the various devices to see if the device supports those events. You could use the Shelly App to set the timing for those events.


The binding provides health monitoring functions for the device. When an alarm condition is detected the channel alarm gets triggered and provides one of the following alarm types:

A new alarm will be triggered on a new condition or every 5 minutes if the condition persists.

Non-battery powered devices

Event Type Description
RESTARTED The device has been restarted. This could be an indicator for a firmware problem.
WEAK_SIGNAL An alarm is triggered when RSSI is < -80, which indicates an unstable connection.
OVER_TEMP The device is overheating, check installation and housing.
OVER_LOAD An over load condition has been detected, e.g. from the roller motor.
OVER_POWER Maximum allowed power was exceeded. The relay was turned off.
LOAD_ERROR Device reported a load problem, so far Dimmer only.


Event Type Description
POWERON Device was powered on.
PERIODIC Periodic wakeup.
BUTTON Button was pressed, e.g. to wake up the device.
SENSOR Wake-up due to updated sensor data.
ALARM Alarm condition was detected, check status, could be OPENED for the DW, flood alarm, smoke alarm
BATTERY Device reported an update to the battery status.
TEMP_UNDER Below "temperature under" threshold
TEMP_OVER Above "temperature over" threshold
rule "Shelly Alarm"
    Channel "shelly:shelly1:XXXXXX:device#alarm" triggered
    logInfo("Shelly", "n alarm condition was detected:" + receivedEvent.toString())


Depending on the device type and firmware release channels might be not available or

Shelly 1 (thing-type: shelly1)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay output Switch r/w Controls the relay's output channel (on/off)
input Switch yes ON: Input/Button is powered, see General Notes on Channels
outputName String yes Logical name of this relay output as configured in the Shelly App
sensors temperature1 Number yes Temperature value of external sensor #1 (if connected to temp/hum addon)
temperature2 Number yes Temperature value of external sensor #2 (if connected to temp/hum addon)
temperature3 Number yes Temperature value of external sensor #3 (if connected to temp/hum addon)
humidity Number yes Humidity in percent (if connected to temp/hum addon)

Shelly 1PM (thing-type: shelly1pm)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay output Switch r/w Controls the relay's output channel (on/off)
input Switch yes ON: Input/Button is powered, see General Notes on Channels
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
outputName String yes Logical name of this relay output as configured in the Shelly App
meter currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
lastPower1 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 1 minute ago
lastPower2 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 2 minutes ago
lastPower3 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 3 minutes ago
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement
sensors temperature1 Number yes Temperature value of external sensor #1 (if connected to temp/hum addon)
temperature2 Number yes Temperature value of external sensor #2 (if connected to temp/hum addon)
temperature3 Number yes Temperature value of external sensor #3 (if connected to temp/hum addon)
humidity Number yes Humidity in percent (if connected to temp/hum addon)

Shelly EM (thing-type: shellyem)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay output Switch r/w Controls the relay's output channel (on/off)
input Switch yes ON: Input/Button is powered, see General Notes on Channels
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
outputName String yes Logical name of this relay output as configured in the Shelly App
meter1 currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
returnedKWH Number yes Total returned energy, kw/h
reactiveWatts Number yes Instantaneous reactive power, Watts
voltage Number yes RMS voltage, Volts
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement
meter2 currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
returnedKWH Number yes Total returned energy, kw/h
reactiveWatts Number yes Instantaneous reactive power, Watts
voltage Number yes RMS voltage, Volts
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement

Shelly 3EM (thing-type: shellyem3)

Please note: The product is called Shelly 3EM whereas the device propagates the service under shellyem3. The thing id is derived from the service name, so that's the reason why the thing is named shellyem3 and not shelly3em.

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay output Switch r/w Controls the relay's output channel (on/off)
input Switch yes ON: Input/Button is powered, see General Notes on Channels
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
outputName String yes Logical name of this relay output as configured in the Shelly App
meter1 currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
returnedKWH Number yes Total returned energy, kw/h
reactiveWatts Number yes Instantaneous reactive power, Watts
voltage Number yes RMS voltage, Volts
current Number yes Current in A
powerFactor Number yes Power Factor
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement
meter2 currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
returnedKWH Number yes Total returned energy, kw/h
reactiveWatts Number yes Instantaneous reactive power, Watts
voltage Number yes RMS voltage, Volts
current Number yes Current in A
powerFactor Number yes Power Factor
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement
meter3 currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
returnedKWH Number yes Total returned energy, kw/h
reactiveWatts Number yes Instantaneous reactive power, Watts
voltage Number yes RMS voltage, Volts
current Number yes Current in A
powerFactor Number yes Power Factor
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement

Shelly 2 - relay mode thing-type: shelly2-relay)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay1 output Switch r/w Relay #1: Controls the relay's output channel (on/off)
input Switch yes ON: Input/Button is powered, see General Notes on Channels
autoOn Number r/w Relay #1: Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF command; in seconds
autoOff Number r/w Relay #1: Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON command; in seconds
timerActive Switch yes Relay #1: ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
outputName String yes Logical name of this relay output as configured in the Shelly App
relay2 output Switch r/w Relay #2: Controls the relay's output channel (on/off)
input Switch yes ON: Input/Button is powered, see General Notes on Channels
autoOn Number r/w Relay #2: Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF command; in seconds
autoOff Number r/w Relay #2: Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON command; in seconds
timerActive Switch yes Relay #2: ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
outputName String yes Logical name of this relay output as configured in the Shelly App
meter currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
lastPower1 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 1 minute ago
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement

Shelly 2 - roller mode thing-type: shelly2-roller)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
roller control Rollershutter r/w can be open (0%), stop, or close (100%); could also handle ON (open) and OFF (close)
input Switch yes ON: Input/Button is powered, see General Notes on Channels
rollerpos Number r/w Roller position: 100%=open...0%=closed; gets updated when the roller stops, see Notes
state String yes Roller state: open/close/stop
stopReason String yes Last stop reasons: normal, safety_switch or obstacle
event Trigger yes Roller event/trigger with payload ROLLER_OPEN / ROLLER_CLOSE / ROLLER_STOP
meter currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
lastPower1 Number yes Accumulated energy consumption in Watts for the full last minute
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (reset on restart)
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement

The roller positioning calibration has to be performed using the Shelly App before the position can be set in percent.

Shelly 2.5 - relay mode (thing-type:shelly25-relay)

The Shelly 2.5 includes 2 meters, one for each channel.

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay1 See group relay1 for Shelly 2
relay2 See group relay1 for Shelly 2
meter1 See group meter1 for Shelly 2
meter2 See group meter1 for Shelly 2

Shelly 2.5 - roller mode (thing-type: shelly25-roller)

The Shelly 2.5 includes 2 meters, one for each channel. However, it doesn't make sense to differ power consumption for the roller moving up vs. moving down. For this the binding aggregates the power consumption of both relays and includes the values in "meter1".

Group Channel Type read-only Description
roller control Rollershutter r/w can be open (0%), stop, or close (100%); could also handle ON (open) and OFF (close)
rollerpos Dimmer r/w Roller position: 100%=open...0%=closed; gets updated when the roller stopped
input Switch yes ON: Input/Button is powered, see General Notes on Channels
state String yes Roller state: open/close/stop
stopReason String yes Last stop reasons: normal, safety_switch or obstacle
event Trigger yes Roller event/trigger with payload ROLLER_OPEN / ROLLER_CLOSE / ROLLER_STOP
meter See group meter1 for Shelly 2

The roller positioning calibration has to be performed using the Shelly App before the position can be set in percent.

Shelly4 Pro (thing-type: shelly4pro)

The Shelly 4Pro provides 4 relays and 4 power meters.

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay1 See group relay1 for Shelly 2
relay2 See group relay1 for Shelly 2
relay3 See group relay1 for Shelly 2
relay4 See group relay1 for Shelly 2
meter1 See group meter1 for Shelly 2
meter2 See group meter1 for Shelly 2
meter3 See group meter1 for Shelly 2
meter4 See group meter1 for Shelly 2

Shelly Plug-S (thing-type: shellyplugs)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay See group relay1 for Shelly 2
meter See group meter1 for Shelly 2

Shelly Dimmer (thing-type: shellydimmer)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay brightness Dimmer r/w Currently selected brightness.
input1 Switch yes State of Input 1 (S1)
input2 Switch yes State of Input 2 (S2)
autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF command; in seconds
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON command; in seconds
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
outputName String yes Logical name of this relay output as configured in the Shelly App
meter currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
lastPower1 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 1 minute ago
lastPower2 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 2 minutes ago
lastPower3 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 3 minutes ago
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement

Shelly Dimmer2 (thing-type: shellydimmer2)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
relay brightness Dimmer r/w Currently selected brightness.
input1 Switch yes State of Input 1 (S1)
input2 Switch yes State of Input 2 (S2)
autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF command; in seconds
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON command; in seconds
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
outputName String yes Logical name of this relay output as configured in the Shelly App
meter currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
lastPower1 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 1 minute ago
lastPower2 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 2 minutes ago
lastPower3 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 3 minutes ago
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement

The Dimmer should be calibrated using the Shelly App.

Shelly ix3 (thing-type: shellyix3)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
status input1 Switch yes State of Input 1
input2 Switch yes State of Input 2
input3 Switch yes State of Input 3
lastEvent String yes S/SS/SSS for 1/2/3x Shortpush or L for Longpush
eventCount Number yes Number of button events

Shelly Bulb (thing-type: shellybulb)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
control power Switch r/w Switch light ON/OFF
mode Switch r/w Color mode: color or white
autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF; in sec
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON: in sec
timerActive Switch yes ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
color Color settings: only valid in COLOR mode
hsb HSB r/w Represents the color picker (HSBType), control r/g/b, bight not white
full String r/w Set Red / Green / Blue / Yellow / White mode and switch mode
r/w Valid settings: "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "white" or "r,g,b,w"
red Dimmer r/w Red brightness: 0..100% or 0..255 (control only the red channel)
green Dimmer r/w Green brightness: 0..100% or 0..255 (control only the red channel)
blue Dimmer r/w Blue brightness: 0..100% or 0..255 (control only the red channel)
white Dimmer r/w White brightness: 0..100% or 0..255 (control only the red channel)
gain Dimmer r/w Gain setting: 0..100% or 0..100
effect Number r/w Puts the light into effect mode: 0..6)
0=No effect, 1=Meteor Shows, 2=Gradual Change, 3=Breath
4=Flash, 5=On/Off Gradual, 6=Red/Green Change
white Color settings: only valid in WHITE mode
temperature Number r/w color temperature (K): 0..100% or 3000..6500
brightness Dimmer Brightness: 0..100% or 0..100

Shelly Duo (thing-type: shellybulbduo)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
control autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF; in sec
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON: in sec
timerActive Switch yes ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
white Color settings: only valid in WHITE mode
temperature Number r/w color temperature (K): 0..100% or 2700..6500
brightness Dimmer Brightness: 0..100% or 0..100
meter currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
lastPower1 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 1 minute ago
lastPower2 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 2 minutes ago
lastPower3 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 3 minutes ago
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement

Shelly Vintage (thing-type: shellyvintage)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
control autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF; in sec
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON: in sec
timerActive Switch yes ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
white Color settings: only valid in WHITE mode
brightness Dimmer Brightness: 0..100% or 0..100
meter currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts
lastPower1 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 1 minute ago
lastPower2 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 2 minutes ago
lastPower3 Number yes Energy consumption in Watts for a round minute, 3 minutes ago
totalKWH Number yes Total energy consumption in Watts since the device powered up (resets on restart)
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last measurement

Shelly RGBW2 in Color Mode (thing-type: shellyrgbw2-color)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
control power Switch r/w Switch light ON/OFF
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF command; in seconds
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON command; in seconds
timerActive Switch yes ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
color Color settings: only valid in COLOR mode
hsb HSB r/w Represents the color picker (HSBType), control r/g/b, bight not white
full String r/w Set Red / Green / Blue / Yellow / White mode and switch mode
r/w Valid settings: "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "white" or "r,g,b,w"
red Dimmer r/w Red brightness: 0..100% or 0..255 (control only the red channel)
green Dimmer r/w Green brightness: 0..100% or 0..255 (control only the red channel)
blue Dimmer r/w Blue brightness: 0..100% or 0..255 (control only the red channel)
white Dimmer r/w White brightness: 0..100% or 0..255 (control only the red channel)
gain Dimmer r/w Gain setting: 0..100% or 0..100
effect Number r/w Puts the light into effect mode: 0..3)
0=No effect, 1=Meteor Shower, 2=Gradual Change, 3=Flash
meter currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts

Shelly RGBW2 in White Mode (thing-type: shellyrgbw2-white)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
control input Switch yes State of Input
channel1 brightness Dimmer r/w Channel 1: Brightness: 0..100, control power state with ON/OFF
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF command; in seconds
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON command; in seconds
timerActive Switch yes ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
channel2 brightness Dimmer r/w Channel 2: Brightness: 0..100, control power state with ON/OFF
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF command; in seconds
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON command; in seconds
timerActive Switch yes ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
channel3 brightness Dimmer r/w Channel 3: Brightness: 0..100, control power state with ON/OFF
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF command; in seconds
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON command; in seconds
timerActive Switch yes ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
channel4 brightness Dimmer r/w Channel 5: Brightness: 0..100, control power state with ON/OFF
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED or LONG_PRESSED (FW 1.5.6+)
autoOn Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device ON after every OFF command; in seconds
autoOff Number r/w Sets a timer to turn the device OFF after every ON command; in seconds
timerActive Switch yes ON: An auto-on/off timer is active
meter currentWatts Number yes Current power consumption in Watts (all channels)

Please note that the settings of channel group color are only valid in color mode and vice versa for white mode. The current firmware doesn't support the timestamp report for the meters. The binding emulates this by using the system time on every update.

In white mode each RGBW2 channel is defined as DimmableLight. This means that the brightness channel has 2 functions

  • Sending ON/OFF (OnOffType) to power on/off the channel
  • Sending a Number to set the brightness (percentage 0..100)

Sending brightness 0 will automatically turn off the channel if it's currently on. Sending brightness > 0 will automatically turn on the channel if it's currently off. You can define 2 items (1 Switch, 1 Number) mapping to the same channel, see example rules.

Shelly H&T (thing-type: shellyht)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
sensors temperature Number yes Temperature, unit is reported by tempUnit
humidity Number yes Relative humidity in %
charger Number yes ON: USB charging cable is
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last update (any sensor value changed)
battery batteryLevel Number yes Battery Level in %
voltage Number yes Voltage of the battery
lowBattery Switch yes Low battery alert (< 20%)

Shelly Flood (thing type: shellyflood)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
sensors temperature Number yes Temperature, unit is reported by tempUnit
flood Switch yes ON: Flooding condition detected, OFF: no flooding
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last update (any sensor value changed)
battery batteryLevel Number yes Battery Level in %
voltage Number yes Voltage of the battery
lowBattery Switch yes Low battery alert (< 20%)

Shelly Door/Window (thing type: shellydw)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
sensors state Contact yes OPEN: Contact is open, CLOSED: Contact is closed
lux Number yes Brightness in Lux
illumination String yes Current illumination: dark/twilight/bright
titl Number yes Tilt in ° (angle), -1 indicates that the sensor is not calibrated
vibration Switch yes ON: Vibration detected
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last update (any sensor value changed)
lastError String yes Last device error.
battery batteryLevel Number yes Battery Level in %
voltage Number yes Voltage of the battery
lowBattery Switch yes Low battery alert (< 20%)

Shelly Button 1 (thing type: shellybutton1)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
status lastEvent String yes S/SS/SSS for 1/2/3x Shortpush or L for Longpush
eventCount Number yes Number of button events
input Switch yes ON: Input/Button is powered, see General Notes on Channels
button Trigger yes Event trigger with payload SHORT_PRESSED, DOUBLE_PRESSED...
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last update (any value changed)
battery batteryLevel Number yes Battery Level in %
voltage Number yes Voltage of the battery
lowBattery Switch yes Low battery alert (< 20%)

You should calibrate the sensor using the Shelly App to get information on the tilt status.

Shelly Smoke(thing type: shellysmoke)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
sensors temperature Number yes Temperature, unit is reported by tempUnit
smoke Number yes ON: Smoke detected
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last update (any sensor value changed)
lastError String yes Last device error.
battery batteryLevel Number yes Battery Level in %
voltage Number yes Voltage of the battery
lowBattery Switch yes Low battery alert (< 20%)

Shelly Smoke(thing type: shellygas)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
sensors ppm Number yes Gas concentration (ppm)
sensorState String yes Sensor state: unknown/warmup/normal/fault
alarmState String yes Alarm state: unknown/none/mild/heavy/test
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last update (any sensor value changed)

Shelly Sense (thing-type: shellysense)

Group Channel Type read-only Description
control key String r/w Send a IR key to the sense. There a 3 different types supported
Stored key: send the key code defined by the App , e.g. 123_1_up
Pronto hex: send a Pronto Code in ex format, e.g. 0000 006C 0022 ...
Pronto base64: in base64 format, will be send 1:1 to the Sense
motionTime Number r/w Define the number of seconds when the Sense should report motion
motionLED Switch r/w Control the motion LED: ON when motion is detected or OFF
charger Switch yes ON: charger connected, OFF: charger not connected.
sensors temperature Number yes Temperature in °C
humidity Number yes Relative humidity in %
lux Number yes Brightness in Lux
motion Switch yes ON: Motion detected, OFF: No motion (check also motionTimer)
lastUpdate DateTime yes Timestamp of the last update (any sensor value changed)
battery batteryLevel Number yes Battery Level in %
batteryAlert Switch yes Low battery alert

Full Example


/* Shelly 2.5 Roller */
Thing shelly:shelly25-roller:XXXXX1 "Shelly 25 Roller XXXXX1" @ "Home Theater" [deviceIp="x.x.x.x", userId="", password=""]
Thing shelly:shelly25-roller:XXXXX2 "Shelly 25 Roller XXXXX2" @ "Living Room"  [deviceIp="x.x.x.x", userId="admin", password="secret"]

/* Shelly 2.5 Relays */
Thing shelly:shelly25-relay:XXXXX3 "Shelly 25 Relay XXXXX3" @ "Hall Way" [deviceIp="x.x.x.x", userId="", password=""]
Thing shelly:shelly25-relay:XXXXX4 "Shelly 25 Relay XXXXX4" @ "Dining Room" [deviceIp="x.x.x.x", userId="", password=""]
Thing shelly:shelly25-relay:XXXXX5 "Shelly 25 Relay XXXXX5" @ "Bed Room" [deviceIp="x.x.x.x", userId="", password=""]

/* Other *
Thing shelly:shellyht:e01691 "ShellyChimenea" @ "lowerground" [ deviceIp="", userId="", password="", lowBattery=15 , eventsCoIoT=true ]
Thing shelly:shellyht:e01681 "ShellyDormitorio" @ "upperground" [ deviceIp="", userId="", password="", lowBattery=15 , eventsCoIoT=true ]
Thing shelly:shellyflood:XXXXXX "ShellyFlood" @ "cellar" [ deviceIp="", userId="", password="", lowBattery=15, eventsSwitch=true, eventsButton=true, eventsCoIoT=true ]


/* Relays */
Switch Shelly_XXXXX3_Relay        "Garage Light"                  {channel="shelly:shelly1:XXXXX3:relay#output"}
Number Shelly_XXXXX3_AutoOnTimer  "Garage Light Auto On Timer"    {channel="shelly:shelly1:XXXXX3:relay#autoOn"}
Number Shelly_XXXXX3_AutoOffTimer "Garage Light Auto Off Timer"   {channel="shelly:shelly1:BA2F18:relay#autoOff"}
Switch Shelly_XXXXX3_Relay        "Garage Light"                  {channel="shelly:shelly1:XXXXX3:relay#output"}
Switch Shelly_XXXXX3_Input        "Garage Switch (Input)"         {channel="shelly:shelly1:XXXXX3:relay#input"}

/* Sensors */
Number ShellyHT_Dormitorio_Temp  "Dormitorio Temperature" <temperature> {channel="shelly:shellyht:e01681:sensors#temperature"}
Number ShellyHT_Dormitorio_Humid "Dormitorio Humidity"    <humidity>    {channel="shelly:shellyht:e01681:sensors#humidity"}
Number ShellyHT_Dormitorio_Batt  "Dormitorio Battery"     <battery>     {channel="shelly:shellyht:e01681:battery#batteryLevel"}
Number ShellyHT_Chimenea_Temp    "Chimenea Temperature"   <temperature> {channel="shelly:shellyht:e01691:sensors#temperature"}
Number ShellyHT_Chimenea_Humid   "Chimenea Humidity"      <humidity>    {channel="shelly:shellyht:e01691:sensors#humidity"}
Number ShellyHT_Chimenea_Batt    "Chimenea Battery"       <battery>     {channel="shelly:shellyht:e01691:battery#batteryLevel"}
Number ShellyF_Sotano_Temp       "Sotano Temperature"     <temperature> {channel="shelly:shellyflood:764fe0:sensors#temperature"}
Number ShellyF_Sotano_Batt       "Sotano Battery"         <battery>     {channel="shelly:shellyflood:764fe0:battery#batteryLevel"}
Switch ShellyF_Sotano_Flood      "Sotano Flood Alarm"     <alarm>       {channel="shelly:shellyflood:764fe0:sensors#flood"}

/* Dimmer */
Switch DimmerSwitch     "Light on/off"                       {channel="shelly:shellydimmer:XXX:relay#brightness"}
Dimmer DimmerBrightness "Garage Light Brightness"            {channel="shelly:shellydimmer:XXX:relay#brightness"}
Dimmer DimmerIncDec     "Garage Light +/-"                   {channel="shelly:shellydimmer:XXX:relay#brightness"}

Number Shelly_Power     "Bath Room Light Power"                {channel="shelly:shelly1:XXXXXX:meter#currentWatts"} /* Power Meter */


reading colors from color picker:

import org.openhab.core.library.types.*

rule "Get input change from garage light"
    Item Shelly_XXXXX3_Input changed to ON
    logInfo("Garage", "Light input is ON")

rule "Momentary Switch events"
    Channel "shelly:shellydevice:XXXXXX:relay1#button" triggered SHORT_PRESSED
    logInfo("Relay", "A short push was detected")

rule "Shelly alarms"
    Channel "shelly:shellydevice:XXXXXX:device#alarm"       triggered or
    Channel "shelly:shelly25-roller:XXXXXX:device#alarm"    triggered
    if (receivedEvent !== null) { // A (channel) event triggered the rule
        eventSource = receivedEvent.getChannel().asString 
        eventType = receivedEvent.getEvent()

rule "Color changed" 
    Item ShellyColor changed
    var HSBType hsbValue = ShellyColor.state as HSBType
    var int redValue =
    var int greenValue =
    var int blueValue =


sitemap demo label="Home"
        Frame label="Dimmer" {
            Switch   item=DimmerSwitch
            Slider   item=DimmerBrightness
            SetPoint item=DimmerIncDec

            Number   item=ShellyHT_Dormitorio_Temp
            Number   item=ShellyHT_Chimenea_Humid
            Number   item=ShellyF_Sotano_Batt
            Number   item=Shelly_Power