Marcel cc47ef7f3e
pom update from http to https reference ()
Signed-off-by: Marcel Verpaalen <>
2021-12-23 19:40:44 +01:00

Netatmo Binding

The Netatmo binding integrates the following Netatmo products:

  • Personal Weather Station. Reports temperature, humidity, air pressure, carbon dioxide concentration in the air, as well as the ambient noise level.
  • Thermostat. Reports ambient temperature, allow to check target temperature, consult and change furnace heating status.
  • Indoor Camera / Welcome. Reports last event and persons at home, consult picture and video from event/camera.
  • Outdoor Camera / Presence. Reports last event, consult picture and video from event/camera.

See for details on their product.

Please note, recent Netatmo thermostats are not supported because they require the Energy API which is not yet implemented in the binding. Only older Netatmo thermostats compatible with the Thermostat API are supported. For the same reason, Netatmo valves are also not supported.

Binding Configuration

The binding has the following configuration options:

Parameter Name Description
backgroundDiscovery Background Discovery If set to true, the device and its associated modules are updated in the discovery inbox at each API call run to refresh device data. Default is false.

Before setting up your 'Things', you will have to grant openHAB to access Netatmo API. Here is the procedure:

1. Application Creation

Create an application at

The variables you will need to get to setup the binding are:

  • <CLIENT_ID> Your client ID taken from your App at
  • <CLIENT_SECRET> A token provided along with the <CLIENT_ID>.
  • <USERNAME> The username you use to connect to the Netatmo API (usually your mail address).
  • <PASSWORD> The password attached to the above username.

2. Bridge and Things Configuration

Once you will get needed informations from the Netatmo API, you will be able to configure bridge and things.


Bridge netatmo:netatmoapi:home [ clientId="<CLIENT_ID>", clientSecret="<CLIENT_SECRET>", username = "<USERNAME>", password = "<PASSWORD>", readStation=true|false, readHealthyHomeCoach=true|false, readThermostat=true|false, readWelcome=true|false, readPresence=true|false] {
    Thing NAMain    inside  [ id="aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa" ]
    Thing NAModule1 outside  [ id="yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy", parentId="aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa" ]
    Thing NHC       homecoach  [ id="cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc", [refreshInterval=60000] ]
    Thing NAPlug    plugtherm  [ id="bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb", [refreshInterval=60000] ]
    Thing NATherm1  thermostat [ id="xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", parentId="bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb" ]
    Thing NAWelcomeHome home   [ id="58yyacaaexxxebca99x999x", refreshInterval=600000 ]
    Thing NACamera camera [ id="cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc", parentId="58yyacaaexxxebca99x999x" ]
    Thing NOC presenceOutdoorCamera [ id="dd:dd:dd:dd:dd:dd", parentId="58yyacaaexxxebca99x999x" ]
    Thing NAWelcomePerson sysadmin [ id="aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-eeee-zzzzzzzzzzzz", parentId="58yyacaaexxxebca99x999x" ]


For Welcome or Presence Camera, Netatmo servers can send push notifications to the Netatmo Binding by using a callback URL. The webhook URL is setup at bridge level using "Webhook Address" parameter. You will define here public way to access your openHAB server:


Your Netatmo App will be configured automatically by the bridge to the endpoint :


where %id% is the id of your camera thing.

Please be aware of Netatmo own limits regarding webhook usage that lead to a 24h ban-time when webhook does not answer 5 times.

Configure Things

The IDs for the modules can be extracted from the developer documentation on the netatmo site. First login with your user. Then some examples of the documentation contain the real results of your weather station. In order to try the examples, you need the device_id of your Netatmo station. You can find it in the configuration menu of the app (android or apple). Get the IDs of your devices (indoor, outdoor, rain gauge) here.

main_device is the ID of the "main device", the indoor sensor. This is equal to the MAC address of the Netatmo.

The other modules you can recognize by "module_name" and then note the "_id" which you need later.

Another way to get the IDs is to calculate them:

You have to calculate the ID for the outside module as follows: (it cannot be read from the app)

  • if the first serial character is "h": start with "02"
  • if the first serial character is "i": start with "03"

append ":00:00:",

split the rest into three parts of two characters and append with a colon as delimiter.

For example your serial number "h00bcdc" should end up as "02:00:00:00:bc:dc".


If you did not manually create things in the *.things file, the Netatmo Binding is able to discover automatically all depending modules and devices from Netatmo website.


Weather Station Main Indoor Device

Weather station does not need any refreshInterval setting. Based on a standard update period of 10mn by Netatmo systems - it will auto adapt to stick closest as possible to last data availability.

Example item for the indoor module:

Number Netatmo_Indoor_CO2 "CO2" <carbondioxide> { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:Co2" }

Supported channels for the main indoor module:

Channel ID Item Type Description
Co2 Number:Dimensionless Air quality
MinCo2 Number:Dimensionless Minimum CO2 on current day
MinCo2ThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Minimum CO2 this week
MinCo2ThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Minimum CO2 this month
MaxCo2 Number:Dimensionless Maximum CO2 on current day
MaxCo2ThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Maximum CO2 this week
MaxCo2ThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Maximum CO2 this month
DateMinCo2 DateTime Date when minimum CO2 was reached on current day
DateMinCo2ThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum CO2 was reached this week
DateMinCo2ThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum CO2 was reached this month
DateMaxCo2 DateTime Date when maximum CO2 was reached on current day
DateMaxCo2ThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum CO2 was reached this week
DateMaxCo2ThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum CO2 was reached this month
Temperature Number:Temperature Current temperature
TempTrend String Temperature evolution trend (up, down, stable)
Noise Number:Dimensionless Current noise level
MinNoise Number:Dimensionless Minimum noise on current day
MinNoiseThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Minimum noise this week
MinNoiseThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Minimum noise this month
MaxNoise Number:Dimensionless Maximum noise on current day
MaxNoiseThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Maximum noise this week
MaxNoiseThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Maximum noise this month
DateMinNoise DateTime Date when minimum noise was reached on current day
DateMinNoiseThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum noise was reached this week
DateMinNoiseThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum noise was reached this month
DateMaxNoise DateTime Date when maximum noise was reached on current day
DateMaxNoiseThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum noise was reached this week
DateMaxNoiseThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum noise was reached this month
Pressure Number:Pressure Current pressure
MinPressure Number:Pressure Minimum pressure on current day
MinPressureThisWeek Number:Pressure Minimum pressure this week
MinPressureThisMonth Number:Pressure Minimum pressure this month
MaxPressure Number:Pressure Maximum pressure on current day
MaxPressureThisWeek Number:Pressure Maximum pressure this week
MaxPressureThisMonth Number:Pressure Maximum pressure this month
DateMinPressure DateTime Date when minimum pressure was reached on current day
DateMinPressureThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum pressure was reached this week
DateMinPressureThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum pressure was reached this month
DateMaxPressure DateTime Date when maximum pressure was reached on current day
DateMaxPressureThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum pressure was reached this week
DateMaxPressureThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum pressure was reached this month
PressTrend String Pressure evolution trend for last 12h (up, down, stable)
AbsolutePressure Number:Pressure Absolute pressure
Humidity Number:Dimensionless Current humidity
MinHumidity Number:Dimensionless Minimum humidity on current day
MinHumidityThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Minimum humidity this week
MinHumidityThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Minimum humidity this month
MaxHumidity Number:Dimensionless Maximum humidity on current day
MaxHumidityThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Maximum humidity this week
MaxHumidityThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Maximum humidity this month
DateMinHumidity DateTime Date when minimum humidity was reached on current day
DateMinHumidityThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum humidity was reached this week
DateMinHumidityThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum humidity was reached this month
DateMaxHumidity DateTime Date when maximum humidity was reached on current day
DateMaxHumidityThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum humidity was reached this week
DateMaxHumidityThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum humidity was reached this month
Humidex Number Computed Humidex index
HeatIndex Number:Temperature Computed Heat Index
Dewpoint Number:Temperature Computed dewpoint temperature
DewpointDepression Number:Temperature Computed dewpoint depression
MinTemp Number:Temperature Minimum temperature on current day
MinTempThisWeek Number:Temperature Minimum temperature this week
MinTempThisMonth Number:Temperature Minimum temperature this month
MaxTemp Number:Temperature Maximum temperature on current day
MaxTempThisWeek Number:Temperature Maximum temperature this week
MaxTempThisMonth Number:Temperature Maximum temperature this month
DateMinTemp DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached on current day
DateMinTempThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached this week
DateMinTempThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached this month
DateMaxTemp DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached on current day
DateMaxTempThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached this week
DateMaxTempThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached this month
DateMinTemp DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached on current day
DateMaxTemp DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached on current day
TimeStamp DateTime Timestamp when data was measured
LastStatusStore DateTime Last status store
WifiStatus Number Signal strength (0 for no signal, 1 for weak, 2 for average, 3 for good or 4 for excellent)
Location Location Location of the device

All these channels are read only.

Weather Station Outdoor module

Example item for the outdoor module

Number Netatmo_Outdoor_Temperature "Temperature" { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:Temperature" }

Supported channels for the outdoor module:

Channel ID Item Type Description
Temperature Number:Temperature Current temperature
TempTrend String Temperature evolution trend (up, down, stable)
Humidity Number:Dimensionless Current humidity
MinHumidity Number:Dimensionless Minimum humidity on current day
MinHumidityThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Minimum humidity this week
MinHumidityThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Minimum humidity this month
MaxHumidity Number:Dimensionless Maximum humidity on current day
MaxHumidityThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Maximum humidity this week
MaxHumidityThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Maximum humidity this month
DateMinHumidity DateTime Date when minimum humidity was reached on current day
DateMinHumidityThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum humidity was reached this week
DateMinHumidityThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum humidity was reached this month
DateMaxHumidity DateTime Date when maximum humidity was reached on current day
DateMaxHumidityThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum humidity was reached this week
DateMaxHumidityThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum humidity was reached this month
Humidex Number Computed Humidex index
HeatIndex Number:Temperature Computed Heat Index
Dewpoint Number:Temperature Computed dewpoint temperature
DewpointDepression Number:Temperature Computed dewpoint depression
MinTemp Number:Temperature Minimum temperature on current day
MinTempThisWeek Number:Temperature Minimum temperature this week
MinTempThisMonth Number:Temperature Minimum temperature this month
MaxTemp Number:Temperature Maximum temperature on current day
MaxTempThisWeek Number:Temperature Maximum temperature this week
MaxTempThisMonth Number:Temperature Maximum temperature this month
DateMinTemp DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached on current day
DateMinTempThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached this week
DateMinTempThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached this month
DateMaxTemp DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached on current day
DateMaxTempThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached this week
DateMaxTempThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached this month
TimeStamp DateTime Timestamp when data was measured
LastMessage DateTime Last message emitted by the module
LowBattery Switch Low battery
BatteryVP Number Battery level
RfStatus Number Signal strength (0 for no signal, 1 for weak, 2 for average, 3 for good or 4 for excellent)

All these channels are read only.

Weather Station Additional Indoor module

Example item for the indoor module

Number Netatmo_Indoor2_Temperature "Temperature" { channel = "netatmo:NAModule4:home:insidesupp:Temperature" }

Supported channels for the additional indoor module:

Channel ID Item Type Description
Co2 Number:Dimensionless Air quality
MinCo2 Number:Dimensionless Minimum CO2 on current day
MinCo2ThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Minimum CO2 this week
MinCo2ThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Minimum CO2 this month
MaxCo2 Number:Dimensionless Maximum CO2 on current day
MaxCo2ThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Maximum CO2 this week
MaxCo2ThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Maximum CO2 this month
DateMinCo2 DateTime Date when minimum CO2 was reached on current day
DateMinCo2ThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum CO2 was reached this week
DateMinCo2ThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum CO2 was reached this month
DateMaxCo2 DateTime Date when maximum CO2 was reached on current day
DateMaxCo2ThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum CO2 was reached this week
DateMaxCo2ThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum CO2 was reached this month
Temperature Number:Temperature Current temperature
TempTrend String Temperature evolution trend (up, down, stable)
Humidity Number:Dimensionless Current humidity
MinHumidity Number:Dimensionless Minimum humidity on current day
MinHumidityThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Minimum humidity this week
MinHumidityThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Minimum humidity this month
MaxHumidity Number:Dimensionless Maximum humidity on current day
MaxHumidityThisWeek Number:Dimensionless Maximum humidity this week
MaxHumidityThisMonth Number:Dimensionless Maximum humidity this month
DateMinHumidity DateTime Date when minimum humidity was reached on current day
DateMinHumidityThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum humidity was reached this week
DateMinHumidityThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum humidity was reached this month
DateMaxHumidity DateTime Date when maximum humidity was reached on current day
DateMaxHumidityThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum humidity was reached this week
DateMaxHumidityThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum humidity was reached this month
Humidex Number Computed Humidex index
HeatIndex Number:Temperature Computed Heat Index
Dewpoint Number:Temperature Computed dewpoint temperature
DewpointDepression Number:Temperature Computed dewpoint depression
MinTemp Number:Temperature Minimum temperature on current day
MinTempThisWeek Number:Temperature Minimum temperature this week
MinTempThisMonth Number:Temperature Minimum temperature this month
MaxTemp Number:Temperature Maximum temperature on current day
MaxTempThisWeek Number:Temperature Maximum temperature this week
MaxTempThisMonth Number:Temperature Maximum temperature this month
DateMinTemp DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached on current day
DateMinTempThisWeek DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached this week
DateMinTempThisMonth DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached this month
DateMaxTemp DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached on current day
DateMaxTempThisWeek DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached this week
DateMaxTempThisMonth DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached this month
TimeStamp DateTime Timestamp when data was measured
LastMessage DateTime Last message emitted by the module
LowBattery Switch Low battery
BatteryVP Number Battery level
RfStatus Number Signal strength (0 for no signal, 1 for weak, 2 for average, 3 for good or 4 for excellent)

All these channels are read only.

Rain Gauge

Example item for the rain gauge

Number Netatmo_Rain_Current "Rain [%.1f mm]" { channel = "netatmo:NAModule3:home:rain:Rain" }

Supported channels for the rain guage:

Channel ID Item Type Description
Rain Number:Length Quantity of water
SumRain1 Number:Length Quantity of water on last hour
SumRain24 Number:Length Quantity of water on last day
SumRainThisWeek Number:Length Quantity of water this week
SumRainThisMonth Number:Length Quantity of water this month
TimeStamp DateTime Timestamp when data was measured
LastMessage DateTime Last message emitted by the module
LowBattery Switch Low battery
BatteryVP Number Battery level
RfStatus Number Signal strength (0 for no signal, 1 for weak, 2 for average, 3 for good or 4 for excellent)

All these channels are read only.

Weather Station Wind module

Example item for the wind module:

Number Netatmo_Wind_Strength "Wind Strength [%.0f KPH]" { channel = "netatmo:NAModule2:home:wind:WindStrength" }

Supported channels for the wind module:

Channel ID Item Type Description
WindAngle Number:Angle Current 5 minutes average wind direction
WindStrength Number:Speed Current 5 minutes average wind speed
GustAngle Number:Angle Direction of the last 5 minutes highest gust wind
GustStrength Number:Speed Speed of the last 5 minutes highest gust wind
TimeStamp DateTime Timestamp when data was measured
LastMessage DateTime Last message emitted by the module
LowBattery Switch Low battery
BatteryVP Number Battery level
RfStatus Number Signal strength (0 for no signal, 1 for weak, 2 for average, 3 for good or 4 for excellent)
MaxWindStrength Number:Speed Maximum wind strength recorded
DateMaxWindStrength DateTime Timestamp when MaxWindStrength was recorded

All these channels are read only.

Healthy Home Coach Device

Example item for the Healthy Home Coach:

String Netatmo_LivingRoom_HomeCoach_HealthIndex "Climate" { channel = "netatmo:NHC:home:livingroom:HealthIndex" }

Supported channels for the healthy home coach device:

Channel ID Item Type Description
HealthIndex String Health index (healthy, fine, fair, poor, unhealthy)
Co2 Number:Dimensionless Air quality
Temperature Number:Temperature Current temperature
TempTrend String Temperature evolution trend (up, down, stable)
Noise Number:Dimensionless Current noise level
Pressure Number:Pressure Current pressure
PressTrend String Pressure evolution trend for last 12h (up, down, stable)
AbsolutePressure Number:Pressure Absolute pressure
Humidity Number:Dimensionless Current humidity
MinTemp Number:Temperature Minimum temperature on current day
MaxTemp Number:Temperature Maximum temperature on current day
DateMinTemp DateTime Date when minimum temperature was reached on current day
DateMaxTemp DateTime Date when maximum temperature was reached on current day
TimeStamp DateTime Timestamp when data was measured
LastStatusStore DateTime Last status store
WifiStatus Number Signal strength (0 for no signal, 1 for weak, 2 for average, 3 for good or 4 for excellent)
Location Location Location of the device

All these channels are read only.

Thermostat Relay Device

Supported channels for the thermostat relay device:

Channel ID Item Type Description
ConnectedBoiler Switch Plug connected boiler
LastPlugSeen DateTime Last plug seen
LastBilan DateTime Month of the last available thermostat bilan
LastStatusStore DateTime Last status store
WifiStatus Number Signal strength (0 for no signal, 1 for weak, 2 for average, 3 for good or 4 for excellent)
Location Location Location of the device

All these channels are read only.

Thermostat Module

Supported channels for the thermostat module:

Channel ID Item Type Description
Temperature Number:Temperature Current temperature
Sp_Temperature Number:Temperature Thermostat temperature setpoint
SetpointMode String Chosen setpoint_mode (program, away, hg, manual, off, max)
Planning String Id of the currently active planning when mode = program
ThermRelayCmd Switch Indicates whether the furnace is heating or not
ThermOrientation Number Physical orientation of the thermostat module
TimeStamp DateTime Timestamp when data was measured
SetpointEndTime DateTime Thermostat goes back to schedule after that timestamp
LastMessage DateTime Last message emitted by the module
LowBattery Switch Low battery
BatteryVP Number Battery level
RfStatus Number Signal strength (0 for no signal, 1 for weak, 2 for average, 3 for good or 4 for excellent)

All these channels except Sp_Temperature, SetpointMode and Planning are read only.

Welcome Home

All these channels are read only.

Supported channels for the Home thing:

Channel ID Item Type Description
welcomeHomeCity String City of the home
welcomeHomeCountry String Country of the home
welcomeHomeTimezone String Timezone of the home
welcomeHomePersonCount Number Total number of Persons that are at home
welcomeHomeUnknownCount Number Count how many Unknown Persons are at home
welcomeEventType String Type of event
welcomeEventTime DateTime Time of occurrence of event
welcomeEventCameraId String Camera that detected the event
welcomeEventPersonId String Id of the person the event is about (if any)
welcomeEventSnapshot Image picture of the last event, if it applies
welcomeEventSnapshotURL String if the last event (depending upon event type) in the home lead a snapshot picture, the picture URL will be available here
welcomeEventVideoURL String if the last event (depending upon event type) in the home lead a snapshot picture, the corresponding video URL will be available here
welcomeEventVideoStatus String Status of the video (recording, deleted or available)
welcomeEventIsArrival Switch If person was considered "away" before being seen during this event
welcomeEventMessage String Message sent by Netatmo corresponding to given event
welcomeEventSubType String Sub-type of SD and Alim events

Supported trigger channels for the Home thing:

Channel Type ID Options Description
cameraEvent A camera event is triggered with a short delay but without requiring a webhook. The information of the event can get retrieved from the other "welcomeEvent" home thing channels
HUMAN Triggered when a human (or person) was detected
ANIMAL Triggered when an animal was detected
MOVEMENT Triggered when an unspecified movement was detected
VEHICLE Triggered when a vehicle was detected
welcomeHomeEvent A welcome home event is triggered directly via a configured webhook
PERSON Triggered when a concrete person was detected
PERSON_AWAY Triggered when a concrete person leaves
MOVEMENT Triggered when a movement was detected
CONNECTION Triggered when a camera connection gets created
DISCONNECTION Triggered when a camera connection got lost
ON Triggered when camera monitoring is switched on
OFF Triggered when camera monitoring is switched off
BOOT Triggered when a camera is booting
SD Triggered when a camera SD card status was changed
ALIM Triggered when a power supply status was changed
NEW_MODULE Triggered when a new module was discovered
MODULE_CONNECT Triggered when a module gets connected
MODULE_DISCONNECT Triggered when a module gets disconnected
MODULE_LOW_BATTERY Triggered when the battery of a module gets low
MODULE_END_UPDATE Triggered when a firmware update of a module is done
TAG_BIG_MOVE Triggered when a big movement of a tag was detected
TAG_SMALL_MOVE Triggered when a small movement of a tag was detected
TAG_UNINSTALLED Triggered when a tag gets uninstalled
TAG_OPEN Triggered when an open event of a tag was detected

Welcome and Presence Camera


  • The URL of the live snapshot is a fixed URL so the value of the channel cameraLivePictureUrl / welcomeCameraLivePictureUrl will never be updated once first set by the binding. So to get a refreshed picture, you need to use the refresh parameter in your sitemap image element.
  • Some features like the video surveillance are accessed via the local network, so it may be helpful to set a static IP address for the camera within your local network.

Supported channels for the Welcome Camera thing:

Channel ID Item Type Read/Write Description
welcomeCameraStatus Switch Read-write State of the camera (video surveillance on/off)
welcomeCameraSdStatus Switch Read-only State of the SD card
welcomeCameraAlimStatus Switch Read-only State of the power connector
welcomeCameraIsLocal Switch Read-only indicates whether the camera is on the same network than the openHAB Netatmo Binding
welcomeCameraLivePicture Image Read-only Camera Live Snapshot
welcomeCameraLivePictureUrl String Read-only Url of the live snapshot for this camera
welcomeCameraLiveStreamUrl String Read-only Url of the live stream for this camera

Supported channels for the Presence Camera thing:


  • The floodlight auto-mode (cameraFloodlightAutoMode) isn't updated it is changed by another application. Therefore the binding handles its own state of the auto-mode. This has the advantage that the user can define its own floodlight switch off behaviour.
Channel ID Item Type Read/Write Description
cameraStatus Switch Read-write State of the camera (video surveillance on/off)
cameraSdStatus Switch Read-only State of the SD card
cameraAlimStatus Switch Read-only State of the power connector
cameraIsLocal Switch Read-only indicates whether the camera is on the same network than the openHAB Netatmo Binding
cameraLivePicture Image Read-only Camera Live Snapshot
cameraLivePictureUrl String Read-only Url of the live snapshot for this camera
cameraLiveStreamUrl String Read-only Url of the live stream for this camera
cameraFloodlightAutoMode Switch Read-write When set the floodlight gets switched to auto instead of off
cameraFloodlight Switch Read-write Switch for the floodlight

Welcome Person

Netatmo API distinguishes two kinds of persons:

  • Known persons : have been identified by the camera and you have defined a name for those.
  • Unknown persons : identified by the camera, but no name defined.

Person things are automatically created in discovery process for all known persons.

Supported channels for the Person thing:

Channel ID Item Type Description
welcomePersonLastSeen DateTime Time when this person was last seen
welcomePersonAtHome Switch Indicates if this person is known to be at home or not
welcomePersonAvatarUrl String URL for the avatar of this person
welcomePersonAvatar Image Avatar of this person
welcomePersonLastEventMessage String Last event message from this person
welcomePersonLastEventTime DateTime Last event message time for this person
welcomePersonLastEventUrl String URL for the picture of the last event for this person
welcomePersonLastEvent Image Picture of the last event for this person

All these channels except welcomePersonAtHome are read only.

Configuration Examples


// Bridge configuration:
Bridge netatmo:netatmoapi:home "Netatmo API" [ clientId="*********", clientSecret="**********", username = "", password = "******", readStation=true, readThermostat=false] {
    // Thing configuration:
    Thing NAMain inside "Netatmo Inside"       [ id="aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa" ]
    Thing NAModule1 outside "Netatmo Outside"  [ id="bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb", parentId="aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa" ]
    Thing NAModule3 rain "Netatmo Rain"        [ id="cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc", parentId="aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa" ]


# Indoor Module
Number:Temperature   Indoor_Temp                       "Temperature [%.1f %unit%]"                                  <temperature>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:Temperature" }
Number:Temperature   Indoor_Min_Temp                   "Min Temperature Today [%.1f %unit%]"                        <temperature>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinTemp" }
Number:Temperature   Indoor_Min_Temp_This_Week         "Min Temperature This Week [%.1f %unit%]"                    <temperature>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinTempThisWeek" }
Number:Temperature   Indoor_Min_Temp_This_Month        "Min Temperature This Month [%.1f %unit%]"                   <temperature>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinTempThisMonth" }
Number:Temperature   Indoor_Max_Temp                   "Max Temperature Today [%.1f %unit%]"                        <temperature>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxTemp" }
Number:Temperature   Indoor_Max_Temp_This_Week         "Max Temperature This Week [%.1f %unit%]"                    <temperature>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxTempThisWeek" }
Number:Temperature   Indoor_Max_Temp_This_Month        "Max Temperature This Month [%.1f %unit%]"                     <temperature>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxTempThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Temp_TS                "Min Temperature Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"      <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinTemp" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Temp_This_Week_TS      "Min Temperature This Week  [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]" <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinTempThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Temp_This_Month_TS     "Min Temperature This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]" <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinTempThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Temp_TS                "Max Temperature Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"      <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxTemp" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Temp_This_Week_TS      "Max Temperature This Week  [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]" <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxTempThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Temp_This_Month_TS     "Max Temperature This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]" <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxTempThisMonth" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Humidity                   "Humidity [%d %unit%]"                                       <humidity>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:Humidity" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Min_Humidity               "Min Humidity Today [%d %unit%]"                             <humidity>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinHumidity" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Min_Humidity_This_Week     "Min Humidity This Week [%d %unit%]"                         <humidity>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinHumidityThisWeek" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Min_Humidity_This_Month    "Min Humidity This Month [%d %unit%]"                        <humidity>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinHumidityThisMonth" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Max_Humidity               "Max Humidity Today [%d %unit%]"                             <humidity>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxHumidity" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Max_Humidity_This_Week     "Max Humidity This Week [%d %unit%]"                         <humidity>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxHumidityThisWeek" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Max_Humidity_This_Month    "Max Humidity This Month [%d %unit%]"                        <humidity>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxHumidityThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Humidity_TS            "Min Humidity Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"         <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinHumidity" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Humidity_This_Week_TS  "Min Humidity This Week [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"     <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinHumidityThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Humidity_This_Month_TS "Min Humidity This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"    <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinHumidityThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Humidity_TS            "Max Humidity Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"         <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxHumidity" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Humidity_This_Week_TS  "Max Humidity This Week [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"     <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxHumidityThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Humidity_This_Month_TS "Max Humidity This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"    <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxHumidityThisMonth" }
Number               Indoor_Humidex                    "Humidex [%.0f]"                                             <temperature_hot>  { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:Humidex" }
Number:Temperature   Indoor_HeatIndex                  "HeatIndex [%.1f %unit%]"                                    <temperature_hot>  { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:HeatIndex" }
Number:Temperature   Indoor_Dewpoint                   "Dewpoint [%.1f %unit%]"                                     <temperature_cold> { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:Dewpoint" }
Number:Temperature   Indoor_DewpointDepression         "DewpointDepression [%.1f %unit%]"                           <temperature_cold> { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DewpointDepression" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Co2                        "CO2 [%d %unit%]"                                            <carbondioxide>    { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:Co2" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Min_Co2                    "Min CO2 Today [%.1f %unit%]"                                <carbondioxide>    { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinCo2" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Min_Co2_This_Week          "Min CO2 This Week [%.1f %unit%]"                            <carbondioxide>    { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinCo2ThisWeek" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Min_Co2_This_Month         "Min CO2 This Month [%.1f %unit%]"                           <carbondioxide>    { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinCo2ThisMonth" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Max_Co2                    "Max CO2 Today [%.1f %unit%]"                                <carbondioxide>    { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxCo2" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Max_Co2_This_Week          "Max CO2 This Week [%.1f %unit%]"                            <carbondioxide>    { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxCo2ThisWeek" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Max_Co2_This_Month         "Max CO2 This Month [%.1f %unit%]"                             <carbondioxide>    { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxCo2ThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Co2_TS                 "Min CO2 Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"              <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinCo2" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Co2_This_Week_TS       "Min CO2 This Week [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"          <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinCo2ThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Co2_This_Month_TS      "Min CO2 This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"         <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinCo2ThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Co2_TS                 "Max CO2 Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"              <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxCo2" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Co2_This_Week_TS       "Max CO2 This Week [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"          <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxCo2ThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Co2_This_Month_TS      "Max CO2 This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"         <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxCo2ThisMonth" }
Number:Pressure      Indoor_Pressure                   "Pressure [%.1f %unit%]"                                     <pressure>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:Pressure" }
Number:Pressure      Indoor_Min_Pressure               "Min Pressure Today [%d %unit%]"                             <pressure>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinPressure" }
Number:Pressure      Indoor_Min_Pressure_This_Week     "Min Pressure This Week [%d %unit%]"                         <pressure>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinPressureThisWeek" }
Number:Pressure      Indoor_Min_Pressure_This_Month    "Min Pressure This Month [%d %unit%]"                        <pressure>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinPressureThisMonth" }
Number:Pressure      Indoor_Max_Pressure               "Max Pressure Today [%d %unit%]"                             <pressure>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxPressure" }
Number:Pressure      Indoor_Max_Pressure_This_Week     "Max Pressure This Week [%d %unit%]"                         <pressure>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxPressureThisWeek" }
Number:Pressure      Indoor_Max_Pressure_This_Month    "Max Pressure This Month [%d %unit%]"                        <pressure>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxPressureThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Pressure_TS            "Min Pressure Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"         <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinPressure" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Pressure_This_Week_TS  "Min Pressure This Week [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"     <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinPressureThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Pressure_This_Month_TS "Min Pressure This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"    <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinPressureThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Pressure_TS            "Max Pressure Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"         <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxPressure" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Pressure_This_Week_TS  "Max Pressure This Week [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"     <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxPressureThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Pressure_This_Month_TS "Max Pressure This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"    <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxPressureThisMonth" }
Number:Pressure      Indoor_AbsolutePressure           "AbsolutePressure [%.1f %unit%]"                             <pressure>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:AbsolutePressure" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Noise                      "Noise [%d %unit%]"                                          <soundvolume>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:Noise" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Min_Noise                  "Min Noise Today [%.1f %unit%]"                              <soundvolume>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinNoise" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Min_Noise_This_Week        "Min Noise This Week [%.1f %unit%]"                          <soundvolume>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinNoiseThisWeek" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Min_Noise_This_Month       "Min Noise This Month [%.1f %unit%]"                         <soundvolume>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MinNoiseThisMonth" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Max_Noise                  "Max Noise Today [%.1f %unit%]"                              <soundvolume>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxNoise" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Max_Noise_This_Week        "Max Noise This Week [%.1f %unit%]"                          <soundvolume>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxNoiseThisWeek" }
Number:Dimensionless Indoor_Max_Noise_This_Month       "Max Noise This Month [%.1f %unit%]"                         <soundvolume>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:MaxNoiseThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Noise_TS               "Min Noise Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"            <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinNoise" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Noise_This_Week_TS     "Min Noise This Week [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"        <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinNoiseThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Min_Noise_This_Month_TS    "Min Noise This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"       <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMinNoiseThisMonth" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Noise_TS               "Max Noise Today [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"            <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxNoise" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Noise_This_Week_TS     "Max Noise This Week [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"        <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxNoiseThisWeek" }
DateTime             Indoor_Max_Noise_This_Month_TS    "Max Noise This Month [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"       <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:DateMaxNoiseThisMonth" }
Number               Indoor_WifiStatus                 "WifiStatus [%s]"                                            <signal>           { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:WifiStatus" }
DateTime             Indoor_TimeStamp                  "TimeStamp [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"                  <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:TimeStamp" }
Location             Indoor_Location                   "Location"                                                   <movecontrol>      { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:Location" }
DateTime             Indoor_LastStatusStore            "LastStatusStore [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"            <text>             { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:home:inside:LastStatusStore" }

# Outdoor Module
Number:Temperature   Outdoor_Temperature               "Temperature [%.1f %unit%]"                                  <temperature>      { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:Temperature" }
String               Outdoor_TempTrend                 "TempTrend [%s]"                                             <line>             { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:TempTrend" }
Number:Dimensionless Outdoor_Humidity                  "Humidity [%d %unit%]"                                       <humidity>         { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:Humidity" }
Number               Outdoor_Humidex                   "Humidex [%.0f]"                                             <temperature_hot>  { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:Humidex" }
Number:Temperature   Outdoor_HeatIndex                 "HeatIndex [%.1f %unit%]"                                    <temperature_hot>  { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:HeatIndex" }
Number:Temperature   Outdoor_Dewpoint                  "Dewpoint [%.1f %unit%]"                                     <temperature_cold> { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:Dewpoint" }
Number:Temperature   Outdoor_DewpointDepression        "DewpointDepression [%.1f %unit%]"                           <temperature_cold> { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:DewpointDepression" }
Number               Outdoor_RfStatus                  "RfStatus [%.0f / 5]"                                        <signal>           { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:RfStatus" }
Switch               Outdoor_LowBattery                "LowBattery [%s]"                                            <siren>            { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:LowBattery" }
Number               Outdoor_BatteryVP                 "BatteryVP [%.0f %%]"                                        <battery>          { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:BatteryVP" }
DateTime             Outdoor_TimeStamp                 "TimeStamp [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"                  <calendar>         { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:TimeStamp" }
DateTime             Outdoor_LastMessage               "LastMessage [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"                <text>             { channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:home:outside:LastMessage" }

# Rain Module
Number:Length        Rain_Hour                         "Rain Last Hour [%.02f %unit%]"                              <rain>             {channel="netatmo:NAModule3:home:rain:SumRain1"}
Number:Length        Rain_Today                        "Rain Today [%.02f %unit%]"                                  <rain>             {channel="netatmo:NAModule3:home:rain:SumRain24"}
Number:Length        Rain_Week                         "Rain This Week [%.02f %unit%]"                              <rain>             {channel="netatmo:NAModule3:home:rain:SumRainThisWeek"}
Number:Length        Rain_Month                        "Rain This Month [%.02f %unit%]"                             <rain>             {channel="netatmo:NAModule3:home:rain:SumRainThisMonth"}
Number               Rain_BatteryVP                    "Rain battery status [%d%%]"                                 <battery>          {channel="netatmo:NAModule3:home:rain:BatteryVP"}


sitemap netatmo label="Netatmo" {
    Frame label="Indoor" {
        Text item=Indoor_Temp
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Temp
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Temp_This_Week
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Temp_This_Month
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Temp
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Temp_This_Week
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Temp_This_Month
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Temp_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Temp_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Temp_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Temp_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Temp_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Temp_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Humidity
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Humidity
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Humidity_This_Week
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Humidity_This_Month
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Humidity
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Humidity_This_Week
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Humidity_This_Month
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Humidity_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Humidity_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Humidity_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Humidity_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Humidity_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Humidity_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Humidex                     valuecolor=[<20.1="green",<29.1="blue",<28.1="yellow",<45.1="orange",<54.1="red",>54.1="maroon"]
        Text item=Indoor_HeatIndex
        Text item=Indoor_Dewpoint
        Text item=Indoor_DewpointDepression
        Text item=Indoor_Co2                        valuecolor=[<800="green",<1000="orange",<1400="red",>1399="maroon"]
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Co2                    valuecolor=[<800="green",<1000="orange",<1400="red",>1399="maroon"]
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Co2_This_Week          valuecolor=[<800="green",<1000="orange",<1400="red",>1399="maroon"]
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Co2_This_Month         valuecolor=[<800="green",<1000="orange",<1400="red",>1399="maroon"]
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Co2                    valuecolor=[<800="green",<1000="orange",<1400="red",>1399="maroon"]
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Co2_This_Week          valuecolor=[<800="green",<1000="orange",<1400="red",>1399="maroon"]
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Co2_This_Month         valuecolor=[<800="green",<1000="orange",<1400="red",>1399="maroon"]
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Co2_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Co2_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Co2_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Co2_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Co2_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Co2_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Pressure
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Pressure
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Pressure_This_Week
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Pressure_This_Month
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Pressure
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Pressure_This_Week
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Pressure_This_Month
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Pressure_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Pressure_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Pressure_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Pressure_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Pressure_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Pressure_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_AbsolutePressure
        Text item=Indoor_Noise
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Noise
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Noise_This_Week
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Noise_This_Month
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Noise
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Noise_This_Week
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Noise_This_Month
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Noise_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Noise_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Min_Noise_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Noise_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Noise_This_Week_TS
        Text item=Indoor_Max_Noise_This_Month_TS
        Text item=Indoor_WifiStatus
        Text item=Indoor_TimeStamp
        Text item=Indoor_Location
        Text item=Indoor_LastStatusStore
    Frame label="Outdoor" {
        Text item=Outdoor_Temperature
        Text item=Outdoor_TempTrend
        Text item=Outdoor_Humidity
        Text item=Outdoor_Humidex                    valuecolor=[<20.1="green",<29.1="blue",<28.1="yellow",<45.1="orange",<54.1="red",>54.1="maroon"]
        Text item=Outdoor_HeatIndex
        Text item=Outdoor_Dewpoint
        Text item=Outdoor_DewpointDepression
        Text item=Outdoor_RfStatus
        Text item=Outdoor_LowBattery
        Text item=Outdoor_BatteryVP
        Text item=Outdoor_TimeStamp
        Text item=Outdoor_LastMessage
    Frame label="Rain" {
        Text item=Rain_Hour
        Text item=Rain_Today
        Text item=Rain_Week
        Text item=Rain_Month
        Text item=Rain_BatteryVP

Sample data

If you want to evaluate this binding but have not got a Netatmo station yourself yet, you can add the Netatmo office in Paris to your account:


The following icons are used by original Netatmo web app:


Battery status

Signal status

Wifi status