Kai Kreuzer 48746f5e3f Apply spotless
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <>
2021-12-20 09:07:55 +01:00
src/main Add default translations for binding add-ons (#11760) 2021-12-15 18:40:21 +01:00
NOTICE [omnilink] Initial contribution (#8922) 2021-01-20 00:31:10 +01:00 Fix http -> https where applyable. (#10573) 2021-04-24 20:39:51 +02:00
pom.xml Apply spotless 2021-12-20 09:07:55 +01:00

HAI by Leviton OmniLink Binding

This binding integrates the Omni and Lumina line of home automation systems. At its core the Omni is a hardware board that provides security and access features. It connects to many other devices through serial ports or wired contacts and exposes them through a single TCP based API.

Supported Things

The OmniPro/Lumina controller acts as a "bridge" for accessing other connected devices.

Omni type Hardware Type Things
Controller Omni (Pro II, IIe, LTe), Lumina controller (omni, lumina)
Lights Built-in, UPB, HLC unit, dimmable, upb, room
Thermostats Omnistat, Omnistat2 thermostat
Temperature Sensors 31A00-1/31A00-7 temp_sensor
Humidity Sensors 31A00-2 humidity_sensor
Zones Built-in/Hardwire, GE Wireless zone
Audio Zones/Sources HAI Hi-Fi, Russound, NuVo, Xantech, Speakercraft audio_zone, audio_source
Consoles HAI Omni Console, HAI Lumina Console console
Areas Built-in area, lumina_area
Buttons Built-in button
Flags Built-in flag
Output Built-in/Hardwire output
Access Control Reader Lock Leviton Access Control Reader lock



Omni and Lumina controllers must be manually added using the IP and port of the controller as well as the 2 encryption keys required for network access.


Once a connection can be established to a controller, all connected devices will be automatically discovered and added to the inbox.

Thing Configuration

An Omni or Lumina controller requires the IP address (ipAddress), optional port (port defaults to 4369), and 2 encryption keys (key1, key2). The hexadecimal pairs in the encryption keys are typically delimited using a colon:, but dashes -, spaces or no delimiter may be used.

In the thing file, this looks like:

Bridge omnilink:controller:home [ ipAddress="", port=4369, key1="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", key2="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ] {
    // Add your things here

The devices are identified by the device number that the OmniLink bridge assigns to them, see the Full Example section below for a manual configuration example.


The devices support some of the following channels:

Channel Type ID Item Type Description Thing types supporting this channel
activate_keypad_emergency Number Activate a burglary, fire, or auxiliary keypad emergency alarm on Omni based models. area
alarm_burglary Switch Indicates if a burglary alarm is active. area
alarm_fire Switch Indicates if a fire alarm is active. area
alarm_gas Switch Indicates if a gas alarm is active. area
alarm_auxiliary Switch Indicates if a auxiliary alarm is active. area
alarm_freeze Switch Indicates if a freeze alarm is active. area
alarm_water Switch Indicates if a water alarm is active. area
alarm_duress Switch Indicates if a duress alarm is active. area
alarm_temperature Switch Indicates if a temperature alarm is active. area
mode Number Represents the area security mode. area, lumina_area
disarm String Send a 4 digit user code to disarm the system. area
day String Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to day. area
night String Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to night. area
away String Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to away. area
vacation String Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to vacation. area
day_instant String Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to day instant. area
night_delayed String Send a 4 digit user code to arm the system to night delayed. area
home String Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to home. lumina_area
sleep String Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to sleep. lumina_area
away String Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to away. lumina_area
vacation String Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to vacation. lumina_area
party String Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to party. lumina_area
special String Send a 4 digit user code to set the system to special. lumina_area
source_text_{1,2,3,4,5,6} String A line of metadata from this audio source. audio_source
polling Switch Enable or disable polling of this audio source. audio_source
zone_power Switch Power status of this audio zone. audio_zone
zone_mute Switch Mute status of this audio zone. audio_zone
zone_volume Dimmer Volume level of this audio zone. audio_zone
zone_source Number Source for this audio zone. audio_zone
zone_control Player Control the audio zone, e.g. start/stop/next/previous. audio_zone
sysdate DateTime Set controller date/time. controller
last_log String Last log message on the controller, represented in JSON. controller
enable_disable_beeper Switch Enable/Disable the beeper for this/all console(s). controller, console
beep Switch Send a beep command to this/all console(s). controller, console
press Switch Sends a button event to the controller. button
low_setpoint Number The current low setpoint for this humidity/temperature sensor. temp_sensor, humidity_sensor
high_setpoint Number The current high setpoint for this humidity/temperature sensor. temp_sensor, humidity_sensor
temperature Number:Temperature The current temperature at this thermostat/temperature sensor. thermostat, temp_sensor
humidity Number:Dimensionless The current relative humidity at this thermostat/humidity sensor. thermostat, humidity_sensor
freeze_alarm Contact Closed when freeze alarm is triggered by this thermostat. thermostat
comm_failure Contact Closed during a communications failure with this thermostat. thermostat
outdoor_temperature Number:Temperature The current outdoor temperature detected by this thermostat. thermostat
heat_setpoint Number:Temperature The current low/heating setpoint of this thermostat. thermostat
cool_setpoint Number:Temperature The current high/cooling setpoint of this thermostat. thermostat
humidify_setpoint Number:Dimensionless The current low/humidify setpoint for this thermostat. thermostat
dehumidify_setpoint Number:Dimensionless The current high/dehumidify setpoint for this thermostat. thermostat
system_mode Number The current system mode of this thermostat. thermostat
fan_mode Number The current fan mode of this thermostat. thermostat
hold_status Number The current hold status of this thermostat. thermostat
status Number The current numeric status of this thermostat. thermostat
level Dimmer Increase/Decrease the level of this unit/dimmable unit/UPB unit. unit, dimmable, upb
switch Switch Turn this unit/dimmable unit/flag/output/room on/off. unit, dimmable, upb, flag, output, room
on_for_seconds Number Turn on this unit for a specified number of seconds. unit, dimmable, upb, flag, output
off_for_seconds Number Turn off this unit for a specified number of seconds. unit, dimmable, upb, flag, output
on_for_minutes Number Turn on this unit for a specified number of minutes. unit, dimmable, upb, flag, output
off_for_minutes Number Turn off this unit for a specified number of minutes. unit, dimmable, upb, flag, output
on_for_hours Number Turn on this unit for a specified number of hours. unit, dimmable, upb, flag, output
off_for_hours Number Turn off this unit for a specified number of hours. unit, dimmable, upb, flag, output
upb_status String Send a UPB status request message for this UPB unit to the controller. upb
value Number Numeric value of this flag. flag
scene_{a,b,c,d} Switch Turn this scene on/off. room
state Number The current state of this room. room
contact Contact Contact state information of this zone. zone
current_condition Number Current condition of this zone. zone
latched_alarm_status Number Latched alarm status of this zone. zone
arming_status Number Arming status of this zone. zone
bypass String Send a 4 digit user code to bypass this zone. zone
restore String Send a 4 digit user code to restore this zone. zone

Trigger Channels

The devices support some of the following trigger channels:

Channel Type ID Description Thing types supporting this channel
all_on_off_event Event sent when an all on/off event occurs. area, lumina_area
phone_line_event Event sent when the phone line changes state. controller
ac_power_event Event sent when AC trouble conditions are detected. controller
battery_event Event sent when battery trouble conditions are detected. controller
dcm_event Event sent when digital communicator trouble conditions are detected. controller
energy_cost_event Event sent when the cost of energy changes. controller
camera_trigger_event Event sent when a camera trigger is detected. controller
upb_link_activated_event Event sent when a UPB link is activated. controller
upb_link_deactivated_event Event sent when a UPB link is deactivated. controller
activated_event Event sent when a button is activated. button
switch_press_event Event sent when an ALC, UPB, Radio RA, or Starlite switch is pressed. dimmable, upb

Full Example

Example omnilink.things

Bridge omnilink:controller:home [ ipAddress="", port=4369, key1="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", key2="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ] {
    Thing area         MainArea         "Main Area"              @   "Home"                    [ number=1 ]
    Thing upb          UpKitTable       "Table Lights"           @   "Upstairs Kitchen"        [ number=4 ]
    Thing upb          UpOfcDesk        "Desk Lights"            @   "Upstairs Office"         [ number=10 ]
    Thing thermostat   UpstrsThermo     "Upstairs Temperature"   @   "Upstairs Entry"          [ number=1 ]
    Thing zone         FrontDoor        "Front Door"             @   "Upstairs Entry"          [ number=2 ]
    Thing zone         GarageDoor       "Garage Door"            @   "Laundry Room"            [ number=3 ]
    Thing zone         BackDoor         "Back Door"              @   "Upstairs Kitchen"        [ number=4 ]
    Thing zone         OneCarGarageDo   "One Car Garage"         @   "Garage"                  [ number=5 ]
    Thing zone         TwoCarGarageDo   "Two Car Garage"         @   "Garage"                  [ number=6 ]
    Thing zone         BsmtBackDoor     "Back Door"              @   "Basement Workout Room"   [ number=8 ]
    Thing zone         MBRDeckDoor      "Deck Door"              @   "Master Bedroom"          [ number=9 ]
    Thing zone         MBRMotion        "Motion"                 @   "Master Bedroom"          [ number=10 ]
    Thing zone         PorchDoor        "Porch Door"             @   "Upstairs Office"         [ number=11 ]
    Thing zone         UpOffMotion      "Motion"                 @   "Upstairs Office"         [ number=12 ]
    Thing zone         UpLivMotion      "Motion"                 @   "Upstairs Living Room"    [ number=13 ]
    Thing zone         BsmtWORMotion    "Motion"                 @   "Basement Workout Room"   [ number=14 ]
    Thing zone         GarageMotion     "Motion"                 @   "Garage"                  [ number=15 ]
    Thing console      UpstrsConsole    "Console"                @   "Laundry Room"            [ number=1 ]
    Thing button       MainButton       "Button"                 @   "Home"                    [ number=1 ]

Example omnilink.items

 * Alarms / Areas
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Alarms "All Alarms [%s]"
String    AlarmMode          "Alarm [%s]"              <alarm>               {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:mode" [profile="transform:MAP", function="", sourceFormat="%s"]}
Switch    AlarmBurglary      "Burglary Alarm [%s]"               (Alarms)    {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_burglary"}
Switch    AlarmFire          "Fire Alarm [%s]"                   (Alarms)    {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_fire"}
Switch    alarm_gas          "Gas Alarm [%s]"                    (Alarms)    {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_gas"}
Switch    AlarmAuxiliary     "Auxiliary Alarm [%s]"              (Alarms)    {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_auxiliary"}
Switch    AlarmFreeze        "Freeze Alarm [%s]"                 (Alarms)    {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_freeze"}
Switch    AlarmWater         "Water Alarm [%s]"                  (Alarms)    {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_water"}
Switch    AlarmDuress        "Duress Alarm [%s]"                 (Alarms)    {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_duress"}
Switch    AlarmTemperature   "Temperature Alarm [%s]"            (Alarms)    {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:alarm_temperature"}
Number    AlarmModeDisarm                                                    {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:disarm"}
Number    AlarmModeDay                                                       {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:day"}
Number    AlarmModeNight                                                     {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:night"}
Number    AlarmModeAway                                                      {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:away"}
Number    AlarmModeVacation                                                  {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:vacation"}
Number    AlarmModeDayInstant                                                {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:day_instant"}
Number    AlarmModeNightDelayed                                              {channel="omnilink:area:home:MainArea:night_delayed"}

 * Lights
Switch   UpKitTable     "Table Lights [%s]"   <switch>   {channel="omnilink:upb:home:UpKitTable:level"}
Dimmer   UpOfcDesk      "Desk Lights [%d]"    <slider>   {channel="omnilink:upb:home:UpOfcDesk:level"}

 * Thermostat
Group                UpstrsThermo             "Upstairs Thermostat"
Number:Temperature   UpstrsThermo_Temp        "Temperature [%.1f %unit%]"                  <temperature>        (UpstrsThermo)   {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:temperature"}
Number               UpstrsThermo_Status      "Status [MAP(]"          <heating>            (UpstrsThermo)   {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:status"}
Number               UpstrsThermo_System      "System Mode [MAP(]"   <temperature>        (UpstrsThermo)   {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:system_mode"}
Number               UpstrsThermo_Fan         "Fan Mode [MAP(]"       <fan>                (UpstrsThermo)   {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:fan_mode"}
Number               UpstrsThermo_Hold        "Hold Mode [MAP(]"     <fan>                (UpstrsThermo)   {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:hold_mode"}
Number               UpstrsThermo_HeatPoint   "System HeatPoint [%d]"                      <temperature_hot>    (UpstrsThermo)   {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:heat_setpoint"}
Number               UpstrsThermo_CoolPoint   "System CoolPoint [%d]"                      <temperature_cool>   (UpstrsThermo)   {channel="omnilink:thermostat:home:UpstrsThermo:cool_setpoint"}

 * Motion and Doors
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN, CLOSED)   Doors         "All Doors [%s]"
Contact   FrontDoor        "Front Door"            <door>         (Doors)            {channel="omnilink:zone:home:FrontDoor:contact"}
Contact   GarageDoor       "Garage Door"           <door>         (Doors)            {channel="omnilink:zone:home:GarageDoor:contact"}
Contact   BackDoor         "Back Door"             <door>         (Doors)            {channel="omnilink:zone:home:BackDoor:contact"}
Contact   BsmtBackDoor     "Back Door"             <door>         (Doors)            {channel="omnilink:zone:home:BsmtBackDoor:contact"}
Contact   MBRDeckDoor      "Deck Door"             <door>         (Doors)            {channel="omnilink:zone:home:MBRDeckDoor:contact"}
Contact   PorchDoor        "Porch Door"            <door>         (Doors)            {channel="omnilink:zone:home:PorchDoor:contact"}

Group:Contact:OR(OPEN, CLOSED)   GarageDoors   "All Garage Doors [%s]"
Contact   TwoCarGarageDo   "Two Car Garage Door"   <garagedoor>   (GarageDoors)      {channel="omnilink:zone:home:TwoCarGarageDo:contact"}
Contact   OneCarGarageDo   "One Car Garage Door"   <garagedoor>   (GarageDoors)      {channel="omnilink:zone:home:OneCarGarageDo:contact"}

Group:Contact:OR(OPEN, CLOSED)   Motion        "All Motion Sensors [%s]"
Contact   MBRMotion        "Motion"                <presence>     (Motion)           {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:MBRMotion:contact"}
Contact   UpOffMotion      "Motion"                <presence>     (Motion)           {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:UpOffMotion:contact"}
Contact   UpLivMotion      "Motion"                <presence>     (Motion)           {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:UpLivMotion:contact"}
Contact   BsmtWORMotion    "Motion"                <presence>     (Motion)           {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:BsmtWORMotion:contact"}
Contact   GarageMotion     "Motion"                <presence>     (Motion)           {homekit="MotionSensor", channel="omnilink:zone:home:GarageMotion:contact"}

 * Console
String     UpstrsConsole_Beeper   "Enable/Disable Beeper [%s]"            {channel="omnilink:console:home:UpstrsConsole:enable_disable_beeper"}
Number     UpstrsConsole_Beep     "Beep Console"                          {channel="omnilink:console:home:UpstrsConsole:beep"}

 * Button
Switch   MainButton   "Toggle button [%s]"   <switch>   {channel="omnilink:button:home:MainButton:press"}

 * Other OmniPro items
DateTime   OmniProTime   "Last Time Update [%1$ta %1$tR]"   <time>   {channel="omnilink:controller:home:sysdate"}




5=Emergency heat




2=Vacation hold


5=Day instant
6=Night delayed
9=Arming day
10=Arming night
11=Arming away
12=Arming vacation
13=Arming day instant
14=Arming night delay

Example omnilink.rules

rule "Update OmniPro Time"
  Time cron "0 0 0/1 1/1 * ? *"
  OmniProTime.sendCommand( new DateTimeType() )