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Hyperion Binding
This binding integrates openHAB with the Hyperion ambient lighting software. Further details on the Hyperion project can be found here.
Supported Things
- Hyperion Server (may be referred to as V1)
- Hyperion.ng Server
Binding Configuration
The binding itself does not require any special configuration.
Automatic background discovery only works for Hyperion.ng servers as they advertise using mDNS. You must manually configure a Hyperion Server V1 either through a UI / REST or .things file.
Thing Configuration
Hyperion Server (V1)
In order to use a Hyperion Server it must be properly configured. You can do this either through a UI / REST or through static .thing files.
Parameter | Data type | Required | Example |
host | String | Y | "" |
port | Integer | Y | 19444 |
priority | Integer | Y | 50 |
poll_frequency | Integer | Y | 15 |
To manually configure a Hyperion Server you must specify the following parameters: host, port, priority and polling frequency.
In the thing file, this looks for e.g. like
Thing hyperion:serverV1:myServer [ host="", port=19444, priority=50, poll_frequency=15]
Hyperion.ng Server
In order to use a Hyperion.ng Server it must be properly configured. You can do this either through a UI / REST or through static .thing files.
Parameter | Data type | Required | Example |
host | String | Y | "" |
port | Integer | Y | 19444 |
priority | Integer | Y | 50 |
poll_frequency | Integer | Y | 15 |
origin | String | Y | "openHAB" |
To manually configure a Hyperion.ng Server you must specify the following parameters: host, port, priority, polling frequency and origin.
In the .things file, this looks for e.g. like
Thing hyperion:serverNG:myServer [ host="", port=19444, priority=50, poll_frequency=15, origin="openHAB"]
Hyperion Server (V1):
Channel | Item | Description | Example |
brightness | Dimmer | Sets/stores the current brightness | hyperion:serverV1:myServer:brightness |
effect | String | Sets/stores the current effect | hyperion:serverV1:myServer:effect |
color | Color | Sets/stores the current color | hyperion:serverV1:myServer:color |
clear | String | Clears the priority of the given input (e.g. "50") | hyperion:serverV1:myServer:clear |
Hyperion.ng Server
Channel | Item | Description | Example |
brightness | Dimmer | Sets/stores the current brightness | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:brightness |
effect | String | Sets/stores the current effect | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:effect |
color | Color | Sets/stores the current color | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:color |
clear | String | Clears the priority of the given input (e.g. "50") | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:clear |
hyperionenabled | Switch | Enables or disables Hyperion | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:hyperionenabled |
blackborder | Switch | Enables or disables the black border component | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:blackborder |
smoothing | Switch | Enables or disables the smoothing component | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:smoothing |
kodichecker | Switch | Enables or disables the kodi checker component | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:kodichecker |
forwarder | Switch | Enables or disables the forwarder component | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:forwarder |
udplistener | Switch | Enables or disables the udp listener component | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:udplistener |
boblightserver | Switch | Enables or disables the boblight server component | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:boblightserver |
grabber | Switch | Enables or disables the grabber component | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:grabber |
v4l | Switch | Enables or disables the V4L component | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:v4l |
leddevice | Switch | Enables or disables the led device component | hyperion:serverNG:myServer:leddevice |
Hyperion Server (V1):
Dimmer Brightness "Brightness [%s]" {channel="hyperion:serverV1:myServer:brightness"}
Color MyColor "Color" {channel="hyperion:serverV1:myServer:color"}
String Effect "Current effect [%s]" {channel="hyperion:serverV1:myServer:effect"}
String Clear "Clear priority" {channel="hyperion:serverV1:myServer:clear"}
Hyperion.ng Server
Dimmer Brightness "Brightness [%s]" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:brightness"}
Color MyColor "Color" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:color"}
String Effect "Current effect [%s]" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:effect"}
String Clear "Clear priority" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:clear"}
Switch HyperionEnabled "Hyperion Enabled" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:hyperionenabled"}
Switch BlackBorderEnabled "Black Border" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:blackborder"}
Switch SmoothingEnabled "Smooting" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:smoothing"}
Switch KodiCheckerEnabled "Kodi Checker" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:kodichecker"}
Switch ForwarderEnabled "Forwarder" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:forwarder"}
Switch UdpListenerEnabled "UDP Listener" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:udplistener"}
Switch BoblightEnabled "Boblight" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:boblightserver"}
Switch GrabberEnabled "Grabber" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:grabber"}
Switch V4lEnabled "V4L" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:v4l"}
Switch LedDeviceEnabled "LED Device" {channel="hyperion:serverNG:myServer:leddevice"}
Example Sitemap
Using the above things channels and items Sitemap:
sitemap demo label="Main Menu" {
Frame {
// serverV1 & serverNG
Slider item=Brightness
Colorpicker item=MyColor
Selection item=Effect mappings=[
'Cinema brighten lights'='Cinema brighten lights',
'Cinema dim lights'='Cinema dim lights',
'Knight rider'='Knight rider',
'Blue mood blobs'='Blue mood blobs',
'Cold mood blobs'='Cold mood blobs',
'Full color mood blobs'='Full color mood blobs',
'Green mood blobs'='Green mood blobs',
'Red mood blobs'='Red mood blobs',
'Warm mood blobs'='Warm mood blobs',
'Police Lights Single'='Police Lights Single',
'Police Lights Solid'='Police Lights Solid',
'Rainbow mood'='Rainbow mood',
'Rainbow swirl fast'='Rainbow swirl fast',
'Rainbow swirl'='Rainbow swirl',
'Running dots'='Running dots',
'System Shutdown'='System Shutdown',
'Sparks Color'='Sparks Color',
'Strobe blue'='Strobe blue',
'Strobe Raspbmc'='Strobe Raspbmc',
'Strobe white'='Strobe white',
'Color traces'='Color traces',
Switch item=Clear mappings=[50="Clear"]
// only serverNG
Switch item=HyperionEnabled
Switch item=BlackBorderEnabled
Switch item=SmoothingEnabled
Switch item=KodiCheckerEnabled
Switch item=ForwarderEnabled
Switch item=UdpListenerEnabled
Switch item=BoblightEnabled
Switch item=GrabberEnabled
Switch item=V4lEnabled
Switch item=LedDeviceEnabled