Jacob Laursen 4dd6d3a8a2
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* Update license headers

Signed-off-by: Jacob Laursen <>
2023-01-06 09:49:54 +01:00
2022-12-19 15:22:17 +01:00

Freebox Binding

This binding integrates the Freebox Revolution and Freebox Delta to your openHAB installation.

The 'server' Bridge can be connected to Free infrastructures either by xDSL or fiber optic.

Supported Things

This binding supports the following thing types:

Thing Thing Type Description
server Bridge The Freebox Server.
phone Thing The phone wired to the Freebox Server.
net_device Thing A network device on the local network.
net_interface Thing A network interface from a device on the local network.
airplay Thing An AirPlay device in the local network.


The Freebox Server is discovered automatically through mDNS in the local network. After a Freebox Server is discovered and available to openHAB, the binding will automatically discover phone, network devices / interfaces and AirPlay devices with video capability in the local network. Note that the discovered thing will be setup to use only HTTP API (and not HTTPS) because only an IP can be automatically determined while a domain name is required to use HTTPS with a valid certificate.

Binding configuration

The binding has the following configuration options, which can be set for "binding:freebox":

Parameter Name Description Required
callbackUrl Callback URL URL to use for playing notification sounds, e.g. no

Thing Configuration


The server bridge thing requires the following configuration parameters:

Parameter Label Parameter ID Description Required Default
Freebox Network Address fqdn The IP address / FQDN of the Freebox Server (can include port number). false
Application token appToken Token generated by the Freebox Server. false
Refresh Interval refreshInterval The refresh interval in seconds which is used to poll given Freebox Server. false 30
Use only HTTP API useOnlyHttp Use HTTP API even if HTTPS is available. false false
Enable Phone Discovery discoverPhone Enable the discovery of phone things. false true
Enable Network Device Discovery discoverNetDevice Enable the discovery of network device things. false true
Enable Network Interface Discovery discoverNetInterface Enable the discovery of network interface things. false true
Enable AirPlay Receiver Discovery discoverAirPlayReceiver Enable the discovery of AirPlay receiver things. false true

If the parameter fqdn is not set, the binding will use the default address used by Free to access your Freebox Server ( The bridge thing will initialize only if a valid application token (parameter appToken) is filled.


The phone thing requires the following configuration parameters:

Parameter Label Parameter ID Description Required Default
Phone State Refresh Interval refreshPhoneInterval The refresh interval in seconds which is used to poll given Freebox Server for phone state. false 2
Phone Calls Refresh Interval refreshPhoneCallsInterval The refresh interval in seconds which is used to poll given Freebox Server for phone calls. false 60

Network device

The net_device thing requires the following configuration parameters:

Parameter Label Parameter ID Description Required
MAC Address macAddress The MAC address of the network device. true

Network interface

The net_interface thing requires the following configuration parameters:

Parameter Label Parameter ID Description Required
IP Address ipAddress The IP address (v4 or v6) of the network interface. true

AirPlay device

The airplay thing requires the following configuration parameters:

Parameter Label Parameter ID Description Required
Name name Name of the AirPlay device true
Password password AirPlay password false
Accept all MP3 acceptAllMp3 Accept any bitrate for MP3 audio or only bitrates greater than 64 kbps false


You will have to authorize openHAB to connect to your Freebox. Here is the process described :

Step 1 At binding startup, if no token is recorded in the Freebox Server (bridge) configuration, the binding will run a pairing request

Step 2 Run to your Freebox and approve the pairing request for openHAB Freebox Binding that is displayed on the Freebox screen

Step 3 the application token is automatically recorded in the Freebox Server (bridge) configuration

Step 4 you can use the console command freebox <bridgeUID> apptoken to display the application token and use it later to set up your thing in a configuration file

Optionally you can log in your Freebox admin console to allocate needed rights to openHAB

Once initialized, the thing will generate all available channels.


The following channels are supported:

Thing Channel Type ID Item Type Access Mode Description
server fwversion String R Version of the Freebox Server firmware
server uptime Number R Time since last reboot of the Freebox Server
server restarted Switch R Indicates whether the Freebox server hase restarted during the last poll period
server tempcpum Number R Actual measured CPU Marvell temperature
server tempcpub Number R Actual measured CPU Broadcom (xDSL) temperature
server tempswitch Number R Actual measured switch temperature
server fanspeed Number R Actual measured fan speed (rpm)
server reboot Switch W Reboots the Freebox server
server lcd_brightness Number RW Brightness level of the screen in percent
server lcd_orientation Number RW Screen Orientation in degrees (0 or 90 or 180 or 270)
server lcd_forced Switch RW Indicates whether the screen orientation forced
server wifi_status Switch RW Indicates whether the WiFi network is enabled
server ftp_status Switch RW Indicates whether the FTP server is enabled
server airmedia_status Switch RW Indicates whether Air Media is enabled
server upnpav_status Switch RW Indicates whether UPnP AV is enabled
server sambafileshare_status Switch RW Indicates whether Window File Sharing is enabled
server sambaprintershare_status Switch RW Indicates whether Window Printer Sharing is enabled
server xdsl_status String R Status of the xDSL line
server ftth_status Switch R Status of the Ftth line
server line_status String R Status of network line connexion
server ipv4 String R Public IP Address of the Freebox Server
server rate_up Number R Current upload rate in byte/s
server rate_down Number R Current download rate in byte/s
server bytes_up Number R Total uploaded bytes since last connection
server bytes_down Number R Total downloaded bytes since last connection
phone state#onhook Switch R Indicates whether the phone is on hook
phone state#ringing Switch R Is the phone ringing
phone any#call_number String R Last call: number
phone any#call_duration Number R Last call: duration in seconds
phone any#call_timestamp DateTime R Last call: creation timestamp
phone any#call_status String R Last call: type (ingoing, outgoing, missed)
phone any#call_name String R Last call: called name for outgoing calls. Caller name for incoming calls
phone accepted#call_number String R Last accepted call: number
phone accepted#call_duration Number R Last accepted call: duration in seconds
phone accepted#call_timestamp DateTime R Last accepted call: creation timestamp
phone accepted#call_name String R Last accepted call: caller name
phone missed#call_number String R Last missed call: number
phone missed#call_duration Number R Last missed call: duration in seconds
phone missed#call_timestamp DateTime R Last missed call: creation timestamp
phone missed#call_name String R Last missed call: caller name
phone outgoing#call_number String R Last outgoing call: number
phone outgoing#call_duration Number R Last outgoing call: duration in seconds
phone outgoing#call_timestamp DateTime R Last outgoing call: creation timestamp
phone outgoing#call_name String R Last outgoing call: called name
net_device reachable Switch R Indicates whether the network device is reachable
net_interface reachable Switch R Indicates whether the network interface is reachable
airplay playurl String W Play an audio or video media from the given URL
airplay stop Switch W Stop the media playback



Here is an example with minimal configuration parameters (using default values). It will first connect to using HTTPS (and will failback to HTTP if HTTPS access is not available).

Bridge freebox:server:fb "Freebox Revolution" [ appToken="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ] {
    Thing phone Phone "Phone"
    Thing net_device tv1 "TV living room" [ macAddress="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" ]
    Thing net_interface tv2 "TV bedroom" [ ipAddress="" ]
    Thing airplay player "Freebox Player (AirPlay)" [ name="Freebox Player" ]

Here is another example overwritting default configuration parameters:

Bridge freebox:server:fb "Freebox Revolution" [ fqdn="", appToken="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", refreshInterval=20, useOnlyHttp=false, discoverPhone=false, discoverNetDevice=false, discoverNetInterface=false, discoverAirPlayReceiver=false ] {
    Thing phone Phone "Phone" [ refreshPhoneInterval=10, refreshPhoneCallsInterval=120 ]
    Thing net_device tv1 "TV living room" [ macAddress="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" ]
    Thing net_interface tv2 "TV bedroom" [ ipAddress="" ]
    Thing airplay player "Freebox Player (AirPlay)" [ name="Freebox Player", password="1111", acceptAllMp3=false ]


String Freebox_xdsl_status "Freebox xDSL state [%s]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:xdsl_status"}
Switch Freebox_ftth_status "Freebox Fiber Optic state" {channel="freebox:server:fb:ftth_status"}
String Freebox_cs_state "State [%s]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:line_status"}
String Freebox_cs_ipv4 "ipV4 [%s]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:ipv4"}
Number Freebox_cs_rate_up "Upload rate [%d b/s]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:rate_up"}
Number Freebox_cs_rate_down "Download rate [%d b/s]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:rate_down"}
Number Freebox_cs_bytes_up "Uploaded [%d bytes]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:bytes_up"}
Number Freebox_cs_bytes_down "Downloaded [%d bytes]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:bytes_down"}
String Freebox_sys_firmware_version "Version [%s]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:fwversion"}
Switch Freebox_reboot "Reboot freebox" {channel="freebox:server:fb:reboot"}
Switch Freebox_restarted "Restarted" {channel="freebox:server:fb:restarted"}
Number Freebox_sys_uptime "Uptime [%d sec]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:uptime"}
Number Freebox_sys_temp_cpum "Temp cpum [%d °C]" <temperature> {channel="freebox:server:fb:tempcpum"}
Number Freebox_sys_temp_cpub "Temp cpub [%d °C]" <temperature> {channel="freebox:server:fb:tempcpub"}
Number Freebox_sys_temp_sw "Temp sw [%d °C]" <temperature> {channel="freebox:server:fb:tempswitch"}
Number Freebox_sys_fan_rpm "Fan [%d rpm]" <fan> {channel="freebox:server:fb:fanspeed"}
Switch FreeboWifi "Wifi" {channel="freebox:server:fb:wifi_status"}
Switch FreeboxFTP "FTP" {channel="freebox:server:fb:ftp_status"}
Switch FreeboxUPnPAV "UPnP AV" {channel="freebox:server:fb:upnpav_status"}
Switch FreeboxAirMedia "AirMedia" {channel="freebox:server:fb:airmedia_status"}
Switch FreeboxSambaFiles "Win File Share" {channel="freebox:server:fb:sambafileshare_status"}
Switch FreeboxSambaPrinters "Win Print Share" {channel="freebox:server:fb:sambaprintershare_status"}
Number Freebox_lcd_brightness "Brightness [%d %%]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:lcd_brightness"}
Number Freebox_lcd_orientation "Orientation [%d °]" {channel="freebox:server:fb:lcd_orientation"}
Switch Freebox_lcd_forced "LCD Forced" {channel="freebox:server:fb:lcd_forced"}

Switch Freebox_onhook "Phone on hook" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:state#onhook"}
Switch Freebox_ringing "Phone ringing" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:state#ringing"}
String Freebox_call_number "Last call [%s]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:any#call_number"}
String Freebox_call_name "Name [%s]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:any#call_name"}
Number Freebox_call_duration "Duration [%d sec]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:any#call_duration"}
DateTime Freebox_call_ts "TimeStamp [%1$tA %1$td %1$tR]" <calendar> {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:any#call_timestamp"}
String Freebox_call_status "Status [%s]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:any#call_status"}
String Freebox_accepted_call_number "Last accepted call [%s]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:accepted#call_number"}
String Freebox_accepted_call_name "Caller name [%s]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:accepted#call_name"}
Number Freebox_accepted_call_duration "Duration [%d sec]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:accepted#call_duration"}
DateTime Freebox_accepted_call_ts "TimeStamp [%1$tA %1$td %1$tR]" <calendar> {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:accepted#call_timestamp"}
String Freebox_missed_call_lastnum "Last missed call [%s]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:missed#call_number"}
String Freebox_missed_call_name "Caller name [%s]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:missed#call_name"}
Number Freebox_missed_call_duration "Duration [%d sec]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:missed#call_duration"}
DateTime Freebox_missed_call_ts "TimeStamp [%1$tA %1$td %1$tR]" <calendar> {hannel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:missed#call_timestamp"}
String Freebox_outcall_lastnum "Last outgoing call [%s]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:outgoing#call_number"}
String Freebox_outcall_name "Called name [%s]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:outgoing#call_name"}
Number Freebox_outcall_duration "Duration [%d sec]" {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:outgoing#call_duration"}
DateTime Freebox_outcall_ts "TimeStamp [%1$tA %1$td %1$tR]" <calendar> {channel="freebox:phone:fb:Phone:outgoing#call_timestamp"}

Switch TVLivingRoom "TV living room" <television> {channel="freebox:net_device:fb:tv1:reachable"}
Switch TVBedroom "TV bedroom" <television> {channel="freebox:net_interface:fb:tv2:reachable"}

String freebox_player_playurl "URL [%s]" { channel="freebox:airplay:fb:player:playurl" }
Switch freebox_player_stop "Stop playback" { channel="freebox:airplay:fb:player:stop" }