Wouter Born d6364aceb1
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Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <>
2021-01-02 22:03:14 +01:00

Sony PlayStation Binding

This binding allows you to monitor the on/off status and which application that is currently running on your PlayStation 4. By providing your user-credentials you can also change the power, which application that is running and more.

Supported Things

This binding should support all PS4 variants. It can also tell if your PS3 is ON or OFF/not present.


Discovery should find all your PS4s within a few seconds as long as they are in standby mode and not completely turned off. To be able to discover your PS3 you need to turn on "Connect PS Vita System Using Network" in Settings -> System Settings -> Connect PS Vita System Using Network.

Thing Configuration

playstation4 parameters:

Property Default Required Description
ipAddress Yes The IP address of the PlayStation 4
userCredential Yes A key used for authentication, get via PS4-waker.
pairingCode Yes This is shown on the PlayStation 4 during pairing, only needed once.
passCode (Yes) If you use a code to log in your user on the PS4, set this.
connectionTimeout 60 No How long the connection to the PS4 is kept up, seconds.
autoConnect false No If a connection should be establish to the PS4 when it's turned on.
artworkSize 320 No Width and height of downloaded artwork.
outboundIP No Use this if your PS4 is not on the normal openHAB network.
ipPort 997 No The port to probe the PS4 on, no need to change normally.

If you want to control your PS4 the first thing you need is your user-credentials, this is a 64 characters HEX string that is easiest obtained by using PS4-waker The result file is called ".ps4-wake.credentials.json" in your home directory.

Then you need to pair your openHAB device with the PS4. This can be done by saving the Thing while the pairing screen is open on the PS4. The code is only needed during pairing.

Then, if you have a pass code when you log in to your PS4 you have to specify that as well.

playstation3 parameters:

Property Default Required Description
ipAddress Yes The IP address of the PlayStation 3


Channel Type ID Item Type Description Read/Write
power Switch Shows if PlayStation is ON or in standby. RW
applicationName String Name of the currently running application. R
applicationId String Id of the currently running application. RW
applicationImage Image Application artwork. R
oskText String The text from the OnScreenKeyboard. RW
sendKey String Send a key/button push to PS4. W
secondScreen String HTTP link to the second screen. R
connect Switch Connect/disconnect to/from PS4. RW

Full Example

Example of how to configure a thing.


Thing playstation:PS4:123456789ABC "PlayStation4" @ "Living Room" [ ipAddress="", userCredential="0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF", passCode="1234", pairingCode="12345678",
connectionTimeout="60", autoConnect="false", artworkSize="320", outboundIP="", ipPort="997" ]

Thing playstation:PS3:123456789ABC "PlayStation3" @ "Living Room" [ ipAddress="" ]

Here are some examples on how to map the channels to items.


Switch PS4_Power "Power"                         { channel="playstation:PS4:123456789ABC:power" }
String PS4_Application "Application [%s]"        { channel="playstation:PS4:123456789ABC:applicationName" }
String PS4_ApplicationId "Application id [%s]"   { channel="playstation:PS4:123456789ABC:applicationId" }
Image PS4_ArtWork "Artwork"                      { channel="playstation:PS4:123456789ABC:applicationImage" }
String PS4_OSKText "OSK Text"                    { channel="playstation:PS4:123456789ABC:oskText" }
String PS4_SendKey "SendKey"                     { channel="playstation:PS4:123456789ABC:sendKey" }
String PS4_2ndScr "2ndScreen"                    { channel="playstation:PS4:123456789ABC:secondScreen" }
Switch PS4_Connect "Connect"                     { channel="playstation:PS4:123456789ABC:connect" }

Switch PS3_Power "Power"                         { channel="playstation:PS3:123456789ABC:power" }


sitemap demo label="Main Menu"
    Frame label="PlayStation 4" {
        Switch item=PS4_Power
        Text item=PS4_Application
        Text item=PS4_ApplicationId
        Selection item=PS4_ApplicationId mappings=[
            "CUSA11993"="Marvel's Spider-Man" ]
        Image item=PS4_Artwork
        Text item=PS4_OSKText
        Switch item=PS4_Connect
        String item=PS4_SendKey
        Selection item=PS4_SendKey mappings=[
            "keyPS"="PS" ]
        Text item=PS4_2ndScr

Caveat and Limitations!

I tried my hardest to figure out how to turn on the PS3 through WakeOnLan but it looks like Sony never got it to work properly, the only way I've seen it turn on is via WiFi, but if you hook up your PS3 through WiFi to your router and enable WakeOnLan it turns itself on randomly.