* Update copyright year in configuration * Update license headers Signed-off-by: Jacob Laursen <jacob-github@vindvejr.dk> |
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Helios easyControls
Helios Heat-Recovery Ventilation devices use a Modbus protocol to communicate with different sensors, switches, etc. Some devices come with an integrated web interface (easyControls) as well as a Modbus TCP/IP Gateway. See the corresponding specification.
For Helios ventilation devices supporting integration only via RS485, the separate Helios Ventilation binding can be used.
Supported Things
Thing | Description |
helios-easycontrols | Helios Heat-Recovery Ventilation devices with easyControls |
You first need to set up a Modbus bridge according to the Modbus documentation.
Things in this extension will use the selected bridge to connect to the device.
The configuration of a Helios Ventilation device via a .things
file would look like the following code sample.
It's required to provide the device's IP address, port and unit ID (port and unit ID cannot be changed and always have to be 502 and 180; in fact the values provided here are ignored by the binding and the fixed values 502 and 180 are used):
Bridge modbus:tcp:modbus-gateway "Modbus TCP/IP Gateway" [ host="x.x.x.x", port=502, id=180, enableDiscovery=true ] {
Thing helios-easycontrols kwl "KWL"
The following channels are supported:
Channel | Channel Group | Description | Item Type | RW |
sysdate | general | The KWL's system date and time | DateTime | RW |
summerWinter | general | Indicates if summertime or wintertime is active (0 = wintertime, 1 = summertime) | Number | RW |
autoSwUpdate | general | Indicates if automatic software updates are enable | Switch | RW |
accessHeliosPortal | general | Indicates if access to Helios portal is enabled | Switch | RW |
minFanStage | unitConfig | Minimum fan stage (0 or 1) (0, 1) | Number | RW |
preHeaterStatus | general | Pre-Heater Status | Switch | RW |
humidityControlSetValue | humidityControl | Humidity control set value (in percent) (20 - 80 %) | Number:Dimensionless | RW |
humidityControlSteps | humidityControl | Humidity control steps (in percent) (5 - 20 %) | Number:Dimensionless | RW |
humidityStopTime | humidityControl | Humidity stop time in hours (0-24) (0 - 24 h) | Number:Time | RW |
co2ControlSetValue | co2Control | CO2 control set value (in ppm) (300 - 2000 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | RW |
co2ControlSteps | co2Control | CO2 control steps (in ppm) (50 - 400 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | RW |
vocControlSetValue | vocControl | VOC control set value (in ppm) (300 - 2000 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | RW |
vocControlSteps | vocControl | VOC control steps (in ppm) (50 - 400 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | RW |
comfortTemp | unitConfig | Comfort Temperature (10.0 - 25.0 °C) | Number:Temperature | RW |
partyModeDuration | operation | Party mode duration (in minutes) (5 - 180 min) | Number:Time | RW |
partyModeFanStage | operation | Party mode fan stage (0 - 4) | Number | RW |
partyModeRemainingTime | operation | Party mode remaining time (0 - 180 min) | Number:Time | R |
partyModeStatus | operation | Party mode status | Switch | RW |
standbyModeDuration | operation | Standby mode duration (in minutes) (5 - 180 min) | Number:Time | RW |
standbyModeFanStage | operation | Standby mode fan stage (0 - 4) | Number | RW |
standbyModeRemainingTime | operation | Standby mode remaining time (0 - 180 min) | Number:Time | R |
standbyModeStatus | operation | Standby mode status | Switch | RW |
operatingMode | operation | Operating mode (automatic/manual) (0 = automatic, 1 = manual) | Number | RW |
fanStage | operation | Fan stage (0 - 4) | Number | RW |
percentageFanStage | operation | Fan stage in percent (0 - 100 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
temperatureOutsideAir | general | Ouside air temperature in °C (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
temperatureSupplyAir | general | Supply air temperature in °C (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
temperatureOutgoingAir | general | Outgoing air temperature in °C (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
temperatureExtractAir | general | Extract air temperature in °C (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
vhzDuctSensor | general | Pre-heater intake temperature in °C (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
nhzReturnSensor | general | After-heater return temperature in °C (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfHumidity1 | humidityControl | External humidity sensor 1 (-0.0 - 9998.9 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfHumidity2 | humidityControl | External humidity sensor 2 (-0.0 - 9998.9 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfHumidity3 | humidityControl | External humidity sensor 3 (-0.0 - 9998.9 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfHumidity4 | humidityControl | External humidity sensor 4 (-0.0 - 9998.9 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfHumidity5 | humidityControl | External humidity sensor 5 (-0.0 - 9998.9 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfHumidity6 | humidityControl | External humidity sensor 6 (-0.0 - 9998.9 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfHumidity7 | humidityControl | External humidity sensor 7 (-0.0 - 9998.9 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfHumidity8 | humidityControl | External humidity sensor 8 (-0.0 - 9998.9 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfTemperature1 | humidityControl | External temperature sensor 1 (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfTemperature2 | humidityControl | External temperature sensor 2 (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfTemperature3 | humidityControl | External temperature sensor 3 (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfTemperature4 | humidityControl | External temperature sensor 4 (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfTemperature5 | humidityControl | External temperature sensor 5 (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfTemperature6 | humidityControl | External temperature sensor 6 (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfTemperature7 | humidityControl | External temperature sensor 7 (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
externalSensorKwlFtfTemperature8 | humidityControl | External temperature sensor 8 (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
externalSensorKwlCo21 | co2Control | External CO2 sensor 1 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlCo22 | co2Control | External CO2 sensor 2 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlCo23 | co2Control | External CO2 sensor 3 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlCo24 | co2Control | External CO2 sensor 4 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlCo25 | co2Control | External CO2 sensor 5 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlCo26 | co2Control | External CO2 sensor 6 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlCo27 | co2Control | External CO2 sensor 7 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlCo28 | co2Control | External CO2 sensor 8 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlVoc1 | vocControl | External VOC sensor 1 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlVoc2 | vocControl | External VOC sensor 2 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlVoc3 | vocControl | External VOC sensor 3 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlVoc4 | vocControl | External VOC sensor 4 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlVoc5 | vocControl | External VOC sensor 5 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlVoc6 | vocControl | External VOC sensor 6 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlVoc7 | vocControl | External VOC sensor 7 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
externalSensorKwlVoc8 | vocControl | External VOC sensor 8 (-0.0 - 9998.9 ppm) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
nhzDuctSensor | general | After-heater intake temperature in °C (-27.0 - 9998.9 °C) | Number:Temperature | R |
weekProfileNhz | profiles | Week profile after-heater (0 = standard 1, 1 = standard 2, 2 = fixed value, 3 = individual 1, 4 = individual 2, 5 = NA, 6 = off) | Number | RW |
supplyAirRpm | general | Supply air fan RPM (0 - 9999) | Number | R |
extractAirRpm | general | Extract air fan RPM (0 - 9999) | Number | R |
holidayProgramme | operation | Holiday programme (0 = off, 1 = interval, 2 = constant) | Number | RW |
holidayProgrammeFanStage | operation | Holiday programme fan stage (0 - 4) | Number | RW |
holidayProgrammeStart | operation | Holiday programme start | DateTime | RW |
holidayProgrammeEnd | operation | Holiday programme end | DateTime | RW |
holidayProgrammeInterval | operation | Holiday programme interval in hours (1 - 24 h) | Number:Time | RW |
holidayProgrammeActivationTime | operation | Holiday programme activation time in minutes (5 - 300 min) | Number:Time | RW |
runOnTimeVhzNhz | unitConfig | Stopping time preheater/afterheater in seconds (60 - 120 s) | Number:Time | RW |
errorOutputFunction | unitConfig | Error output function (collective error or just error) (1 = collective error, 2 = only error) | Number | RW |
filterChange | unitConfig | Filter change (0 = No, 1 = Yes) | Number | RW |
filterChangeInterval | unitConfig | Filter change interval in months (1 - 12) | Number | RW |
filterChangeRemainingTime | general | Filter change remaining time in minutes (1 - 55000 min) | Number:Time | R |
bypassRoomTemperature | unitConfig | Bypass room temperature in °C (10 - 40 °C) | Number:Temperature | RW |
bypassMinOutsideTemperature | unitConfig | Bypass outside temperature in °C (5 - 20 °C) | Number:Temperature | RW |
supplyAirFanStage | operation | Supply air fan stage (0 - 4) | Number | RW |
extractAirFanStage | operation | Extract air fan stage (0 - 4) | Number | RW |
operatingHoursSupplyAirVent | general | Operating hours supply air fan (in minutes) (0 - 2^32-1 min) | Number:Time | R |
operatingHoursExtractAirVent | general | Operating hours extract air fan (in minutes) (0 - 2^32-1 min) | Number:Time | R |
operatingHoursVhz | general | Operating hours preheater (in minutes) (0 - 2^32-1 min) | Number:Time | R |
operatingHoursNhz | general | Operating hours afterheater (in minutes) (0 - 2^32-1 min) | Number:Time | R |
outputPowerVhz | general | Output power of preheater (in percent) (0 - 2^32-1 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
outputPowerNhz | general | Output power of afterheater (in percent) (0 - 2^32-1 %) | Number:Dimensionless | R |
errors | general | Errors as integer value (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) (0 - 2^32-1) | Number | R |
warnings | general | Warnings as integer value (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) (0 - 2^32-1) | Number | R |
infos | general | Infos as integer value (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) (0 - 2^32-1) | Number | R |
noOfErrors | general | Number of bit-coded errors (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) (0 - 32) | Number | R |
noOfWarnings | general | Number of bit-coded warnings (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) (0 - 8) | Number | R |
noOfInfos | general | Number of bit-coded infos (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) (0 - 8) | Number | R |
errorsMsg | general | Errors as string (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) | String | R |
warningsMsg | general | Warnings as string (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) | String | R |
infosMsg | general | Infos as string (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) | String | R |
statusFlags | general | Status flags (see Errors / Warnings / Infos) | String | R |
bypassStatus | general | Status of the bypass (OFF = closed, ON = open) | Switch | R |
bypassFrom | unitConfig | Bypass active from | DateTime | RW |
bypassTo | unitConfig | Bypass active to | DateTime | RW |
Thing Actions
Reset Filter Change Timer
Resets the timer for the next filter change back to 0.
public void resetFilterChangeTimer()
Reset Errors
Resets the error messages.
public void resetErrors()
Reset To Factory Defaults
Resets the device to its factory defaults.
public void presetToFactoryDefaults()
Reset Switching Times
Resets the device's individual switching times back to the default values.
public void resetSwitchingTimes()
Set System Date and Time
Sets the device's system date and time to the openHAB server's system date and time.
public void setSysDateTime()
Set Bypass Dates
Sets the devices start and end date for the active bypass functionality.
public void setBypassFrom(int day, int month)
- day: The day from when the bypass should be active
- month: The month from when the bypass should be active
public void setBypassTo(int day, int month)
- day: The day until when the bypass should be active
- month: The month until when the bypass should be active
public Map<String, Object> getErrorMessages()
Return values:
- errorMessages: A
object containing all error messages
public Map<String, Object> getWarningMessages()
Return values:
- warningMessages: A
object containing all warning messages
public Map<String, Object> getInfoMessages()
Return values:
- infoMessages: A
object containing all info messages
public Map<String, Object> getStatusMessages()
Return values:
- statusMessages: A
object containing all status messages
public Map<String, Object> getMessages()
Return values:
- errorMessages: A
object containing all error messages - warningMessages: A
object containing all warning messages - infoMessages: A
object containing all info messages - statusMessages: A
object containing all status messages
The binding provides the following properties:
Property | Description |
articleDescription | The KWL's article description |
refNo | The KWL's reference number |
macAddress | The KWL's MAC Address |
language | The KWL user interface's language (de, en, fr, hr, hu, it, pl, sk, sl) |
voltageFanStage1ExtractAir | Voltage of extract air fan mapped to fan stage 1 (1.6 - 10 V) |
voltageFanStage2ExtractAir | Voltage of extract air fan mapped to fan stage 2 (1.6 - 10 V) |
voltageFanStage3ExtractAir | Voltage of extract air fan mapped to fan stage 3 (1.6 - 10 V) |
voltageFanStage4ExtractAir | Voltage of extract air fan mapped to fan stage 4 (1.6 - 10 V) |
voltageFanStage1SupplyAir | Voltage of supply air fan mapped to fan stage 1 (1.6 - 10 V) |
voltageFanStage2SupplyAir | Voltage of supply air fan mapped to fan stage 2 (1.6 - 10 V) |
voltageFanStage3SupplyAir | Voltage of supply air fan mapped to fan stage 3 (1.6 - 10 V) |
voltageFanStage4SupplyAir | Voltage of supply air fan mapped to fan stage 4 (1.6 - 10 V) |
kwlBe | Slide switch controller KWL-BE activated |
kwlBec | Comfort controller KWL-BEC activated |
unitConfig | Ventilation unit configuration (type of house) (1 = DiBt, 2 = passive-house) |
kwlFtfConfig0 | Humidity/temperature sensor configuration 0 (1 = only humidity, 2 = only temperature, 3 = combined) |
kwlFtfConfig1 | Humidity/temperature sensor configuration 1 (1 = only humidity, 2 = only temperature, 3 = combined) |
kwlFtfConfig2 | Humidity/temperature sensor configuration 2 (1 = only humidity, 2 = only temperature, 3 = combined) |
kwlFtfConfig3 | Humidity/temperature sensor configuration 3 (1 = only humidity, 2 = only temperature, 3 = combined) |
kwlFtfConfig4 | Humidity/temperature sensor configuration 4 (1 = only humidity, 2 = only temperature, 3 = combined) |
kwlFtfConfig5 | Humidity/temperature sensor configuration 5 (1 = only humidity, 2 = only temperature, 3 = combined) |
kwlFtfConfig6 | Humidity/temperature sensor configuration 6 (1 = only humidity, 2 = only temperature, 3 = combined) |
kwlFtfConfig7 | Humidity/temperature sensor configuration 7 (1 = only humidity, 2 = only temperature, 3 = combined) |
humidityControlStatus | Humidity control status (0 = off, 1 = stepped, 2 = stepless) |
co2ControlStatus | CO2 control status (0 = off, 1 = stepped, 2 = stepless) |
vocControlStatus | VOC control status (0 = off, 1 = stepped, 2 = stepless) |
dateFormat | Date format (0 = dd.mm.yyyy, 1 = mm.dd.yyyy, 2 = yyyy.mm.dd) |
heatExchangerType | Heat exchanger type (1 = plastic, 2 = aluminium, 3 = enthalpy) |
serNo | Serial number |
prodCode | Production Code |
vhzType | Pre-heater type (1 = EH-Basis, 2 EH-ERW, 3 = SEWT, 4 = LEWT) |
functionTypeKwlEm | Function KWL-EM (1 = function 1, 2 = function 2) |
externalContact | External contact (1 -6 (function 1-6)) |
fanStageStepped0to2v | Fan stage for stepped mode - range 0-2V (0 - 2) |
fanStageStepped2to4v | Fan stage for stepped mode - range 2-4V (0 - 4) |
fanStageStepped4to6v | Fan stage for stepped mode - range 4-6V (0 - 4) |
fanStageStepped6to8v | Fan stage for stepped mode - range 6-8V (0 - 4) |
fanStageStepped8to10v | Fan stage for stepped mode - range 8-10V (0 - 4) |
offsetExtractAir | Offset extract air (float) |
assignmentFanStages | Assignment fan stages - stepped or 0-10V (OFF = 0-10V, ON = stepped) |
sensorNameHumidityAndTemp1 | Sensor name - humidity and temperature 1 |
sensorNameHumidityAndTemp2 | Sensor name - humidity and temperature 2 |
sensorNameHumidityAndTemp3 | Sensor name - humidity and temperature 3 |
sensorNameHumidityAndTemp4 | Sensor name - humidity and temperature 4 |
sensorNameHumidityAndTemp5 | Sensor name - humidity and temperature 5 |
sensorNameHumidityAndTemp6 | Sensor name - humidity and temperature 6 |
sensorNameHumidityAndTemp7 | Sensor name - humidity and temperature 7 |
sensorNameHumidityAndTemp8 | Sensor name - humidity and temperature 8 |
sensorNameCo21 | Sensor name - CO2 1 |
sensorNameCo22 | Sensor name - CO2 2 |
sensorNameCo23 | Sensor name - CO2 3 |
sensorNameCo24 | Sensor name - CO2 4 |
sensorNameCo25 | Sensor name - CO2 5 |
sensorNameCo26 | Sensor name - CO2 6 |
sensorNameCo27 | Sensor name - CO2 7 |
sensorNameCo28 | Sensor name - CO2 8 |
sensorNameVoc1 | Sensor name - VOC 1 |
sensorNameVoc2 | Sensor name - VOC 2 |
sensorNameVoc3 | Sensor name - VOC 3 |
sensorNameVoc4 | Sensor name - VOC 4 |
sensorNameVoc5 | Sensor name - VOC 5 |
sensorNameVoc6 | Sensor name - VOC 6 |
sensorNameVoc7 | Sensor name - VOC 7 |
sensorNameVoc8 | Sensor name - VOC 8 |
softwareVersionBasis | Software version basis (format xx.xx) |
sensorConfigKwlFtf1 | Sensor configuration (installed or not) KWL-FTF 1 (OFF = no sensor, ON = sensor installed) |
sensorConfigKwlFtf2 | Sensor configuration (installed or not) KWL-FTF 2 (OFF = no sensor, ON = sensor installed) |
sensorConfigKwlFtf3 | Sensor configuration (installed or not) KWL-FTF 3 (OFF = no sensor, ON = sensor installed) |
sensorConfigKwlFtf4 | Sensor configuration (installed or not) KWL-FTF 4 (OFF = no sensor, ON = sensor installed) |
sensorConfigKwlFtf5 | Sensor configuration (installed or not) KWL-FTF 5 (OFF = no sensor, ON = sensor installed) |
sensorConfigKwlFtf6 | Sensor configuration (installed or not) KWL-FTF 6 (OFF = no sensor, ON = sensor installed) |
sensorConfigKwlFtf7 | Sensor configuration (installed or not) KWL-FTF 7 (OFF = no sensor, ON = sensor installed) |
sensorConfigKwlFtf8 | Sensor configuration (installed or not) KWL-FTF 8 (OFF = no sensor, ON = sensor installed) |
Errors / Warnings / Infos
Errors, warnings and infos of the device are provided in a bit encoded way. I.e. each bit in a 8 bit or 32 bit variable encodes potentially multiple errors, warnings or infos. Also status flags are provided this way. For details please refer to the manufacturer's specification.
Based on that concept, errors, warnings and infos are provided in 3 different ways:
- As an unsigned integer value with the decimal representation of the encoded bits
- The total number of encoded errors, warning or infos
- The bit encoded as a string
Since there can potentially be several errors, warnings or infos, using a simple MAP to display the corresponding message in a UI will not work in all cases. String items with multiple lines will not display properly in the UIs.
Therefore the binding provides actions to retrieve the different messages as an ArrayList<String>
object which can then be used to e.g. send the messages via email.
Full Example
Thing Configuration
Bridge modbus:tcp:modbus-gateway "Modbus TCP/IP Gateway" [ host="", port=502, id=180, enableDiscovery=true ] {
Thing helios-easycontrols kwl "KWL"
Item Configuration
// Manual operation
Number KWL_Manual "Manual operation" <fan> (gKWL) ["Control"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#operatingMode"}
Number KWL_Stage "KWL fan stage" <fan> (gKWL) ["Setpoint", "Level"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#fanStage"}
Number:Dimensionless KWL_Stage_Percent "KWL fan stage [%d %unit%]" <fan> (gKWL) ["Status", "Level"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#percentageFanStage"}
// Party mode
Switch KWL_Party_Mode "Party mode" <parents> (gKWL) ["Control"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#partyModeStatus"}
Number:Time KWL_Party_Mode_Duration "Party mode duration [%d %unit%]" <clock> (gKWL) ["Setpoint", "Duration"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#partyModeDuration"}
Number KWL_Party_Mode_Stage "Party mode fan stage" <fan> (gKWL) ["Setpoint", "Level"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#partyModeFanStage"}
Number:Time KWL_Party_Mode_Remaining "Party mode remaining time [%d %unit%]" <clock> (gKWL) ["Status", "Duration"] {channel="modbus:helios-ventilation-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#partyModeRemainingTime"}
// Standby mode
Switch KWL_Standby_Mode "Standby mode" <fan_off> (gKWL) ["Control"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#standbyModeStatus"}
Number:Time KWL_Standby_Mode_Duration "Standby mode duration [%d %unit%]" <clock> (gKWL) ["Setpoint", "Duration"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#standbyModeDuration"}
Number KWL_Standby_Mode_Stage "Standby mode fan stage" <fan> (gKWL) ["Setpoint", "Level"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#standbyModeFanStage"}
Number:Time KWL_Standby_Mode_Remaining "Standby mode remaining time [%d %unit%]" <clock> (gKWL) ["Status", "Duration"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:operation#standbyModeRemainingTime"}
// Status infos
Number:Temperature KWL_Temp_Outide_Air "Temperature outside air [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gKWL) ["Measurement", "Temperature"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#temperatureOutsideAir"}
Number:Temperature KWL_Temp_Supply_Air "Temperature supply air [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gKWL) ["Measurement", "Temperature"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#temperatureSupplyAir"}
Number:Temperature KWL_Temp_Outgoing_Air "Temperature outgoing air [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gKWL) ["Measurement", "Temperature"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#temperatureOutgoingAir"}
Number:Temperature KWL_Temp_Extract_Air "Temperature extract air [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gKWL) ["Measurement", "Temperature"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#temperatureExtractAir"}
Number KWL_Supply_Air_RPM "RPM supply air [%d]" <fan> (gKWL) ["Measurement", "Property"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#supplyAirRpm"}
Number KWL_Extract_Air_RPM "RPM extract air [%d]" <fan> (gKWL) ["Measurement", "Property"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#extractAirRpm"}
Number KWL_Filter_Change "Filter change [MAP(helios_yes_no.map):%s]" <none> (gKWL) ["Status"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:unitConfig#filterChange"}
Number:Time KWL_Filter_Change_Remaining "Filter change [%d %unit%]" <clock> (gKWL) ["Status", "Duration"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#filterChangeRemainingTime"}
Number KWL_Errors "Number errors [%d]" <error> (gKWL) ["Status"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#noOfErrors"}
String KWL_Errors_String "Error messages [%s]" <error> (gKWL) ["Status"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#errorsMsg"}
Number KWL_Warnings "Number warnings [%d]" <warning> (gKWL) ["Status"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#noOfWarnings"}
String KWL_Warnings_String "Warning messages [%s]" <warning> (gKWL) ["Status"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#warningsMsg"}
Number KWL_Infos "Number infos [%d]" <info> (gKWL) ["Status"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#noOfInfos"}
String KWL_Infos_String "Info messages [%s]" <info> (gKWL) ["Status"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#infosMsg"}
String KWL_Status_Flags "Status Flags [%s]" <info> (gKWL) ["Status"] {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#statusFlags"}
import java.util.List
import java.util.Map
rule "Reset filter change remaining time"
Item Rem_KWL_Filter received command OFF
val kwlActions = getActions("modbus.helioseasycontrols", "modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl")
rule "Log KWL messages"
Item KWL_Errors_String changed or
Item KWL_Warnings_String changed or
Item KWL_Infos_String changed or
KWL_Status_Flags changed
val kwlActions = getActions("modbus.helioseasycontrols", "modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl")
val Map<String, List<String>> msg = kwlActions.getMessages
logInfo("KWL Error Messages", msg.get("errorMessages").toString)
logInfo("KWL Warning Messages", msg.get("warningMessages").toString)
logInfo("KWL Info Messages", msg.get("infoMessages").toString)
logInfo("KWL Status Messages", msg.get("statusMessages").toString)
Text label="KWL" icon="fan" {
Frame label="Manual operation" {
Selection item=KWL_Manual mappings=[0=Auto, 1=Manual]
Selection item=KWL_Stage mappings=[0=off, 1="Stage 1", 2="Stage 2", 3="Stage 3", 4="Stage 4"]
Text item=KWL_Stage_Percent
Frame label="Party mode" {
Switch item=KWL_Party_Mode mappings=[OFF=off, ON=on]
Selection item=KWL_Party_Mode_Stage mappings=[0=off, 1="Stage 1", 2="Stage 2", 3="Stage 3", 4="Stage 4"]
Selection item=KWL_Standby_Mode_Duration mappings=[60="60 Minutes", 120="120 Minutes", 180="180 Minutes", 240="240 Minutes"]
Text item=KWL_Party_Mode_Remaining
Frame label="Standby mode" {
Switch item=KWL_Standby_Mode mappings=[OFF=Aus, ON=Ein]
Selection item=KWL_Standby_Mode_Stage mappings=[0=off, 1="Stage 1", 2="Stage 2", 3="Stage 3", 4="Stage 4"]
Selection item=KWL_Standby_Mode_Duration mappings=[60="60 Minutes", 120="120 Minutes", 180="180 Minutes", 240="240 Minutes"]
Text item=KWL_Standby_Mode_Remaining
Frame label="Status infos" {
Text item=KWL_Temp_Outide_Air
Text item=KWL_Temp_Supply_Air
Text item=KWL_Temp_Outgoing_Air
Text item=KWL_Temp_Extract_Air
Text item=KWL_Supply_Air_RPM
Text item=KWL_Extract_Air_RPM
Text item=KWL_Filter_Change
Text item=KWL_Filter_Change_Remaining
Text item=KWL_Errors_String
Text item=KWL_Warnings_String
Text item=KWL_Infos_String
Text item=KWL_Datum
Text item=KWL_Zeit