lsiepel b9f092fdb2
[TR064] Fix pattern excluding some valid ip-addresses ()
* Improve logging and adjusted timeout
* Fix wanBlockIPs regex

Signed-off-by: Leo Siepel <>
2022-12-10 08:48:33 +01:00
src [TR064] Fix pattern excluding some valid ip-addresses () 2022-12-10 08:48:33 +01:00
NOTICE [tr064] Initial contribution () 2020-11-02 21:36:19 -08:00 [TR064] Fix SAT warnings () 2022-12-08 22:44:44 +01:00
pom.xml Apply spotless and resolver () 2022-06-27 16:00:37 +02:00

TR-064 Binding

This binding brings support for internet gateway devices that support the TR-064 protocol (e.g. the AVM FritzBox family of routers). It can be used to gather information from the device and/or re-configure it. Even though textual configuration is possible, it is strongly recommended to use the Main User Interface for configuration.

Supported Things

Two Bridge things are supported:

  • generic: the internet gateway device itself (generic device)
  • fritzbox: similar to generic with extensions for AVM FritzBox devices.

Two kind of Things are supported:

  • subDevice: a sub-device of the Bridge thing (e.g. a WAN interface)
  • subDeviceLan: a special type of sub-device that supports MAC-detection


The gateway device needs to be added manually. After that, sub-devices should be detected automatically. Otherwise go to "Things", click "+" to add a new thing, select the TR-064 binding and click the "Scan" button.

Thing Configuration

All thing types have a refresh parameter. It sets the refresh-interval in seconds for each device channel. The default value is 60.

generic, fritzbox

The host parameter is required to communicate with the device. It can be a hostname or an IP address.

For accessing the device you need to supply credentials. If you only configured password authentication for your device, the user parameter must be skipped and it will default to dslf-config. The second credential parameter is password, which is mandatory. For security reasons it is highly recommended to set both, username and password.


The fritzbox devices can give additional informations in dedicated channels, controlled by additional parameters (visible if Show Advanced is selected), w.r.t. to generic devices. If the parameters are specified, the corresponding channels will be added to the device.

One or more TAM (telephone answering machines) are supported by most fritzbox devices. By setting the tamIndices parameter you can instruct the binding to add channels for these devices to the thing. Values start with 0. This is an optional parameter and multiple values are allowed: add one value per line in the Main User Interface.

Most devices allow to configure call deflections. If the callDeflectionIndices parameter is set, channels for the status of the pre-configured call deflections are added. Values start with 0, including the number of "Call Blocks" (two configured call-blocks -> first deflection is 2). This is an optional parameter and multiple values are allowed: add one value per line in the Main User Interface.

Most devices support call lists. The binding can retrieve these call lists and provide channels for the number of missed calls, inbound calls, outbound calls and rejected (blocked) calls, for a given number of days. A channel is added to the Thing if such a number is set through the corresponding parameter in the Main User Interface. The parameters are: missedCallDays, rejectedCallDays, inboundCallDays, outboundCallDays and callListDays.

Since FritzOS! 7.20 WAN access of local devices can be controlled by their IPs. If the wanBlockIPs parameter is set, a channel for each IP is created to block/unblock WAN access for this IP. Values need to be IPv4 addresses in the format a.b.c.d. This is an optional parameter and multiple values are allowed: add one value per line in the Main User Interface.

If the PHONEBOOK profile shall be used, it is necessary to retrieve the phonebooks from the FritzBox. The phonebookInterval is used to set the refresh cycle for phonebooks. It defaults to 600 seconds, and it can be set to 0 if phonebooks are not used.

Parameters that accept lists (e.g. macOnline, wanBlockIPs) can contain comments. Comments are separated from the value with a '#' (e.g. # Daughter's iPhone). The full string is used for the channel label.

subdevice, subdeviceLan

Additional informations (i.e. channels) are available in subdevices of the bridge. Each subdevice is characterized by a unique uuid parameter: this is the UUID/UDN of the device. This is a mandatory parameter to be set in order to add the subdevice. Since the parameter value can only be determined by examining the SCPD of the root device, the simplest way to obtain it is through auto-discovery.

Auto discovery may find several sub-devices, each one holding channels as described in the following.

The LAN sub-device, in particular, is also used for presence detection. It therefore optionally contains a channel for each MAC address (in a format 11:11:11:11:11:11, different than the old v1 version of this binding), defined by the parameter macOnline.


Channels are grouped according to the subdevice they belong to.

fritzbox bridge channels

Advanced channels appear only if the corresponding parameters are set in the Thing definition.

channel item-type advanced description
callDeflectionEnable Switch x Enable/Disable the call deflection setup with the given index.
callList String x A string containing the call list as JSON (see below)
deviceLog String x A string containing the last log messages
missedCalls Number Number of missed calls within the given number of days.
outboundCalls Number x Number of outbound calls within the given number of days.
inboundCalls Number x Number of inbound calls within the given number of days.
reboot Switch Reboot
rejectedCalls Number x Number of rejected calls within the given number of days.
securityPort Number x The port for connecting via HTTPS to the TR-064 service.
tamEnable Switch x Enable/Disable the answering machine with the given index.
tamNewMessages Number x The number of new messages of the given answering machine.
uptime Number:Time Uptime of the device

Call lists are provided via the callList channel for one or more days (as configured) as JSON. The JSON consists of an array of individual calls with the fields date, type, localNumber, remoteNumber, duration. The call-types are the same as provided by the FritzBox, i.e. 1 (inbound), 2 (missed), 3 (outbound), 10 (rejected).

LAN subdeviceLan channels

channel item-type advanced description
wifi24GHzEnable Switch Enable/Disable the 2.4 GHz WiFi device.
wifi5GHzEnable Switch Enable/Disable the 5.0 GHz WiFi device.
wifiGuestEnable Switch Enable/Disable the guest WiFi.
macOnline Switch x Online status of the device with the given MAC
macIP String x IP of the device with the given MAC
macSignalStrength1 Number x Wifi Signal Strength of the device with the given MAC. This is set in case the Device is connected to 2.4Ghz
macSpeed1 Number:DataTransferRate x Wifi Speed of the device with the given MAC. This is set in case the Device is connected to 2.4Ghz
macSignalStrength2 Number x Wifi Signal Strength of the device with the given MAC. This is set in case the Device is connected to 5Ghz
macSpeed2 Number:DataTransferRate x Wifi Speed of the device with the given MAC. This is set in case the Device is connected to 5Ghz

Older FritzBox devices may not support 5 GHz WiFi. In this case you have to use the wifi5GHzEnable channel for switching the guest WiFi.

WANConnection subdevice channels

channel item-type advanced description
Uptime Number:Time Uptime
pppUptime Number:Time Uptime (if using PPP)
wanConnectionStatus String Connection Status
wanPppConnectionStatus String Connection Status (if using PPP)
wanIpAddress String x WAN IP Address
wanPppIpAddress String x WAN IP Address (if using PPP)

WAN subdevice channels

channel item-type advanced description
dslCRCErrors Number:Dimensionless x DSL CRC Errors
dslDownstreamMaxRate Number:DataTransferRate x DSL Max Downstream Rate
dslDownstreamCurrRate Number:DataTransferRate x DSL Curr. Downstream Rate
dslDownstreamNoiseMargin Number:Dimensionless x DSL Downstream Noise Margin
dslDownstreamAttenuation Number:Dimensionless x DSL Downstream Attenuation
dslEnable Switch DSL Enable
dslFECErrors Number:Dimensionless x DSL FEC Errors
dslHECErrors Number:Dimensionless x DSL HEC Errors
dslStatus Switch DSL Status
dslUpstreamMaxRate Number:DataTransferRate x DSL Max Upstream Rate
dslUpstreamCurrRate Number:DataTransferRate x DSL Curr. Upstream Rate
dslUpstreamNoiseMargin Number:Dimensionless x DSL Upstream Noise Margin
dslUpstreamAttenuation Number:Dimensionless x DSL Upstream Attenuation
wanAccessType String x Access Type
wanMaxDownstreamRate Number:DataTransferRate x Max. Downstream Rate
wanMaxUpstreamRate Number:DataTransferRate x Max. Upstream Rate
wanPhysicalLinkStatus String x Link Status
wanTotalBytesReceived Number:DataAmount x Total Bytes Received
wanTotalBytesSent Number:DataAmount x Total Bytes Sent

Note: AVM Fritzbox devices use 4-byte-unsigned-integers for wanTotalBytesReceived and wanTotalBytesSent, because of that the counters are reset after around 4GB data.


The binding provides a profile for using the FritzBox phonebooks for resolving numbers to names. The PHONEBOOK profile takes strings containing the number as input and provides strings with the caller's name, if found.

The parameter thingUid with the UID of the phonebook providing thing is a mandatory parameter. If only a specific phonebook from the device should be used, this can be specified with the phonebookName parameter. The default is to use all available phonebooks from the specified thing. In case the format of the number in the phonebook and the format of the number from the channel are different (e.g. regarding country prefixes), the matchCount parameter can be used. The configured matchCount is counted from the right end and denotes the number of matching characters needed to consider this number as matching. A matchCount of 0 is considered as "match everything". Matching is done on normalized versions of the numbers that have all characters except digits, '+' and '*' removed. There is an optional configuration parameter called phoneNumberIndex that should be used when linking to a channel with item type StringListType (like Call in the example below), which determines which number to be picked, i.e. to or from.

Rule Action

The phonebooks of a fritzbox thing can be used to lookup a number from rules via a thing action:

String name = phonebookLookup(String number, String phonebook, int matchCount)

phonebook and matchCount are optional parameters. You can omit one or both of these parameters. The configured matchCount is counted from the right end and denotes the number of matching characters needed to consider this number as matching. A matchCount of 0 is considered as "match everything" and is used as default if no other value is given. As in the phonebook profile, matching is done on normalized versions of the numbers that have all characters except digits, '+' and '*' removed. The return value is either the phonebook entry (if found) or the input number.

Example (use all phonebooks, match 5 digits from right):

val tr064Actions = getActions("tr064","tr064:fritzbox:2a28aee1ee")
val result = tr064Actions.phonebookLookup("49157712341234", 5)

A note on textual configuration

Textual configuration through a .things file is possible but, at present, strongly discouraged because it is significantly more error-prone than the configuration through Main User Interface.

If an advanced user is really motivated to define a textual configuration, it is suggested to perform an automatic scan through the user interface first in order to extract the required parameters (namely the different uuid of the needed subdevices).

The definition of the bridge and of the subdevices things is the following

Bridge tr064:fritzbox:rootuid "Root label" @ "location" [ host="", user="user", password="passwd",
    Thing subdeviceLan LAN "label LAN"   [ uuid="uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-yyyy-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    Thing subdevice WAN "label WAN"               [ uuid="uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-zzzz-xxxxxxxxxxxx"]
    Thing subdevice WANCon "label WANConnection"  [ uuid="uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-wwww-xxxxxxxxxxxx"]

The channel are automatically generated and it is simpler to use the Main User Interface to copy the textual definition of the channel

Switch PresXX "[%s]" {channel="tr064:subdeviceLan:rootuid:LAN:macOnline_XX_3AXX_3AXX_3AXX_3AXX_3AXX"}
Switch PresYY "[%s]" {channel="tr064:subdeviceLan:rootuid:LAN:macOnline_YY_3AYY_3AYY_3AYY_3AYY_3AYY"}

Example *.items file using the PHONEBOOK profile for storing the name of a caller in an item. it matches 8 digits from the right of the "from" number (note the escaping of : to _3A):

Call IncomingCallResolved "Caller name: [%s]" { channel="avmfritz:fritzbox:fritzbox:incoming_call" [profile="transform:PHONEBOOK", phonebook="tr064_3Afritzbox_3AfritzboxTR064", phoneNumberIndex="1", matchCount="8"] }