The system can handle up to 30,000 bus members, called modules.
LCN modules are available for DIN rail and in-wall mounting and feature versatile interfaces. The bus modules and most of the accessories are developed, manufactured and assembled in Germany.
Bus members are inter-connected via a free wire in the standard NYM cable. Wireless components are available, though.

This binding uses TCP/IP to access the LCN bus via the software LCN-PCHK (Windows/Linux) or the DIN rail device LCN-PKE.
**This means 1 unused LCN-PCHK license or a LCN-PKE is required**
## Supported Things
### Thing: LCN Module
Any LCN module that should be controlled or visualized, need to be added to openHAB as a *Thing*.
LCN modules with firmware versions 120612 (2008) and 170602 (2013) were tested with this binding.
No known features/changes that need special handling were added until now (2020).
Modules with older and newer firmware should work, too.
The module hardware types (e.g. LCN-SH, LCN-HU, LCN-UPP, ...) are compatible to each other and can therefore be handled all in the same way.
LCN modules can be assigned to groups with the programming software *LCN-PRO*.
To send commands to an LCN group, the group needs to be added to openHAB as a *Thing*.
One LCN module within the group is used to represent the status of the whole group.
For example, when a Dimmer Output is controlled via a LCN group *Thing*, openHAB will always visualize the state of the Dimmer Output of the chosen module. The states of the other modules in the group are ignored for visualization.
| `groupId` | The group number, configured in LCN-PRO | Integer | Yes |
| `moduleId` | The module ID of any module in the group. The state of this module is used for visualization of the group as representative for all modules. | Integer | Yes |
| `segmentId` | The segment ID of all modules in this group (0 if no segments are present) | Integer | Yes |
The `groupId` must match the previously configured group number in the programming software *LCN-PRO*.
## Discovery
### Discover LCN Modules
Basic data like the names of all LCN modules in the bus, can be read out by openHAB's discovery function.
If not all LCN modules get listed on the first run, click on the refresh button to start another scan.
When adding a module by discovery, the new *Thing*'s UID will be a combination of segment and module id using the following format:
PCK gateways in the LAN can be found automatically by openHAB. This is done by UDP multicast messages on port 4220.
The discovery works only if the firewall of the PCK gateway is not configured too strictly.
This means on Windows PCs, that the network must be configured as 'private' and not as 'public'.
Also, some network switches may block multicast packets.
Unfortunately, *LCN-PCHK* listens only on the first network interface of the computer for discovery packets.
If your PCK gateway has multiple network interfaces, *LCN-PCHK* may listen on the wrong interface and fails to respond to the discovery request.
Discovery has successfully been tested with LCN-PCHK 3.2.2 running on a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian and openHAB running on Windows 10.
If discovery fails, you can add a PCK gateway manually. See [Thing: PCK Gateway](#bridge-lcn-pck-gateway).
Please be aware that you **have to configure** username, password and the dimmer output resolution also if you use discovery.
See [Thing: PCK Gateway](#bridge-lcn-pck-gateway).
When adding a PCK gateway by discovery, the new *Thing*'s UID is the MAC address of the device, running the PCK gateway.
## Supported LCN Features and openHAB Channels
The following table lists all features of LCN and their mappings to openHAB Channels.
These Channels are available for the *Thing* LCN module (`module`).
LCN group (`group`) has the same Channels, except status-only Channels like binary sensors or transponders.
The PCK gateway (`pckGateway`) has no Channels.
Although, there are many **Not implemented** entries, the vast majority of LCN features can be used with openHAB:<br/>
If a special command is needed, the [Hit Key](#hit-key) action (German: "Sende Tasten") can be used to hit a module's key virtually and execute an arbitrary command.
| Visualize Binary Sensor | Binärsensor anzeigen | binarysensor | 1-8 | Contact | Visualizes the state of a binary sensor (special channel mapping for some devices). |
| LED Control | LED-Steuerung | led | 1-12 | Text (ON, OFF, BLINK, FLICKER) | Controls an LED and visualizes its current state. |
| Visualize Logic Operations | Logik Funktion anzeigen | logic | 1-4 | Text (NOT, OR, AND) | Visualizes the result of the logic operation. |
| Motor/Shutter on Dimmer Outputs | Motor/Rollladen an Ausgängen | rollershutteroutput | 1-4 | Rollershutter | Control roller shutters on dimmer outputs |
| Motor/Shutter on Relays | Motor/Rollladen an Relais | rollershutterrelay | 1-4 | Rollershutter | Control roller shutters on relays |
| Variables | Variable anzeigen | variable | 1-12 | Number | Sets and visualizes the value of a variable. |
| Regulator Set Setpoint | Regler Sollwert ändern | rvarsetpoint | 1-2 | Number | Sets and visualizes the setpoint of a regulator. |
| Regulator Lock | Regler sperren | rvarlock | 1-2 | Switch | Locks a regulator and visualizes its locking state. |
| Set Thresholds in Register 1 | Schwellwert in Register 1 ändern | thresholdregister1 | 1-4 | Number | Sets and visualizes a threshold in the given threshold register. |
| Set Thresholds in Register 2 | Schwellwert in Register 2 ändern | thresholdregister2 | 1-4 | Number | Sets and visualizes a threshold in the given threshold register. |
| Set Thresholds in Register 3 | Schwellwert in Register 3 ändern | thresholdregister3 | 1-4 | Number | Sets and visualizes a threshold in the given threshold register. |
| Set Thresholds in Register 4 | Schwellwert in Register 4 ändern | thresholdregister4 | 1-4 | Number | Sets and visualizes a threshold in the given threshold register. |
| Visualize S0 Counters | S0-Zähler anzeigen | s0input | 1-4 | Number | Visualizes the value of a S0 counter. |
| Lock Keys Table A | Sperre Tastentabelle A | keylocktablea | 1-8 | Switch | Locks a key on the given key table and visualizes its state. |
| Lock Keys Table B | Sperre Tastentabelle B | keylocktableb | 1-8 | Switch | Locks a key on the given key table and visualizes its state. |
| Lock Keys Table C | Sperre Tastentabelle C | keylocktablec | 1-8 | Switch | Locks a key on the given key table and visualizes its state. |
| Lock Keys Table D | Sperre Tastentabelle D | keylocktabled | 1-8 | Switch | Locks a key on the given key table and visualizes its state. |
| Dimmer Output Flicker | Ausgang: Flackern | N/A | N/A | N/A | Action "flickerOutput": Let a dimmer output flicker for a given count of flashes. |
| Dynamic Text | Dynamischer Text | N/A | N/A | N/A | Action: "sendDynamicText": Sends custom text to an LCN-GTxD display. |
| Send Keys | Sende Tasten | N/A | N/A | N/A | Action: "hitKey": Hits a key of a key table in an LCN module. Can be used to execute commands, not supported by this binding. |
| Dimmer Output Control Multiple | Mehrere Ausgänge steuern | output | 1-4 | Dimmer, Switch | Control multiple outputs simultaneously. See below. |
| Remote Control | Fernbedienung | code#remotecontrolkey | | Trigger | Receive commands from remote control |
| Access Control | Zutrittskontrolle | code#remotecontrolcode | | Trigger | Receive serial numbers from remote control |
| Remote Control Battery Low | Fernbedienung Batterie schwach | code#remotecontrolbatterylow | | Trigger | Triggered when the sending remote control has a low battery |
| Motor Position | Motor Position | - | - | - | Not implemented |
| Relay Timer | Relais-Timer | N/A | N/A | N/A | Action: "startRelayTimer": Starts a relay timer for the given relay number with the given duration in milliseconds. |
| Set S0 Counters | S0-Zähler setzen | - | - | - | Not implemented |
| Status Command | Statuskommandos | - | - | - | Not implemented |
**For some *Channel*s a unit should be configured for visualization.** By default the native LCN value is used.
S0 counter Channels need to be the pulses per kWh configured. If the value is left blank, a default value of 1000 pulses/kWh is set.
The Rollershutter Channels provide the boolean parameter `invertUpDown`, which can be set to 'true' if the Up/Down wires are interchanged.
The binary sensor Channels provide the boolean parameter `invertState`, which can be set to 'true' if the binary sensor connected uses inverted logic for signaling open/closed.
### Transponder/Fingerprints
LCN transponder readers or fingerprint readers can be integrated in openHAB e.g. for access control.
The transponder function must be enabled in the module's I-port properties within *LCN-PRO*.
Example: When the transponder card with the ID "12ABCD" is seen by the reader connected to LCN module "S000M011", the item "M10_Relay7" is switched on:
To evaluate commands from LCN remote controls (e.g. LCN-RT or LCN-RT16), the module's I-port behavior must be configured as "IR access control" within *LCN-PRO*:

#### Remote Control Keys
The trigger *Channel*`lcn:module:<pckThing>:<moduleThing>:code#remotecontrolkey` can be used to execute commands, when a specific key on a remote control is pressed:
`A3` is key 3 on the first layer. `B1` is key 1 on the second layer etc.. After the colon follows the LCN "hit type" HIT, MAKE or BREAK (German: kurz, lang, los).
#### Remote Control used as Access Control
The serial number of a remote control can be used for access control via the channel `lcn:module:<pckThing>:<moduleThing>:code#remotecontrolcode`. See the following example:
rule "Remote Control Key 3 on Layer 1 hit (only executed for serial number AB1234)"
Channel "lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M012:code#remotecontrolcode" triggered "AB1234:A3:HIT" or
The command will be executed when the remote control button A3 is either pressed short or long.
## Dimmer Outputs with Ramp and Multiple Outputs
The *output* profile can be used to control multiple dimmer outputs of the *same* module simultaneously or control a dimmer output with a ramp (slowly dimming).
The optional *ramp* parameter must be float or integer.
The lowest value is 0.25, which corresponds to 0.25s. The highest value is 486s.
When no *ramp* parameter is specified or no profile is configured, the ramp is 0 (behavior like a switch).
The ramp parameter is not available for Color *Item*s.
This *Action* realizes the LCN command "Output: Flicker" (German: "Ausgang: Flackern").
The command let a dimmer output flash a given number of times. This feature can be used e.g. for alert signals or visual door bells.
When programming a "Flicker Output" *Action*, the following parameters need to be set:
*output* - The dimmer output number: 1-4<br/>
*depth* - The depth of the flickering: 0-2 (0=25% 1=50% 2=100% Example: When the output is fully on (100%), and 0 is selected, flashes will dim from 100% to 75% and back)<br/>
*ramp* - The duration/ramp of one flash: 0-2 (0=2sec 1=1sec 2=0.5sec)<br/>
*count* - The number of flashes: 1-15
This action has also effect, if the given output is off. The output will be dimmed from 0% to *depth* and back, then.
val actions = getActions("lcn","lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:17B4196847")
// relayNumber=3, duration=90
## Caveat and Limitations
LCN segments are supported by this binding, but could not be tested, due to lack of hardware.
LEDs do not support the *OnOffCommand* and respectively the *Switch* Item type, because they have the additional states *BLINK* and *FLICKER*. They must be configured as *String* Item. When used in rules, the parameter must be of type string. Example: `M10_LED1.sendCommand("ON")`. Note the quotation marks.
// The units of the variables must also be set in the Channels configuration, to be visualized correctly.
Number:Temperature M10_Variable1 "[%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#1"} // Temperature in °C
Number:Temperature M10_Variable2 "[%.1f °F]" <temperature> {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#2"} // Temperature in °F
Number M10_Variable3 "[%d ppm]" <temperature> {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#3"} // Indoor air quality in ppm
Number M10_Variable4 "[%d lx]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#4"} // Illuminance in Lux
Number:Illuminance M10_Variable5 "[%.1f klx]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#5"} // Illuminance in kLux
Number M10_Variable6 "[%.1f mA]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#6"} // Electrical current in mA
Number M10_Variable7 "[%.1f V]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#7"} // Voltage in V
Number M10_Variable8 "[%.1f m/s]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#8"} // Wind speed in m/s
Number M10_Variable9 "[%.1f °]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#9"} // position of the sun (azimuth or elevation) in °
Number M10_Variable10 "[%d W]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#10"} // Current power of an S0 input in W
Number:Power M10_Variable11 "[%.1f kW]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:variable#11"} // Current power of an S0 input in kW
// Regulators
Number:Temperature M10_R1VarSetpoint "[%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:rvarsetpoint#1"} // Temperature in °C
Switch M10_R1VarLock {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:rvarlock#1"} // Lock state of R1Var
// Thresholds
Number:Temperature M10_ThresholdRegister1_Threshold1 "[%.1f %unit%]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:thresholdregister1#1"} // Temperature in °C
Number:Temperature M10_ThresholdRegister4_Threshold2 "[%.1f %unit%]" {channel="lcn:module:b827ebfea4bb:S000M010:thresholdregister4#2"} // Temperature in °C