openhab-bot 0a2f53537c Preparation for tag creation (Tag name: '4.1.0'). 2023-12-22 14:33:31 +00:00
doc [electroluxair] Initial contribution (#11116) 2022-01-09 10:02:25 +01:00
src/main Set explicit timeout for http request (#15505) 2023-10-19 22:30:41 +02:00
NOTICE [electroluxair] Initial contribution (#11116) 2022-01-09 10:02:25 +01:00 [electroluxair] Update to changed API (#15187) 2023-07-08 12:45:57 +02:00
pom.xml Preparation for tag creation (Tag name: '4.1.0'). 2023-12-22 14:33:31 +00:00

ElectroluxAir Binding

This is an openHAB binding for the Pure A9 Air Purifier, by Electrolux.

Electrolux Pure A9

Supported Things

This binding supports the following thing types:

  • api: Bridge - Implements the API that is used to communicate with the Air Purifier

  • electroluxpurea9: The Pure A9 Air Purifier


After the configuration of the Bridge, your Electrolux Pure A9 device will be automatically discovered and placed as a thing in the inbox.

Configuration Options

Only the bridge require manual configuration. The Electrolux Pure A9 thing can be added by hand, or you can let the discovery mechanism automatically find it.


Parameter Description Type Default Required
username The username used to connect to the Electrolux app String NA yes
password The password used to connect to the Electrolux app String NA yes
refresh Specifies the refresh interval in second Number 600 yes

Electrolux Pure A9

Parameter Description Type Default Required
deviceId Product ID of your Electrolux Pure A9 found in Electrolux app Number NA yes


Electrolux Pure A9

The following channels are supported:

Channel Type ID Item Type Description
temperature Number:Temperature This channel reports the current temperature.
humidity Number:Dimensionless This channel reports the current humidity in percentage.
tvoc Number:Density This channel reports the total Volatile Organic Compounds in microgram/m3.
pm1 Number:Dimensionless This channel reports the Particulate Matter 1 in ppb.
pm2_5 Number:Dimensionless This channel reports the Particulate Matter 2.5 in ppb.
pm10 Number:Dimensionless This channel reports the Particulate Matter 10 in ppb.
co2 Number:Dimensionless This channel reports the CO2 level in ppm.
fanSpeed Number This channel sets and reports the current fan speed (1-9).
filterLife Number:Dimensionless This channel reports the remaining filter life in %.
ionizer Switch This channel sets and reports the status of the Ionizer function (On/Off).
doorOpen Contact This channel reports the status of door (Opened/Closed).
workMode String This channel sets and reports the current work mode (Auto, Manual, PowerOff.)
uiLIght Switch This channel sets and reports the status of the UI Light function (On/Off).
safetyLock Switch This channel sets and reports the status of the Safety Lock function (On/Off).

Full Example


// Bridge configuration
Bridge electroluxair:api:myAPI "Electrolux Delta API" [username="", password="12345", refresh="300"] {

     Thing electroluxpurea9 myElectroluxPureA9  "Electrolux Pure A9"    [ deviceId="123456789" ]


// CO2
Number ElectroluxAirCO2 "Electrolux Air CO2 [%d ppm]" {channel="electroluxair:electroluxpurea9:myAPI:MyElectroluxPureA9:co2"}
// Temperature
Number:Temperature ElectroluxAirTemperature "Electrolux Air Temperature" {channel="electroluxair:electroluxpurea9:myAPI:myElectroluxPureA9:temperature"}
// Door status
Contact ElectroluxAirDoor "Electrolux Air Door Status" {channel="electroluxair:electroluxpurea9:myAPI:myElectroluxPureA9:doorOpen"}
// Work mode
String ElectroluxAirWorkModeSetting "ElectroluxAir Work Mode Setting" {channel="electroluxair:electroluxpurea9:myAPI:myElectroluxPureA9:workMode"}
// Fan speed
Number ElectroluxAirFanSpeed "Electrolux Air Fan Speed Setting" {channel="electroluxair:electroluxpurea9:myAPI:myElectroluxPureA9:fanSpeed"}
// UI Light
Switch ElectroluxAirUILight "Electrolux Air UI Light Setting" {channel="electroluxair:electroluxpurea9:myAPI:myElectroluxPureA9:uiLight"}
// Ionizer
Switch ElectroluxAirIonizer "Electrolux Air Ionizer Setting" {channel="electroluxair:electroluxpurea9:myAPI:myElectroluxPureA9:ionizer"}
// Safety Lock
Switch ElectroluxAirSafetyLock "Electrolux Air Safety Lock Setting" {channel="electroluxair:electroluxpurea9:myAPI:myElectroluxPureA9:safetyLock"}