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Executable File

FolderWatcher Binding

This binding is intended to monitor FTP and local folder and its subfolders and notify of new files

Supported Things

Currently the binding support two types of things: ftpfolder and localfolder.

Thing Configuration

The ftpfolder thing has the following configuration options:

Parameter Name Description Required Default value
ftpAddress FTP server IP address of FTP server yes n/a
ftpPort FTP port Port of FTP server yes 21
secureMode FTP Security FTP Security yes None
ftpUsername Username FTP user name yes n/a
ftpPassword Password FTP password yes n/a
ftpDir RootDir Root directory to be watched yes n/a
listRecursiveFtp List Sub Folders Allow listing of sub folders yes No
listHidden List Hidden Allow listing of hidden files yes false
connectionTimeout Connection timeout, s Connection timeout for FTP request yes 30
pollInterval Polling interval, s Interval for polling folder changes yes 60
diffHours Time stamp difference, h How many hours back to analyze yes 24

The localfolder thing has the following configuration options:

Parameter Name Description Required Default value
localDir Local Directory Local directory to be watched yes n/a
listHiddenLocal List Hidden Allow listing of hidden files yes No
pollIntervalLocal Polling interval, s Interval for polling folder changes yes 60
listRecursiveLocal List Sub Folders Allow listing of sub folders yes No


This binding currently supports the following events:

Channel Type ID Item Type Description
newftpfile String A new file name discovered on FTP
newlocalfile String A new file name discovered on in local folder

Full Example

Thing configuration:

folderwatcher:localfolder:myLocalFolder [ localDir="/myfolder", pollIntervalLocal=60, listHiddenLocal="false", listRecursiveLocal="false" ]
folderwatcher:ftpfolder:myLocalFolder [ ftpAddress="X.X.X.X", ftpPort=21, secureMode="EXPLICIT", ftpUsername="username", ftpPassword="password",ftpDir="/myfolder/",listHidden="true",listRecursiveFtp="true",connectionTimeout=33,pollInterval=66,diffHours=25]

Using in a rule:

FTP example:

rule "New FTP file"
    Channel 'folderwatcher:ftpfolder:XXXXX:newfile' triggered

    logInfo('NewFTPFile', receivedEvent.toString())


Local folder example:

rule "New Local file"
    Channel 'folderwatcher:localfolder:XXXXX:newfile' triggered

    logInfo('NewLocalFile', receivedEvent.toString())
