Kai Kreuzer 6df6783b60 added migrated 2.x add-ons
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <>
2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00
2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00
2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00
2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00
2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00
2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00
2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00

Doorbird Binding

Binding for Doorbird D101 and D210x video doorbells.

Supported Things

The following thing types are supported:

Device Thing ID
Doorbird D101/D201/D205/D1101V Doorbell d101
Doorbird D210x Doorbell d210x
Doorbird A1081 Controller a1081

Thing Configuration

D101/D201/D205/D1101V and D210x Doorbell

The following configuration parameters are available on the Doorbird D101/D201/D205/D1101V and D210x Doorbell things:

Parameter Parameter ID Required/Optional Description
Hostname doorbirdHost Required The hostname or IP address of the Doorbird device.
User ID userId Required User Id of a Doorbird user that has permissions to access the API. The User ID and Password must be created using the Doorbird smart phone application.
Password userPassword Required Password of a Doorbird user.
Image Refresh Rate imageRefreshRate Optional Rate at which image channel should be automatically updated. Leave field blank (default) to disable refresh.
Doorbell Off Delay doorbellOffDelay Optional Number of seconds to wait before setting doorbell channel OFF after a doorbell event. Leave field blank to disable.
Motion Off Delay motionOffDelay Optional Number of seconds to wait before setting motion channel OFF after a motion event. Leave field blank to disable.
Montage Number of Images montageNumImages Required Number of images to include in the doorbell and motion montage images. Default is 0.
Montage Scale Factor montageScaleFactor Required Percent scaling factor for montage image. Default is 100.

A1081 Controller

The following configuration parameters are available on the Doorbird A1081 Controller thing:

Parameter Parameter ID Required/Optional Description
Hostname doorbirdHost Required The hostname or IP address of the Doorbird device.
User ID userId Required User Id of a Doorbird user that has permissions to access the API. The User ID and Password must be created using the Doorbird smart phone application.
Password userPassword Required Password of a Doorbird user.


Auto-discovery is not supported at this time.


The following channels are supported by the binding for the Doorbird D101/D201/D205 and D210x Doorbell thing types.

Channel ID Item Type Description
doorbell Trigger Generates PRESSED event when doorbell is pressed
doorbellTimestamp DateTime Timestamp when doorbell was pressed
doorbellImage Image Image captured when the doorbell was pressed
doorbellHistoryIndex Number Index of historical image for doorbell press
doorbellHistoryTimestamp DateTime Time when doorbell was pressed for history image
doorbellHistoryImage Image Historical image for doorbell press
doorbellMontage Image Concatenation of first n doorbell history images
motion Switch Changes to ON when the device detects motion
motionTimestamp DateTime Timestamp when motion sensor was triggered
motionImage Image Image captured when motion was detected
motionHistoryIndex Number Index of Historical image for motion
motionHistoryTimestamp DateTime Time when motion was detected for history image
motionHistoryImage Image Historical image for motion sensor
motionMontage Image Concatenation of first n motion history images
light Switch Activates the light relay
openDoor1 Switch Activates the door 1 relay
openDoor2 Switch Activates the door 2 relay (D210x only)
image Image Image from the doorbird camera
imageTimestamp DateTime Time when image was captured from device

The following channels are supported by the binding for the Doorbird A1081 Controller thing type.

Channel ID Item Type Description
openDoor1 Switch Activates the door 1 relay
openDoor2 Switch Activates the door 2 relay
openDoor3 Switch Activates the door 3 relay


Using the system default switch profile rawbutton-on-off-switch in a doorbell channel item definition will cause ON/OFF states to be set when the doorbell is pressed and released. See Items example below.

Rule Actions

The binding supports the following actions. In classic rules these are accessible as shown in this example (adjust getActions with your ThingId):

void restart()

Restarts the Doorbird device.

void sipHangup()

Hangs up a SIP call.

String getRingTimeLimit()

Get the value of the SIP status parameter RING_TIME_LIMIT.

String getCallTimeLimit()

Get the value of the SIP status parameter CALL_TIME_LIMIT.

String getLastErrorCode()

Get the value of the SIP status parameter LASTERRORCODE.

String getLastErrorText()

Get the value of the SIP status parameter LASTERRORTEXT.


val actions = getActions("doorbird","doorbird:d101:doorbell")
if(actions === null) {
    logInfo("actions", "Actions not found, check thing ID")
 var String ringTimeLimit = actions.getRingTimeLimit()

Known Issues

The Doorbird uses the UDP protocol on port 6524 to broadcast events for Doorbird actions, such as doorbell pressed, motion detected, etc. If the Doorbord is on a separate subnet or VLAN from openHAB, those UDP packets will not route by default. In that case, the Doorbird binding will not receive those events. Either put the Doorbird and openHAB on the same subnet/VLAN, or set up your network to explicitly route those UDP packets.



Thing doorbird:d101:doorbell "Doorbird D101 Doorbell" [doorbirdHost="",userId="dtfubb0004",userPassword="HG7afc5TvN",imageRefreshRate=60,doorbellOffDelay=3,motionOffDelay=30,montageNumImages=3,montageScaleFactor=35]

Thing doorbird:a1081:controller "Doorbird A1081 Controller" [doorbirdHost="",userId="dtfubb0004",userPassword="HG7afc5TvN"]


Switch Doorbell_Pressed "Doorbell Pressed [%s]" <switch> ["Switch"] { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:doorbell" [profile="rawbutton-on-off-switch"] }
DateTime Doorbell_PressedTimestamp "Doorbell Pressed Timestamp [%1$tA, %1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tl:%1$tM %1$tp]" <time> { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:doorbellTimestamp" }
Image Doorbell_PressedImage "Doorbell Pressed Image [%s]" { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:doorbellImage" }
Switch Doorbell_Motion "Doorbell Motion [%s]" <switch> ["Switch"] { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:motion" }
DateTime Doorbell_MotionTimestamp "Doorbell Motion Timestamp [%1$tA, %1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tl:%1$tM %1$tp]" <time> { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:motionTimestamp" }
Image Doorbell_MotionDetectedImage "Motion Detected Image [%s]" { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:motionImage" }
Switch Doorbell_Light "Doorbell Light [%s]" <switch> ["Switch"] { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:light", expire="5s,command=OFF" }
Switch Doorbell_OpenDoor1 "Doorbell Open Door 1 [%s]" <switch> ["Switch"] { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:openDoor1", expire="5s,command=OFF" }
Image Doorbell_Image "Doorbell Image [%s]" { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:image" }
Number Doorbell_DoorbellHistoryIndex "Doorbell History Index [%.0f]" <none> { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:doorbellHistoryIndex" }
DateTime Doorbell_DoorbellHistoryTimestamp "Doorbell History Timestamp [%1$tA, %1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tl:%1$tM %1$tp]" <time> { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:doorbellHistoryTimestamp" }
Image Doorbell_DoorbellHistoryImage "Doorbell History Image [%s]" { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:doorbellHistoryImage" }
Number Doorbell_MotionHistoryIndex "Motion History Index [%.0f]" <none> { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:motionHistoryIndex" }
DateTime Doorbell_MotionHistoryTimestamp "Motion History Timestamp [%1$tA, %1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tl:%1$tM %1$tp]" <time> { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:motionHistoryTimestamp" }
Image Doorbell_MotionHistoryImage "Motion History Image [%s]" { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:motionHistoryImage" }
Image Doorbell_DoorbellMontage "Doorbell History Montage [%s]" { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:doorbellMontage" }
Image Doorbell_MotionMontage "Motion History Montage [%s]" { channel="doorbird:d101:doorbell:motionMontage" }


Frame {
    Text label="Doorbird" {
        Frame label="Image" {
            Image item=Doorbell_Image
        Frame label="Events" {
            Text item=Doorbell_Pressed
            Text item=Doorbell_PressedTimestamp
            Image item=Doorbell_PressedImage
            Text item=Doorbell_Motion
            Text item=Doorbell_MotionTimestamp
            Image item=Doorbell_MotionImage
        Frame label="Actions" {
            Switch item=Doorbell_OpenDoor1
            Switch item=Doorbell_Light
        Frame label="History" {
            Setpoint item=Doorbell_DoorbellHistoryIndex minValue=1 maxValue=50 step=1
            Switch item=Doorbell_DoorbellHistoryIndex label="Reset Index []" mappings=[1="Reset"]
            Text item=Doorbell_DoorbellHistoryTimestamp
            Image item=Doorbell_DoorbellHistoryImage
            Setpoint item=Doorbell_MotionHistoryIndex minValue=1 maxValue=50 step=1
            Switch item=Doorbell_MotionHistoryIndex label="Reset Index []" mappings=[1="Reset"]
            Text item=Doorbell_MotionHistoryTimestamp
            Image item=Doorbell_MotionHistoryImage
        Frame label="Doorbell Montage" {
            Image item=Doorbell_DoorbellMontage
        Frame label="Motion Montage" {
            Image item=Doorbell_MotionMontage


Using the doorbell trigger channel to detect if the doorbell has been pressed:

rule "Doorbell Button Pressed"
    Channel "doorbird:d101:doorbell:doorbell" triggered PRESSED
    // Do something when the doorbell is pressed

Alternatively, detecting a doorbell press using an item that references the rawbutton-on-off-switch profile:

rule "Doorbell Button Pressed"
    Item Doorbell_Pressed received command ON
    // Do something when the doorbell is pressed

Using the doorbell motion channel to detect motion:

rule "Motion Detected"
    Item Doorbell_Motion received command ON
    // Do something when motion is detected