Generac MobileLink Binding
This binding communicates with the Generac MobileLink API and reports on the status of Generac manufactured generators, including versions resold under the brands Eaton, Honeywell and Siemens.
Supported Things
MobileLink Account
A MobileLink account bridge thing represents a user's MobileLink account and is responsible for authentication and polling for updates.
ThingTypeUID: account
A Generator thing represents a individual generator linked to an account bridge. Multiple generators are supported.
ThingTypeUID: generator
The MobileLink account bridge must be added manually. Once added, generator things will automatically be added to the inbox.
Thing Configuration
MobileLink Account
Parameter | Description |
username | The user name, typically an email address, used to login to the MobileLink service |
password | The password used to login to the MobileLink service |
refreshInterval | The frequency to poll for generator updates, minimum duration is 30 seconds |
Generator Channels
All channels are read-only.
channel | type | description |
connected | Switch | Connected status |
greenLight | Switch | Green light state (typically auto mode) |
yellowLight | Switch | Yellow light state |
redLight | Switch | Red light state (typically off mode) |
blueLight | Switch | Blue light state (typically running mode) |
statusDate | DateTime | Status date (start of day) |
status | String | General status |
currentAlarmDescription | String | Current alarm description |
runHours | Number:Time | Number of run hours |
exerciseHours | Number:Time | Number of exercise hours |
fuelType | Number | Fuel type |
fuelLevel | Number:Dimensionless | Fuel level |
batteryVoltage | String | Battery voltage status |
serviceStatus | Switch | Service status |
Full Example
Bridge generacmobilelink:account:main "MobileLink Account" [ userName="", password="secret",refreshInterval=60 ] {
Thing generator 123456 "MobileLink Generator" [ generatorId="123456" ]
Switch GeneratorConnected "Connected [%s]" {channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:connected"}
Switch GeneratorGreenLight "Green Light [%s]" {channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:greenLight"}
Switch GeneratorYellowLight "Yellow Light [%s]" {channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:yellowLight"}
Switch GeneratorBlueLight "Blue Light [%s]" {channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:blueLight"}
Switch GeneratorRedLight "Red Light [%s]" {channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:redLight"}
String GeneratorStatus "Status [%s]" {channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:status"}
String GeneratorAlarm "Alarm [%s]" {channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:currentAlarmDescription"}
sitemap MobileLink label="Demo Sitemap" {
Frame label="Generator" {
Switch item=GeneratorConnected
Switch item=GeneratorGreenLight
Switch item=GeneratorYellowLight
Switch item=GeneratorBlueLight
Switch item=GeneratorRedLight
Text item=GeneratorStatus
Text item=GeneratorAlarm