Line: 5: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 5: no users/groups matched Line: 8: incorrect codeowner user: wborn Line: 8: no users/groups matched Line: 9: incorrect codeowner user: jpg0 Line: 9: no users/groups matched Line: 10: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 10: no users/groups matched Line: 11: incorrect codeowner user: fwolter Line: 11: no users/groups matched Line: 12: incorrect codeowner user: theiding Line: 12: no users/groups matched Line: 13: incorrect codeowner user: soenkekueper Line: 13: no users/groups matched Line: 14: incorrect codeowner user: aurelio1 Line: 14: no users/groups matched Line: 15: incorrect codeowner user: kubawolanin Line: 15: no users/groups matched Line: 16: incorrect codeowner user: 3cky Line: 16: no users/groups matched Line: 17: incorrect codeowner user: bobadair Line: 17: incorrect codeowner user: billfor Line: 17: no users/groups matched Line: 18: incorrect codeowner user: dominicdesu Line: 18: no users/groups matched Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: OLibutzki Line: 19: no users/groups matched Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: mgeramb Line: 20: no users/groups matched Line: 21: incorrect codeowner user: mhilbush Line: 21: no users/groups matched Line: 22: incorrect codeowner user: GiviMAD Line: 22: no users/groups matched Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: gerrieg Line: 23: no users/groups matched Line: 24: incorrect codeowner user: tmrobert8 Line: 24: no users/groups matched Line: 25: incorrect codeowner user: digitaldan Line: 25: no users/groups matched Line: 26: incorrect codeowner user: maxpg Line: 26: no users/groups matched Line: 27: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 27: no users/groups matched Line: 28: incorrect codeowner user: mhilbush Line: 28: no users/groups matched Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: cdjackson Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: cpmeister Line: 29: no users/groups matched Line: 30: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 30: no users/groups matched Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: cpmeister Line: 31: no users/groups matched Line: 32: incorrect codeowner user: cdjackson Line: 32: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 32: no users/groups matched Line: 33: incorrect codeowner user: blafois Line: 33: incorrect codeowner user: cpmeister Line: 33: no users/groups matched Line: 34: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 34: no users/groups matched Line: 35: incorrect codeowner user: blafois Line: 35: no users/groups matched Line: 36: incorrect codeowner user: pfink Line: 36: no users/groups matched Line: 37: incorrect codeowner user: cpmeister Line: 37: no users/groups matched Line: 38: incorrect codeowner user: cpmeister Line: 38: no users/groups matched Line: 39: incorrect codeowner user: cpmeister Line: 39: no users/groups matched Line: 40: incorrect codeowner user: ssalonen Line: 40: no users/groups matched Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: weymann Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: ntruchsess Line: 41: no users/groups matched Line: 42: incorrect codeowner user: jofleck Line: 42: no users/groups matched Line: 43: incorrect codeowner user: stefan-kaestle Line: 43: incorrect codeowner user: coeing Line: 43: incorrect codeowner user: GerdZanker Line: 43: no users/groups matched Line: 44: incorrect codeowner user: marvkis Line: 44: incorrect codeowner user: tratho Line: 44: no users/groups matched Line: 45: incorrect codeowner user: flo-02-mu Line: 45: no users/groups matched Line: 46: incorrect codeowner user: hypetsch Line: 46: no users/groups matched Line: 47: incorrect codeowner user: MrRonfo Line: 47: no users/groups matched Line: 48: incorrect codeowner user: gedejong Line: 48: no users/groups matched Line: 49: incorrect codeowner user: jossuar Line: 49: no users/groups matched Line: 50: incorrect codeowner user: jpharvey Line: 50: no users/groups matched Line: 51: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 51: no users/groups matched Line: 52: incorrect codeowner user: BobRak Line: 52: no users/groups matched Line: 53: incorrect codeowner user: boehan Line: 53: no users/groups matched Line: 54: incorrect codeowner user: projectgus Line: 54: no users/groups matched Line: 55: incorrect codeowner user: DerOetzi Line: 55: no users/groups matched Line: 56: incorrect codeowner user: caffineehacker Line: 56: no users/groups matched Line: 57: incorrect codeowner user: rs22 Line: 57: no users/groups matched Line: 58: incorrect codeowner user: pravussum Line: 58: no users/groups matched Line: 59: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 59: no users/groups matched Line: 60: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 60: no users/groups matched Line: 61: incorrect codeowner user: jwveldhuis Line: 61: no users/groups matched Line: 62: incorrect codeowner user: rmichalak Line: 62: no users/groups matched Line: 63: incorrect codeowner user: MichaelOchel Line: 63: incorrect codeowner user: msiegele Line: 63: no users/groups matched Line: 64: incorrect codeowner user: MikeJMajor Line: 64: no users/groups matched Line: 65: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 65: no users/groups matched Line: 66: incorrect codeowner user: mhilbush Line: 66: no users/groups matched Line: 67: incorrect codeowner user: andrew-schofield Line: 67: no users/groups matched Line: 68: incorrect codeowner user: RSStephens Line: 68: no users/groups matched Line: 69: incorrect codeowner user: Hilbrand Line: 69: no users/groups matched Line: 70: incorrect codeowner user: DerOetzi Line: 70: no users/groups matched Line: 71: incorrect codeowner user: limdul79 Line: 71: no users/groups matched Line: 72: incorrect codeowner user: mhilbush Line: 72: no users/groups matched Line: 73: incorrect codeowner user: sibbi77 Line: 73: no users/groups matched Line: 74: incorrect codeowner user: vbier Line: 74: no users/groups matched Line: 75: incorrect codeowner user: hmerk Line: 75: no users/groups matched Line: 76: incorrect codeowner user: gdolfen Line: 76: no users/groups matched Line: 77: incorrect codeowner user: fruggy83 Line: 77: no users/groups matched Line: 78: incorrect codeowner user: Hilbrand Line: 78: no users/groups matched Line: 79: incorrect codeowner user: klocsson Line: 79: no users/groups matched Line: 80: incorrect codeowner user: mlobstein Line: 80: no users/groups matched Line: 81: incorrect codeowner user: dfad1469 Line: 81: no users/groups matched Line: 82: incorrect codeowner user: Nebula83 Line: 82: no users/groups matched Line: 83: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 83: no users/groups matched Line: 84: incorrect codeowner user: svilenvul Line: 84: no users/groups matched Line: 85: incorrect codeowner user: Hilbrand Line: 85: no users/groups matched Line: 86: incorrect codeowner user: ssalonen Line: 86: no users/groups matched Line: 87: incorrect codeowner user: goopilot Line: 87: no users/groups matched Line: 88: incorrect codeowner user: fa2k Line: 88: no users/groups matched Line: 89: incorrect codeowner user: airboxlab Line: 89: incorrect codeowner user: Hilbrand Line: 89: no users/groups matched Line: 90: incorrect codeowner user: lolodomo Line: 90: no users/groups matched Line: 91: incorrect codeowner user: trokohl Line: 91: no users/groups matched Line: 92: incorrect codeowner user: paphko Line: 92: no users/groups matched Line: 93: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 93: no users/groups matched Line: 94: incorrect codeowner user: gerrieg Line: 94: no users/groups matched Line: 95: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 95: no users/groups matched Line: 96: incorrect codeowner user: digitaldan Line: 96: no users/groups matched Line: 97: incorrect codeowner user: mhilbush Line: 97: no users/groups matched Line: 98: incorrect codeowner user: SamuelBrucksch Line: 98: no users/groups matched Line: 99: incorrect codeowner user: nils-bauer Line: 99: no users/groups matched Line: 100: incorrect codeowner user: gbicskei Line: 100: no users/groups matched Line: 101: incorrect codeowner user: markus7017 Line: 101: no users/groups matched Line: 102: incorrect codeowner user: FlorianSW Line: 102: no users/groups matched Line: 103: incorrect codeowner user: chingon007 Line: 103: no users/groups matched Line: 104: incorrect codeowner user: digitaldan Line: 104: no users/groups matched Line: 105: incorrect codeowner user: matchews Line: 105: no users/groups matched Line: 106: incorrect codeowner user: cossey Line: 106: no users/groups matched Line: 107: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 107: no users/groups matched Line: 108: incorrect codeowner user: beowulfe Line: 108: no users/groups matched Line: 109: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 109: no users/groups matched Line: 110: incorrect codeowner user: ramack Line: 110: no users/groups matched Line: 111: incorrect codeowner user: Wire82 Line: 111: no users/groups matched Line: 112: incorrect codeowner user: bruestel Line: 112: no users/groups matched Line: 113: incorrect codeowner user: FStolte Line: 113: incorrect codeowner user: gerrieg Line: 113: incorrect codeowner user: mdicke2s Line: 113: no users/groups matched Line: 114: incorrect codeowner user: Daniel-42 Line: 114: no users/groups matched Line: 115: incorrect codeowner user: cossey Line: 115: no users/groups matched Line: 116: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 116: no users/groups matched Line: 117: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 117: no users/groups matched Line: 118: incorrect codeowner user: digitaldan Line: 118: no users/groups matched Line: 119: incorrect codeowner user: tavalin Line: 119: no users/groups matched Line: 120: incorrect codeowner user: lewei50 Line: 120: no users/groups matched Line: 121: incorrect codeowner user: digitaldan Line: 121: no users/groups matched Line: 122: incorrect codeowner user: daMihe Line: 122: no users/groups matched Line: 123: incorrect codeowner user: pgfeller Line: 123: no users/groups matched Line: 124: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 124: no users/groups matched Line: 125: incorrect codeowner user: ollie-dev Line: 125: no users/groups matched Line: 126: incorrect codeowner user: robnielsen Line: 126: no users/groups matched Line: 127: incorrect codeowner user: hmerk Line: 127: no users/groups matched Line: 128: incorrect codeowner user: Skinah Line: 128: no users/groups matched Line: 129: incorrect codeowner user: peuter Line: 129: no users/groups matched Line: 130: incorrect codeowner user: Sonic-Amiga Line: 130: no users/groups matched Line: 131: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 131: no users/groups matched Line: 132: incorrect codeowner user: hans-reiner Line: 132: no users/groups matched Line: 133: incorrect codeowner user: octa22 Line: 133: no users/groups matched Line: 134: incorrect codeowner user: vbier Line: 134: no users/groups matched Line: 135: incorrect codeowner user: mlobstein Line: 135: no users/groups matched Line: 136: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 136: no users/groups matched Line: 137: incorrect codeowner user: Markinus Line: 137: no users/groups matched Line: 138: incorrect codeowner user: sjka Line: 138: no users/groups matched Line: 139: incorrect codeowner user: pail23 Line: 139: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 139: no users/groups matched Line: 140: incorrect codeowner user: volfan6415 Line: 140: no users/groups matched Line: 141: incorrect codeowner user: cschneider Line: 141: no users/groups matched Line: 142: incorrect codeowner user: ne0h Line: 142: no users/groups matched Line: 143: incorrect codeowner user: syphr42 Line: 143: no users/groups matched Line: 144: incorrect codeowner user: fwolter Line: 144: no users/groups matched Line: 145: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 145: no users/groups matched Line: 146: incorrect codeowner user: FluBBaOfWard Line: 146: no users/groups matched Line: 147: incorrect codeowner user: fa2k Line: 147: no users/groups matched Line: 148: incorrect codeowner user: sprehn Line: 148: no users/groups matched Line: 149: incorrect codeowner user: wborn Line: 149: no users/groups matched Line: 150: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 150: incorrect codeowner user: lolodomo Line: 150: no users/groups matched Line: 151: incorrect codeowner user: t-8ch Line: 151: no users/groups matched Line: 152: incorrect codeowner user: kabili207 Line: 152: no users/groups matched Line: 153: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 153: no users/groups matched Line: 154: incorrect codeowner user: ppieczul Line: 154: no users/groups matched Line: 155: incorrect codeowner user: weymann Line: 155: no users/groups matched Line: 156: incorrect codeowner user: actong Line: 156: incorrect codeowner user: bobadair Line: 156: no users/groups matched Line: 157: incorrect codeowner user: sgiehl Line: 157: no users/groups matched Line: 158: incorrect codeowner user: markus7017 Line: 158: no users/groups matched Line: 159: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 159: no users/groups matched Line: 160: incorrect codeowner user: marcelrv Line: 160: no users/groups matched Line: 161: incorrect codeowner user: aogorek Line: 161: no users/groups matched Line: 162: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 162: no users/groups matched Line: 163: incorrect codeowner user: lucacalcaterra Line: 163: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 163: incorrect codeowner user: thewiep Line: 163: no users/groups matched Line: 164: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 164: no users/groups matched Line: 165: incorrect codeowner user: 9037568 Line: 165: no users/groups matched Line: 166: incorrect codeowner user: cdjackson Line: 166: no users/groups matched Line: 167: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 167: no users/groups matched Line: 168: incorrect codeowner user: BjoernLange Line: 168: no users/groups matched Line: 169: incorrect codeowner user: pboos Line: 169: no users/groups matched Line: 170: incorrect codeowner user: marcelrv Line: 170: no users/groups matched Line: 171: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 171: no users/groups matched Line: 172: incorrect codeowner user: seime Line: 172: no users/groups matched Line: 173: incorrect codeowner user: ibaton Line: 173: no users/groups matched Line: 174: incorrect codeowner user: ssalonen Line: 174: no users/groups matched Line: 175: incorrect codeowner user: weymann Line: 175: no users/groups matched Line: 176: incorrect codeowner user: bern77 Line: 176: no users/groups matched Line: 177: incorrect codeowner user: fwolter Line: 177: no users/groups matched Line: 178: incorrect codeowner user: pail23 Line: 178: no users/groups matched Line: 179: incorrect codeowner user: giovannimirulla Line: 179: no users/groups matched Line: 180: incorrect codeowner user: mrbig Line: 180: no users/groups matched Line: 181: incorrect codeowner user: mlobstein Line: 181: no users/groups matched Line: 182: incorrect codeowner user: stefanroellin Line: 182: no users/groups matched Line: 183: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 183: no users/groups matched Line: 184: incorrect codeowner user: Skinah Line: 184: no users/groups matched Line: 185: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 185: no users/groups matched Line: 186: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 186: no users/groups matched Line: 187: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 187: no users/groups matched Line: 188: incorrect codeowner user: digitaldan Line: 188: no users/groups matched Line: 189: incorrect codeowner user: pail23 Line: 189: no users/groups matched Line: 190: incorrect codeowner user: raepple Line: 190: incorrect codeowner user: stefan-hoehn Line: 190: no users/groups matched Line: 191: incorrect codeowner user: jjlauterbach Line: 191: no users/groups matched Line: 192: incorrect codeowner user: tmrobert8 Line: 192: no users/groups matched Line: 193: incorrect codeowner user: andrewfg Line: 193: no users/groups matched Line: 194: incorrect codeowner user: wborn Line: 194: no users/groups matched Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: lolodomo Line: 195: no users/groups matched Line: 196: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 196: incorrect codeowner user: mettke Line: 196: no users/groups matched Line: 197: incorrect codeowner user: Hilbrand Line: 197: no users/groups matched Line: 198: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 198: no users/groups matched Line: 199: incorrect codeowner user: alexf2015 Line: 199: no users/groups matched Line: 200: incorrect codeowner user: crnjan Line: 200: no users/groups matched Line: 201: incorrect codeowner user: mherwege Line: 201: no users/groups matched Line: 202: incorrect codeowner user: t2000 Line: 202: no users/groups matched Line: 203: incorrect codeowner user: marcelrv Line: 203: no users/groups matched Line: 204: incorrect codeowner user: mkatter Line: 204: no users/groups matched Line: 205: incorrect codeowner user: mlobstein Line: 205: no users/groups matched Line: 206: incorrect codeowner user: cossey Line: 206: no users/groups matched Line: 207: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 207: no users/groups matched Line: 208: incorrect codeowner user: EvilPingu Line: 208: no users/groups matched Line: 209: incorrect codeowner user: hansbogert Line: 209: no users/groups matched Line: 210: incorrect codeowner user: ecdye Line: 210: no users/groups matched Line: 211: incorrect codeowner user: sdwilsh Line: 211: no users/groups matched Line: 212: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 212: no users/groups matched Line: 213: incorrect codeowner user: aogorek Line: 213: no users/groups matched Line: 214: incorrect codeowner user: pail23 Line: 214: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 214: no users/groups matched Line: 215: incorrect codeowner user: psmedley Line: 215: no users/groups matched Line: 216: incorrect codeowner user: CrackerStealth Line: 216: incorrect codeowner user: FlorianSW Line: 216: no users/groups matched Line: 217: incorrect codeowner user: ArjenKorevaar Line: 217: no users/groups matched Line: 218: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 218: no users/groups matched Line: 219: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 219: no users/groups matched Line: 220: incorrect codeowner user: mvalla Line: 220: no users/groups matched Line: 221: incorrect codeowner user: mlobstein Line: 221: no users/groups matched Line: 222: incorrect codeowner user: tavalin Line: 222: no users/groups matched Line: 223: incorrect codeowner user: theater Line: 223: no users/groups matched Line: 224: incorrect codeowner user: jsjames Line: 224: no users/groups matched Line: 225: incorrect codeowner user: gnlpfjh Line: 225: no users/groups matched Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: stefanroellin Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: niklasdoerfler Line: 226: no users/groups matched Line: 227: incorrect codeowner user: Stratehm Line: 227: no users/groups matched Line: 228: incorrect codeowner user: Confectrician Line: 228: no users/groups matched Line: 229: incorrect codeowner user: nils Line: 229: no users/groups matched Line: 230: incorrect codeowner user: FluBBaOfWard Line: 230: no users/groups matched Line: 231: incorrect codeowner user: falkena Line: 231: no users/groups matched Line: 232: incorrect codeowner user: wborn Line: 232: no users/groups matched Line: 233: incorrect codeowner user: lsiepel Line: 233: no users/groups matched Line: 234: incorrect codeowner user: lolodomo Line: 234: no users/groups matched Line: 235: incorrect codeowner user: peuter Line: 235: no users/groups matched Line: 236: incorrect codeowner user: hakan42 Line: 236: no users/groups matched Line: 237: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 237: no users/groups matched Line: 238: incorrect codeowner user: QbusKoen Line: 238: no users/groups matched Line: 239: incorrect codeowner user: mlobstein Line: 239: no users/groups matched Line: 240: incorrect codeowner user: crnjan Line: 240: no users/groups matched Line: 241: incorrect codeowner user: andibraeu Line: 241: no users/groups matched Line: 242: incorrect codeowner user: lolodomo Line: 242: no users/groups matched Line: 243: incorrect codeowner user: ramack Line: 243: no users/groups matched Line: 244: incorrect codeowner user: martinvw Line: 244: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 244: no users/groups matched Line: 245: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 245: no users/groups matched Line: 246: incorrect codeowner user: reyem Line: 246: no users/groups matched Line: 247: incorrect codeowner user: mlobstein Line: 247: no users/groups matched Line: 248: incorrect codeowner user: lolodomo Line: 248: no users/groups matched Line: 249: incorrect codeowner user: tmrobert8 Line: 249: no users/groups matched Line: 250: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 250: no users/groups matched Line: 251: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 251: no users/groups matched Line: 252: incorrect codeowner user: druciak Line: 252: no users/groups matched Line: 253: incorrect codeowner user: itb3 Line: 253: no users/groups matched Line: 254: incorrect codeowner user: vctender Line: 254: incorrect codeowner user: KorbinianP Line: 254: incorrect codeowner user: eguib Line: 254: no users/groups matched Line: 255: incorrect codeowner user: nikotanghe Line: 255: no users/groups matched Line: 256: incorrect codeowner user: hakan42 Line: 256: no users/groups matched Line: 257: incorrect codeowner user: seime Line: 257: no users/groups matched Line: 258: incorrect codeowner user: MikeJMajor Line: 258: no users/groups matched Line: 259: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 259: no users/groups matched Line: 260: incorrect codeowner user: markus7017 Line: 260: no users/groups matched Line: 261: incorrect codeowner user: andrewfg Line: 261: no users/groups matched Line: 262: incorrect codeowner user: jmvaz Line: 262: no users/groups matched Line: 263: incorrect codeowner user: chaton78 Line: 263: no users/groups matched Line: 264: incorrect codeowner user: syphr42 Line: 264: no users/groups matched Line: 265: incorrect codeowner user: monnimeter Line: 265: no users/groups matched Line: 266: incorrect codeowner user: msteigenberger Line: 266: no users/groups matched Line: 267: incorrect codeowner user: BobRak Line: 267: no users/groups matched Line: 268: incorrect codeowner user: pacive Line: 268: no users/groups matched Line: 269: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 269: no users/groups matched Line: 270: incorrect codeowner user: alexf2015 Line: 270: no users/groups matched Line: 271: incorrect codeowner user: johannrichard Line: 271: no users/groups matched Line: 272: incorrect codeowner user: loungeflyz Line: 272: no users/groups matched Line: 273: incorrect codeowner user: octa22 Line: 273: no users/groups matched Line: 274: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 274: incorrect codeowner user: lolodomo Line: 274: no users/groups matched Line: 275: incorrect codeowner user: freke Line: 275: no users/groups matched Line: 276: incorrect codeowner user: lolodomo Line: 276: no users/groups matched Line: 277: incorrect codeowner user: Hilbrand Line: 277: no users/groups matched Line: 278: incorrect codeowner user: digitaldan Line: 278: incorrect codeowner user: mhilbush Line: 278: no users/groups matched Line: 279: incorrect codeowner user: renescherer Line: 279: incorrect codeowner user: HerzScheisse Line: 279: no users/groups matched Line: 280: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 280: no users/groups matched Line: 281: incorrect codeowner user: svilenvul Line: 281: no users/groups matched Line: 282: incorrect codeowner user: twendt Line: 282: incorrect codeowner user: Wolfgang1966 Line: 282: incorrect codeowner user: marvkis Line: 282: no users/groups matched Line: 283: incorrect codeowner user: dfrommi Line: 283: no users/groups matched Line: 284: incorrect codeowner user: dolic Line: 284: incorrect codeowner user: JueBag Line: 284: no users/groups matched Line: 285: incorrect codeowner user: ZzetT Line: 285: no users/groups matched Line: 286: incorrect codeowner user: Nokyyz Line: 286: incorrect codeowner user: olivierkeke Line: 286: no users/groups matched Line: 287: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 287: no users/groups matched Line: 288: incorrect codeowner user: kgoderis Line: 288: no users/groups matched Line: 289: incorrect codeowner user: kjoglum Line: 289: no users/groups matched Line: 290: incorrect codeowner user: mlobstein Line: 290: no users/groups matched Line: 291: incorrect codeowner user: roieg Line: 291: no users/groups matched Line: 292: incorrect codeowner user: Hilbrand Line: 292: no users/groups matched Line: 293: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 293: no users/groups matched Line: 294: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 294: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 294: no users/groups matched Line: 295: incorrect codeowner user: mgbowman Line: 295: no users/groups matched Line: 296: incorrect codeowner user: GiviMAD Line: 296: no users/groups matched Line: 297: incorrect codeowner user: marcusb Line: 297: no users/groups matched Line: 298: incorrect codeowner user: mherwege Line: 298: no users/groups matched Line: 299: incorrect codeowner user: OLibutzki Line: 299: no users/groups matched Line: 300: incorrect codeowner user: bjoernbrings Line: 300: no users/groups matched Line: 301: incorrect codeowner user: MatthiasKlocke Line: 301: no users/groups matched Line: 302: incorrect codeowner user: octa22 Line: 302: no users/groups matched Line: 303: incorrect codeowner user: cedricboon Line: 303: no users/groups matched Line: 304: incorrect codeowner user: gs4711 Line: 304: no users/groups matched Line: 305: incorrect codeowner user: hww3 Line: 305: incorrect codeowner user: digitaldan Line: 305: no users/groups matched Line: 306: incorrect codeowner user: t2000 Line: 306: no users/groups matched Line: 307: incorrect codeowner user: jannegpriv Line: 307: no users/groups matched Line: 308: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 308: no users/groups matched Line: 309: incorrect codeowner user: steand Line: 309: no users/groups matched Line: 310: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 310: no users/groups matched Line: 311: incorrect codeowner user: jamesmelville Line: 311: no users/groups matched Line: 312: incorrect codeowner user: mhilbush Line: 312: no users/groups matched Line: 313: incorrect codeowner user: lolodomo Line: 313: no users/groups matched Line: 314: incorrect codeowner user: grro Line: 314: no users/groups matched Line: 315: incorrect codeowner user: hmerk Line: 315: no users/groups matched Line: 316: incorrect codeowner user: rvt Line: 316: incorrect codeowner user: xylo Line: 316: no users/groups matched Line: 317: incorrect codeowner user: marcelrv Line: 317: no users/groups matched Line: 318: incorrect codeowner user: CSchlipp Line: 318: no users/groups matched Line: 319: incorrect codeowner user: Skinah Line: 319: no users/groups matched Line: 320: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 320: no users/groups matched Line: 321: incorrect codeowner user: pavel-gololobov Line: 321: no users/groups matched Line: 322: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 322: incorrect codeowner user: zarusz Line: 322: no users/groups matched Line: 323: incorrect codeowner user: claell Line: 323: no users/groups matched Line: 324: incorrect codeowner user: miloit Line: 324: no users/groups matched Line: 325: incorrect codeowner user: mhilbush Line: 325: no users/groups matched Line: 326: incorrect codeowner user: pathec Line: 326: no users/groups matched Line: 327: incorrect codeowner user: beowulfe Line: 327: incorrect codeowner user: yfre Line: 327: no users/groups matched Line: 328: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 328: incorrect codeowner user: digitaldan Line: 328: no users/groups matched Line: 329: incorrect codeowner user: pdegeus Line: 329: no users/groups matched Line: 330: incorrect codeowner user: pravussum Line: 330: no users/groups matched Line: 331: incorrect codeowner user: tmrobert8 Line: 331: no users/groups matched Line: 332: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 332: no users/groups matched Line: 333: incorrect codeowner user: ssalonen Line: 333: no users/groups matched Line: 334: incorrect codeowner user: lujop Line: 334: no users/groups matched Line: 335: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 335: no users/groups matched Line: 336: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 336: no users/groups matched Line: 337: incorrect codeowner user: mkhl Line: 337: no users/groups matched Line: 338: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 338: no users/groups matched Line: 339: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 339: no users/groups matched Line: 340: incorrect codeowner user: paulianttila Line: 340: no users/groups matched Line: 341: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 341: no users/groups matched Line: 342: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 342: no users/groups matched Line: 343: incorrect codeowner user: jochen314 Line: 343: no users/groups matched Line: 344: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 344: no users/groups matched Line: 345: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 345: no users/groups matched Line: 346: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 346: no users/groups matched Line: 347: incorrect codeowner user: clinique Line: 347: no users/groups matched Line: 348: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 348: no users/groups matched Line: 349: incorrect codeowner organization: openhab/add-ons-maintainers Line: 349: no users/groups matched Line: 350: incorrect codeowner user: gbicskei Line: 350: no users/groups matched Line: 351: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 351: no users/groups matched Line: 352: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 352: no users/groups matched Line: 353: incorrect codeowner user: FlorianSW Line: 353: no users/groups matched Line: 354: incorrect codeowner user: hillmanr Line: 354: no users/groups matched Line: 355: incorrect codeowner user: JochenHiller Line: 355: no users/groups matched Line: 356: incorrect codeowner user: gerrieg Line: 356: no users/groups matched Line: 357: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 357: no users/groups matched Line: 358: incorrect codeowner user: svilenvul Line: 358: no users/groups matched Line: 359: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 359: no users/groups matched Line: 360: incorrect codeowner user: marcelrv Line: 360: no users/groups matched Line: 361: incorrect codeowner user: ssalonen Line: 361: no users/groups matched Line: 362: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 362: no users/groups matched Line: 363: incorrect codeowner user: davidgraeff Line: 363: no users/groups matched Line: 364: incorrect codeowner user: wborn Line: 364: no users/groups matched Line: 365: incorrect codeowner user: marcelrv Line: 365: no users/groups matched Line: 366: incorrect codeowner user: svilenvul Line: 366: no users/groups matched Line: 367: incorrect codeowner user: cweitkamp Line: 367: incorrect codeowner user: kaikreuzer Line: 367: no users/groups matched Line: 368: incorrect codeowner user: hmerk Line: 368: no users/groups matched Line: 369: incorrect codeowner user: mkhl Line: 369: no users/groups matched

372 lines
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# This file helps GitHub doing automatic review requests for new PRs.
# It should always list the active maintainers of certain add-ons.
# As a fallback, if no specific maintainer is listed below, assign the PR to the repo maintainers team:
* @openhab/add-ons-maintainers
# Add-on maintainers:
/bundles/org.openhab.automation.groovyscripting/ @wborn
/bundles/org.openhab.automation.jsscripting/ @jpg0
/bundles/org.openhab.automation.jythonscripting/ @openhab/add-ons-maintainers
/bundles/org.openhab.automation.pidcontroller/ @fwolter
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.adorne/ @theiding
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.ahawastecollection/ @soenkekueper
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.airq/ @aurelio1
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.airquality/ @kubawolanin
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.airvisualnode/ @3cky
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.alarmdecoder/ @bobadair @billfor
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.allplay/ @dominicdesu
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.amazondashbutton/ @OLibutzki
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.amazonechocontrol/ @mgeramb
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.ambientweather/ @mhilbush
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.androiddebugbridge/ @GiviMAD
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.astro/ @gerrieg
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.atlona/ @tmrobert8
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.autelis/ @digitaldan
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.automower/ @maxpg
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.avmfritz/ @cweitkamp
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.bigassfan/ @mhilbush
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.bluetooth.airthings/ @paulianttila
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.bluetooth.am43/ @cpmeister
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.boschindego/ @jofleck
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.boschshc/ @stefan-kaestle @coeing @GerdZanker
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.bosesoundtouch/ @marvkis @tratho
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.broadlinkthermostat/ @flo-02-mu
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.bsblan/ @hypetsch
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.bticinosmarther/ @MrRonfo
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.buienradar/ @gedejong
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.caddx/ @jossuar
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.cbus/ @jpharvey
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.chromecast/ @kaikreuzer
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.cm11a/ @BobRak
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.comfoair/ @boehan
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.coolmasternet/ @projectgus
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.coronastats/ @DerOetzi
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.dali/ @rs22
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.deconz/ @openhab/add-ons-maintainers
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.denonmarantz/ @jwveldhuis
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.digiplex/ @rmichalak
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.digitalstrom/ @MichaelOchel @msiegele
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.dlinksmarthome/ @MikeJMajor
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.dmx/ @openhab/add-ons-maintainers
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.doorbird/ @mhilbush
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.draytonwiser/ @andrew-schofield
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.dscalarm/ @RSStephens
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.dsmr/ @Hilbrand
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.dwdpollenflug/ @DerOetzi
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.dwdunwetter/ @limdul79
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.ecobee/ @mhilbush
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.enphase/ @Hilbrand
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.epsonprojector/ @mlobstein
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.exec/ @kgoderis
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.feed/ @svilenvul
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.feican/ @Hilbrand
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.folding/ @fa2k
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.foobot/ @airboxlab @Hilbrand
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.fronius/ @trokohl
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.gardena/ @gerrieg
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.gce/ @clinique
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.generacmobilelink/ @digitaldan
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.globalcache/ @mhilbush
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.goecharger/ @SamuelBrucksch
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.gpio/ @nils-bauer
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.gpstracker/ @gbicskei
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.gree/ @markus7017
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.groheondus/ @FlorianSW
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.homewizard/ @Daniel-42
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.hydrawise/ @digitaldan
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.icalendar/ @daMihe
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.icloud/ @pgfeller
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.ihc/ @paulianttila
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.insteon/ @robnielsen
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.intesis/ @hmerk
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.ipcamera/ @Skinah
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.irobot/ @Sonic-Amiga
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.irtrans/ @kgoderis
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.ism8/ @hans-reiner
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.keba/ @kgoderis
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.km200/ @Markinus
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/bundles/ @davidgraeff @mettke
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.networkupstools/ @Hilbrand
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.nuvo/ @mlobstein
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.pixometer/ @Confectrician
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/bundles/ @FluBBaOfWard
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.smartthings/ @BobRak
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.sonyaudio/ @freke
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.sonyprojector/ @lolodomo
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.spotify/ @Hilbrand
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.synopanalyzer/ @clinique
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.teleinfo/ @Nokyyz @olivierkeke
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.tivo/ @mlobstein
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.touchwand/ @roieg
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.tr064/ @openhab/add-ons-maintainers
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.unifi/ @mgbowman
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.unifiedremote/ @GiviMAD
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.upb/ @marcusb
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.upnpcontrol/ @mherwege
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.urtsi/ @OLibutzki
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.vdr/ @MatthiasKlocke
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.wlanthermo/ @CSchlipp
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.wled/ @Skinah
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.xmltv/ @clinique
/bundles/org.openhab.binding.xmppclient/ @pavel-gololobov
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/bundles/org.openhab.binding.zoneminder/ @mhilbush
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/bundles/org.openhab.voice.mactts/ @kaikreuzer
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/bundles/org.openhab.voice.picotts/ @FlorianSW
/bundles/org.openhab.voice.pollytts/ @hillmanr
/bundles/org.openhab.voice.voicerss/ @JochenHiller
/itests/org.openhab.binding.astro.tests/ @gerrieg
/itests/org.openhab.binding.avmfritz.tests/ @cweitkamp
/itests/org.openhab.binding.feed.tests/ @svilenvul
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/itests/org.openhab.persistence.mapdb.tests/ @mkhl