[miio] Add support for mijia.vacuum.v2 (#9036)
* [miio] Add support for mijia.vacuum.v2 related issue #9005 * [miio] fix channelTypes based on review Signed-off-by: Marcel Verpaalen <marcel@verpaalen.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -152,6 +152,14 @@ or in case of unknown models include the model information of a similar device t
| Mr Bond M1 Pro Smart Clothes Dryer | miio:basic | [mrbond.airer.m1pro](#mrbond-airer-m1pro) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mr Bond M1 Pro Smart Clothes Dryer | miio:basic | [mrbond.airer.m1pro](#mrbond-airer-m1pro) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mr Bond M1 Smart Clothes Dryer | miio:basic | [mrbond.airer.m1s](#mrbond-airer-m1s) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mr Bond M1 Smart Clothes Dryer | miio:basic | [mrbond.airer.m1s](#mrbond-airer-m1s) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mr Bond M1 Super Smart Clothes Dryer | miio:basic | [mrbond.airer.m1super](#mrbond-airer-m1super) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Mr Bond M1 Super Smart Clothes Dryer | miio:basic | [mrbond.airer.m1super](#mrbond-airer-m1super) | Yes | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum MOP Essential | miio:basic | [mijia.vacuum.v2](#mijia-vacuum-v2) | Yes | Action commands are unknown at this time. According to spec identified actions for execution are:
. Please test and feedback if they are working to they can be linked to a channel. |
| Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine | miio:basic | [scishare.coffee.s1102](#scishare-coffee-s1102) | Yes | This device does not allow for regular querying for the status. Hence the status is not updated for the action channels. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine | miio:basic | [scishare.coffee.s1102](#scishare-coffee-s1102) | Yes | This device does not allow for regular querying for the status. Hence the status is not updated for the action channels. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine | miio:basic | [scishare.coffee.s1301](#scishare-coffee-s1301) | Yes | This device does not allow for regular querying for the status. Hence the status is not updated for the action channels. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine | miio:basic | [scishare.coffee.s1301](#scishare-coffee-s1301) | Yes | This device does not allow for regular querying for the status. Hence the status is not updated for the action channels. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
| Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Smart Lamp 2 | miio:basic | [philips.light.sread1](#philips-light-sread1) | Yes | |
| Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Smart Lamp 2 | miio:basic | [philips.light.sread1](#philips-light-sread1) | Yes | |
@ -1315,6 +1323,35 @@ e.g. `smarthome:send actionCommand 'upd_timer["1498595904821", "on"]'` would ena
| disinfect | Switch | disinfect | |
| disinfect | Switch | disinfect | |
| distime | Number | Disinfect Time | |
| distime | Number | Disinfect Time | |
### Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum MOP Essential (<a name="mijia-vacuum-v2">mijia.vacuum.v2</a>) Channels
| Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
| vacuumaction | String | Vacuum Action | This channel accepts `start`, `stop` and `dock`. The commands have not been confirmed working yet. Please feedback |
| status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping [1="Idle",2="Sweeping",3="Paused",4="Error",5="Charging",6="Go Charging"] |
| fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping [0="No Faults",1="Left-wheel-error",2="Right-whelel-error",3="Cliff-error",4="Low-battery-error",5="Bump-error",6="Main-brush-error",7="Side-brush-error",8="Fan-motor-error",9="Dustbin-error",10="Charging-error",11="No-wate-error",12="Pick-up-error"] |
| mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping [1="Auto-clean",2="Spot-clean",3="Wallflow-clean"] |
| target-water-level | Number | Robot Cleaner - Target Water Level | Value mapping [1="Level1",2="Level2",3="Level3"] |
| fan-level | Number | Robot Cleaner - Fan Level | Value mapping [0="Silence",1="Stanrd",2="Middle",3="Enchance"] |
| battery-level | Number | Battery - Battery Level | |
| charging-state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping [0="Not-charging",1="Charging",2="Charging-competely"] |
| alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
| volume | Number | Alarm - Volume | |
| filter-life-level | Number | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
| filter-left-time | Number | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
| brush-life-level | Number | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
| brush-left-time | Number | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
| brush-life-level1 | Number | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
| brush-left-time1 | Number | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
| clean-area | Number | Clean Record - Clean Area | |
| clean-time | Number | Clean Record - Clean Time | |
| total-clean-area | Number | Clean Record - Total Clean Area | |
| total-clean-time | Number | Clean Record - Total Clean Time | |
| total-clean-count | Number | Clean Record - Total Clean Count | |
| language | Number | Language - Language | Value mapping [0="English",1="简体中文",2="Español",3="Русский",4="Italiano",5="Français",6="Deutsch",7="한국어",8="Polski"] |
| not-disturb-switch | Switch | Language - Not Disturb Switch | |
| mop-status | Number | Other Status - Mop Status | Value mapping [0="MopUninstall",1="MopInstall"] |
### Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine (<a name="scishare-coffee-s1102">scishare.coffee.s1102</a>) Channels
### Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine (<a name="scishare-coffee-s1102">scishare.coffee.s1102</a>) Channels
| Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
| Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
@ -4270,6 +4307,38 @@ Switch disinfect "disinfect" (G_airer) {channel="miio:basic:airer:disinfect"}
Number distime "Disinfect Time" (G_airer) {channel="miio:basic:airer:distime"}
Number distime "Disinfect Time" (G_airer) {channel="miio:basic:airer:distime"}
### Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum MOP Essential (mijia.vacuum.v2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (vacuum) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_vacuum " Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum MOP Essential" <status>
String vacuumaction "Vacuum Action" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:vacuumaction"}
Number status "Robot Cleaner - Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:status"}
Number fault "Robot Cleaner - Device Fault" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:fault"}
Number mode "Robot Cleaner - Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mode"}
Number target-water-level "Robot Cleaner - Target Water Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:target-water-level"}
Number fan-level "Robot Cleaner - Fan Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:fan-level"}
Number battery-level "Battery - Battery Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:battery-level"}
Number charging-state "Battery - Charging State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:charging-state"}
Switch alarm "Alarm - Alarm" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:alarm"}
Number volume "Alarm - Volume" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:volume"}
Number filter-life-level "Filter - Filter Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:filter-life-level"}
Number filter-left-time "Filter - Filter Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:filter-left-time"}
Number brush-life-level "Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-life-level"}
Number brush-left-time "Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-left-time"}
Number brush-life-level1 "Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-life-level1"}
Number brush-left-time1 "Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-left-time1"}
Number clean-area "Clean Record - Clean Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:clean-area"}
Number clean-time "Clean Record - Clean Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:clean-time"}
Number total-clean-area "Clean Record - Total Clean Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:total-clean-area"}
Number total-clean-time "Clean Record - Total Clean Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:total-clean-time"}
Number total-clean-count "Clean Record - Total Clean Count" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:total-clean-count"}
Number language "Language - Language" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:language"}
Switch not-disturb-switch "Language - Not Disturb Switch" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:not-disturb-switch"}
Number mop-status "Other Status - Mop Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mop-status"}
### Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine (scishare.coffee.s1102) item file lines
### Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine (scishare.coffee.s1102) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (coffee) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (coffee) in the channel with your own. Replace `basic` with `generic` in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ public enum MiIoDevices {
MRBOND_AIRER_M1PRO("mrbond.airer.m1pro", "Mr Bond M1 Pro Smart Clothes Dryer", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
MRBOND_AIRER_M1PRO("mrbond.airer.m1pro", "Mr Bond M1 Pro Smart Clothes Dryer", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
MRBOND_AIRER_M1S("mrbond.airer.m1s", "Mr Bond M1 Smart Clothes Dryer", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
MRBOND_AIRER_M1S("mrbond.airer.m1s", "Mr Bond M1 Smart Clothes Dryer", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
MRBOND_AIRER_M1SUPER("mrbond.airer.m1super", "Mr Bond M1 Super Smart Clothes Dryer", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
MRBOND_AIRER_M1SUPER("mrbond.airer.m1super", "Mr Bond M1 Super Smart Clothes Dryer", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
MIJIA_VACUUM_V2("mijia.vacuum.v2", " Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum MOP Essential", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
SCISHARE_COFFEE_S1102("scishare.coffee.s1102", "Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
SCISHARE_COFFEE_S1102("scishare.coffee.s1102", "Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
SCISHARE_COFFEE_S1301("scishare.coffee.s1301", "Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
SCISHARE_COFFEE_S1301("scishare.coffee.s1301", "Xiaomi Scishare smart capsule coffee machine", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
PHILIPS_SR1("philips.light.sread1", "Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Smart Lamp 2", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
PHILIPS_SR1("philips.light.sread1", "Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Smart Lamp 2", THING_TYPE_BASIC),
@ -534,4 +534,122 @@
<channel-type id="MijiaVacuumV2_status">
<label>Robot Cleaner - Status</label>
<option value="1">Idle</option>
<option value="2">Sweeping</option>
<option value="3">Paused</option>
<option value="4">Error</option>
<option value="5">Charging</option>
<option value="6">Go Charging</option>
<channel-type id="MijiaVacuumV2_fault">
<label>Robot Cleaner - Device Fault</label>
<option value="0">No Faults</option>
<option value="1">Left-wheel-error</option>
<option value="2">Right-wheel-error</option>
<option value="3">Cliff-error</option>
<option value="4">Low-battery-error</option>
<option value="5">Bump-error</option>
<option value="6">Main-brush-error</option>
<option value="7">Side-brush-error</option>
<option value="8">Fan-motor-error</option>
<option value="9">Dustbin-error</option>
<option value="10">Charging-error</option>
<option value="11">No-wate-error</option>
<option value="12">Pick-up-error</option>
<channel-type id="MijiaVacuumV2_mode">
<label>Robot Cleaner - Mode</label>
<option value="1">Auto-clean</option>
<option value="2">Spot-clean</option>
<option value="3">Wallflow-clean</option>
<channel-type id="MijiaVacuumV2_target-water-level">
<label>Robot Cleaner - Target Water Level</label>
<option value="1">Level1</option>
<option value="2">Level2</option>
<option value="3">Level3</option>
<channel-type id="MijiaVacuumV2_fan-level">
<label>Robot Cleaner - Fan Level</label>
<option value="0">Silence</option>
<option value="1">Stanrd</option>
<option value="2">Middle</option>
<option value="3">Enchance</option>
<channel-type id="MijiaVacuumV2_charging-state">
<label>Battery - Charging State</label>
<option value="0">Not-charging</option>
<option value="1">Charging</option>
<option value="2">Charging-competely</option>
<channel-type id="MijiaVacuumV2_language">
<label>Language - Language</label>
<option value="0">English</option>
<option value="1">简体中文</option>
<option value="2">Español</option>
<option value="3">Русский</option>
<option value="4">Italiano</option>
<option value="5">Français</option>
<option value="6">Deutsch</option>
<option value="7">한국어</option>
<option value="8">Polski</option>
<channel-type id="MijiaVacuumV2_mop-status">
<label>Other Status - Mop Status</label>
<option value="0">Mop UnInstall</option>
<option value="1">Mop Install</option>
<channel-type id="MijiaVacuumV2_action">
<label>Robot Cleaner - Actions</label>
<option value="start">Start Vacuum</option>
<option value="stop">Stop Vacuum</option>
<option value="dock">Go-To Dock</option>
@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
"deviceMapping": {
"id": [
"propertyMethod": "get_properties",
"maxProperties": 1,
"channels": [
"property": "",
"friendlyName": "Vacuum Action",
"channel": "vacuumaction",
"channelType": "MijiaVacuumV2_action",
"type": "String",
"refresh": false,
"actions": [
"command": "action",
"parameterType": "EMPTY",
"siid": 2,
"aiid": 1,
"condition": {
"name": "matchValue",
"parameters": [
"matchValue": "start"
"command": "action",
"parameterType": "EMPTY",
"siid": 2,
"aiid": 2,
"condition": {
"name": "matchValue",
"parameters": [
"matchValue": "stop"
"command": "action",
"parameterType": "EMPTY",
"siid": 2,
"aiid": 3,
"condition": {
"name": "matchValue",
"parameters": [
"matchValue": "dock"
"readmeComment": "This channel accepts `start`, `stop` and `dock`. The commands have not been confirmed working yet. Please feedback"
"property": "status",
"siid": 2,
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Robot Cleaner - Status",
"channel": "status",
"channelType": "MijiaVacuumV2_status",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [],
"value-list": [
"value": 1,
"description": "Idle"
"value": 2,
"description": "Sweeping"
"value": 3,
"description": "Paused"
"value": 4,
"description": "Error"
"value": 5,
"description": "Charging"
"value": 6,
"description": "Go Charging"
"readmeComment": "Value mapping [1\u003d\"Idle\",2\u003d\"Sweeping\",3\u003d\"Paused\",4\u003d\"Error\",5\u003d\"Charging\",6\u003d\"Go Charging\"]"
"property": "fault",
"siid": 2,
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Robot Cleaner - Device Fault",
"channel": "fault",
"channelType": "MijiaVacuumV2_fault",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [],
"value-list": [
"value": 0,
"description": "No Faults"
"value": 1,
"description": "Left-wheel-error"
"value": 2,
"description": "Right-wheel-error"
"value": 3,
"description": "Cliff-error"
"value": 4,
"description": "Low-battery-error"
"value": 5,
"description": "Bump-error"
"value": 6,
"description": "Main-brush-error"
"value": 7,
"description": "Side-brush-error"
"value": 8,
"description": "Fan-motor-error"
"value": 9,
"description": "Dustbin-error"
"value": 10,
"description": "Charging-error"
"value": 11,
"description": "No-wate-error"
"value": 12,
"description": "Pick-up-error"
"readmeComment": "Value mapping [0\u003d\"No Faults\",1\u003d\"Left-wheel-error\",2\u003d\"Right-whelel-error\",3\u003d\"Cliff-error\",4\u003d\"Low-battery-error\",5\u003d\"Bump-error\",6\u003d\"Main-brush-error\",7\u003d\"Side-brush-error\",8\u003d\"Fan-motor-error\",9\u003d\"Dustbin-error\",10\u003d\"Charging-error\",11\u003d\"No-wate-error\",12\u003d\"Pick-up-error\"]"
"property": "mode",
"siid": 2,
"piid": 4,
"friendlyName": "Robot Cleaner - Mode",
"channel": "mode",
"channelType": "MijiaVacuumV2_mode",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
"command": "set_properties",
"parameterType": "NUMBER"
"value-list": [
"value": 1,
"description": "Auto-clean"
"value": 2,
"description": "Spot-clean"
"value": 3,
"description": "Wallflow-clean"
"readmeComment": "Value mapping [1\u003d\"Auto-clean\",2\u003d\"Spot-clean\",3\u003d\"Wallflow-clean\"]"
"property": "target-water-level",
"siid": 2,
"piid": 5,
"friendlyName": "Robot Cleaner - Target Water Level",
"channel": "target-water-level",
"channelType": "MijiaVacuumV2_target-water-level",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
"command": "set_properties",
"parameterType": "NUMBER"
"value-list": [
"value": 1,
"description": "Level1"
"value": 2,
"description": "Level2"
"value": 3,
"description": "Level3"
"readmeComment": "Value mapping [1\u003d\"Level1\",2\u003d\"Level2\",3\u003d\"Level3\"]"
"property": "fan-level",
"siid": 2,
"piid": 6,
"friendlyName": "Robot Cleaner - Fan Level",
"channel": "fan-level",
"channelType": "MijiaVacuumV2_fan-level",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
"command": "set_properties",
"parameterType": "NUMBER"
"value-list": [
"value": 0,
"description": "Silence"
"value": 1,
"description": "Stanrd"
"value": 2,
"description": "Middle"
"value": 3,
"description": "Enchance"
"readmeComment": "Value mapping [0\u003d\"Silence\",1\u003d\"Stanrd\",2\u003d\"Middle\",3\u003d\"Enchance\"]"
"property": "battery-level",
"siid": 3,
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Battery - Battery Level",
"channel": "battery-level",
"channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "charging-state",
"siid": 3,
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Battery - Charging State",
"channel": "charging-state",
"channelType": "MijiaVacuumV2_charging-state",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [],
"value-list": [
"value": 0,
"description": "Not-charging"
"value": 1,
"description": "Charging"
"value": 2,
"description": "Charging-competely"
"readmeComment": "Value mapping [0\u003d\"Not-charging\",1\u003d\"Charging\",2\u003d\"Charging-competely\"]"
"property": "alarm",
"siid": 4,
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Alarm - Alarm",
"channel": "alarm",
"channelType": "miot_bool",
"type": "Switch",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
"command": "set_properties",
"parameterType": "ONOFFBOOL"
"property": "volume",
"siid": 4,
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Alarm - Volume",
"channel": "volume",
"channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
"command": "set_properties",
"parameterType": "NUMBER"
"property": "filter-life-level",
"siid": 11,
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Filter - Filter Life Level",
"channel": "filter-life-level",
"channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "filter-left-time",
"siid": 11,
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Filter - Filter Left Time",
"channel": "filter-left-time",
"channelType": "miot_uint16",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "brush-life-level",
"siid": 14,
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level",
"channel": "brush-life-level",
"channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "brush-left-time",
"siid": 14,
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time",
"channel": "brush-left-time",
"channelType": "miot_uint16",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "brush-life-level1",
"siid": 15,
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level",
"channel": "brush-life-level1",
"channelType": "miot_uint8",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "brush-left-time1",
"siid": 15,
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time",
"channel": "brush-left-time1",
"channelType": "miot_uint16",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "clean-area",
"siid": 9,
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Clean Record - Clean Area",
"channel": "clean-area",
"channelType": "miot_uint16",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "clean-time",
"siid": 9,
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Clean Record - Clean Time",
"channel": "clean-time",
"channelType": "miot_uint16",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "total-clean-area",
"siid": 9,
"piid": 3,
"friendlyName": "Clean Record - Total Clean Area",
"channel": "total-clean-area",
"channelType": "miot_uint32",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "total-clean-time",
"siid": 9,
"piid": 4,
"friendlyName": "Clean Record - Total Clean Time",
"channel": "total-clean-time",
"channelType": "miot_uint32",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "total-clean-count",
"siid": 9,
"piid": 5,
"friendlyName": "Clean Record - Total Clean Count",
"channel": "total-clean-count",
"channelType": "miot_uint16",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": []
"property": "language",
"siid": 12,
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Language - Language",
"channel": "language",
"channelType": "MijiaVacuumV2_language",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
"command": "set_properties",
"parameterType": "NUMBER"
"value-list": [
"value": 0,
"description": "English"
"value": 1,
"description": "简体中文"
"value": 2,
"description": "Español"
"value": 3,
"description": "Русский"
"value": 4,
"description": "Italiano"
"value": 5,
"description": "Français"
"value": 6,
"description": "Deutsch"
"value": 7,
"description": "한국어"
"value": 8,
"description": "Polski"
"readmeComment": "Value mapping [0\u003d\"English\",1\u003d\"简体中文\",2\u003d\"Español\",3\u003d\"Русский\",4\u003d\"Italiano\",5\u003d\"Français\",6\u003d\"Deutsch\",7\u003d\"한국어\",8\u003d\"Polski\"]"
"property": "not-disturb-switch",
"siid": 12,
"piid": 2,
"friendlyName": "Language - Not Disturb Switch",
"channel": "not-disturb-switch",
"channelType": "miot_bool",
"type": "Switch",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [
"command": "set_properties",
"parameterType": "ONOFFBOOL"
"property": "mop-status",
"siid": 16,
"piid": 1,
"friendlyName": "Other Status - Mop Status",
"channel": "mop-status",
"channelType": "MijiaVacuumV2_mop-status",
"type": "Number",
"refresh": true,
"actions": [],
"value-list": [
"value": 0,
"description": "Mop Uninstall"
"value": 1,
"description": "Mop Install"
"readmeComment": "Value mapping [0\u003d\"MopUninstall\",1\u003d\"MopInstall\"]"
"readmeComment": "Action commands are unknown at this time. According to spec identified actions for execution are:\r\n`action{\"did\":\"vacuum-start-sweep\",\"siid\":2,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\r\n`action{\"did\":\"vacuum-stop-sweeping\",\"siid\":2,\"aiid\":2,\"in\":[]}`\r\n`action{\"did\":\"vacuum-start-charge\",\"siid\":2,\"aiid\":3,\"in\":[]}`\r\n`action{\"did\":\"filter-reset-filter-life\",\"siid\":11,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\r\n`action{\"did\":\"brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life\",\"siid\":14,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\r\n`action{\"did\":\"brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life\",\"siid\":15,\"aiid\":1,\"in\":[]}`\r\n. Please test and feedback if they are working to they can be linked to a channel."
Reference in New Issue