mlobstein dff4d3b4fb
Add missing status ()
Signed-off-by: Michael Lobstein <>
2022-11-16 08:14:10 +01:00
2022-11-16 08:14:10 +01:00
2022-06-27 16:00:37 +02:00

Network UPS Tools Binding

The primary goal of the Network UPS Tools (NUT) project is to provide support for power devices, such as uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), Power Distribution Units and Solar Controllers.

Network UPS Tools (NUT) provides many control and monitoring features, with a uniform control and management interface. More than 100 different manufacturers, and several thousands of models are compatible.

This binding lets you integrate NUT servers with openHAB.

Supported Things

The binding can connect to multiple NUT instances. The thing is an ups thing. The thing supports a number of NUT features out-of-the-box and supports the option to configure additional channels to get other NUT variables. The thing queries the NUT server for the status of the UPS approximate every 3 seconds and updates the status when a change happens. When a change of the UPS status happens it will query the NUT server to update all linked channels. Outside the status change updates, all linked channels are updated at the user configured refresh time.

Some NUT variables are static in nature and are not suited for a channel. Some of these could change, like of firmware version. Therefore these properties are updated with a 1 hour frequency. The following NUT variables are read and added to the thing as properties:

Property Description
ups.firmware UPS firmware
ups.firmware.aux Auxiliary device firmware UPS system identifier
ups.mfr UPS manufacturer UPS manufacturing date
ups.model UPS model
ups.serial UPS serial number


Discovery is not supported.

Thing Configuration

The thing configuration requires the name of the UPS device as configured on the NUT server. If the NUT service isn't running locally the ip address or domain name (FDQN) of the server running NUT must be configured. Optional, port, username and password might need to be configured if required.

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
device Yes UPS device name, ups for example
host localhost Yes UPS server hostname
port 3493 No UPS server port, 3493 for example
username No UPS server username
password No UPS server password
refresh 60 No Refresh interval for channel updates in seconds


The following channels are available:

Channel Name Item Type Unit Description Advanced
upsAlarm String UPS alarms no
upsLoad Number:Dimensionless % Load on UPS (percent) yes
upsPower Number:Power VA Current value of apparent power (Volt-Amps) yes
upsRealpower Number:Power W Current value of real power (Watts) no
upsStatus String Status of the UPS: OFF, OL,OB,LB,RB,OVER,TRIM,BOOST,CAL,BYPASS,NULL no
upsTemperature Number:Temperature °C UPS temperature (degrees C) yes
upsTestResult String Results of last self test (opaque string) yes
inputCurrent Number:ElectricCurrent A Input current (A) yes
inputCurrentStatus String Status relative to the thresholds yes
inputLoad Number:Dimensionless % Load on (ePDU) input (percent of full) no
inputRealpower Number:Power W Current sum value of all (ePDU) phases real power (W) yes
inputQuality String Input power quality (*** opaque) yes
inputTransferReason String Reason for last transfer to battery (*** opaque) yes
inputVoltage Number:ElectricPotential V Input voltage (V) yes
inputVoltageStatus String Status relative to the thresholds yes
outputCurrent Number:ElectricCurrent A Output current (A) yes
outputVoltage Number:ElectricPotential V Output voltage (V) yes
batteryCharge Number:Dimensionless % Battery charge (percent) no
batteryRuntime Number:Time s Battery runtime (seconds) no
batteryVoltage Number:ElectricPotential V Battery voltage (V) yes

Dynamic Channels

Because there is a lot of variation in UPS features, the binding supports dynamically adding channels for features, not supported out-of-the-box. To get data from another NUT variable the channel needs to configured. Channels can be created with as type: Number, Number:<Quantity>, String or Switch.

The following channel properties are needed:

Property Description Example
networkupstools Links to NUT variable networkupstools="input.voltage.low.warning"
unit The unit of Quantity Type data unit="V"

Full Example


Thing networkupstools:ups:ups1 [ device="ups", host="localhost", refresh=60 ]


Thing networkupstools:ups:ups2 [ device="ups", host="localhost", refresh=60 ] {
        String : testResult "Test Result" [networkupstools="ups.test.result"]
        Number:Frequency : upsOutFreq "Output Frequency" [networkupstools="output.frequency", unit="Hz"]
        Number:ElectricPotential : upsLowVoltage  "Low Voltage" [networkupstools="input.voltage.low.warning", unit="V"]
        Number:ElectricCurrent : upsLowCurrent "Low Current" [networkupstools="input.current.low.warning", unit="A"]


Number:Dimensionless ups_battery_charge "Battery Charge [%d %%]"  {channel="networkupstools:ups:ups1:batteryCharge"}
Number:ElectricCurrent ups_current "Input Current [%d mA]"{channel="networkupstools:ups:ups1:inputCurrent"}

String test_result "Test Result" {channel="networkupstools:ups:ups2:testResult"}
Number:Frequency ups_out_freq "Output Frequency" {channel="networkupstools:ups:ups2:upsOutFreq"}
Number:ElectricPotential ups_low_voltage  "Low Voltage [%.1f V]" {channel="networkupstools:ups:ups2:upsLowVoltage"}
Number:ElectricCurrent ups_low_current "Input Current [%d A]" {channel="networkupstools:ups:ups2:upsLowCurrent"}