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# JavaScript Scripting
This add-on provides support for JavaScript (ECMAScript 2021+) that can be used as a scripting language within automation rules.
Also included is [openhab-js](, a fairly high-level ES6 library to support automation in openHAB. It provides convenient access
to common openHAB functionality within rules including items, things, actions, logging and more.
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [UI Based Rules](#ui-based-rules)
- [Adding Triggers](#adding-triggers)
- [Adding Actions](#adding-actions)
- [Scripting Basics](#scripting-basics)
- [Require](#require)
- [Console](#console)
- [SetTimeout](#settimeout)
- [SetInterval](#setinterval)
- [ScriptLoaded](#scriptloaded)
- [ScriptUnLoaded](#scriptunloaded)
- [Paths](#paths)
- [Standard Library](#standard-library)
- [Items](#items)
- [Actions](#actions)
- [Cache](#cache)
- [Log](#log)
- [Time](#time)
- [Utils](#utils)
- [File Based Rules](#file-based-rules)
- [JSRule](#jsrule)
- [Rule Builder](#rule-builder)
## Configuration
This add-on includes by default the [openhab-js]( NPM library and exports it's namespaces onto the global namespace. This allows the use of `items`, `actions`, `cache` and other objects without the need to explicitly import using `require()`. This functionality can be disabled for users who prefer to manage their own imports via the add-on configuration options.
![openHAB Rule Configuration](doc/settings.png)
## UI Based Rules
The quickest way to add rules is through the openHAB Web UI.
Advanced users, or users migrating scripts from existing systems may want to use [File Based Rules](#file-based-rules) for managing rules using files in the user configuration directory.
### Adding Triggers
Using the openHAB UI, first create a new rule and set a trigger condition
![openHAB Rule Configuration](doc/rule-config.png)
### Adding Actions
Select "Add Action" and then select "ECMAScript 262 Edition 11".
Its important this is "Edition 11" or higher, earlier versions will not work.
This will bring up a empty script editor where you can enter your javascript.
![openHAB Rule Engines](doc/rule-engines.png)
You can now write rules using standard ES6 Javascript along with the included openHAB [standard library](#standard-library).
![openHAB Rule Script](doc/rule-script.png)
For example, turning a light on:
console.log("Kitchen Light State", items.getItem("KitchenLight").state);
Sending a notification
actions.NotificationAction.sendNotification("", "Balcony door is open");
Querying the status of a thing
const thingStatusInfo = actions.Things.getThingStatusInfo("zwave:serial_zstick:512");
console.log("Thing status",thingStatusInfo.getStatus());
See [openhab-js]( for a complete list of functionality
## Scripting Basics
The openHAB JSScripting runtime attempts to provide a familiar environment to Javascript developers.
### Require
Scripts may include standard NPM based libraries by using CommonJS require.
The library search path will look in `automation/js/node_modules` in the user configuration directory.
### Console
The JSScripting binding supports the standard `console` object for logging.
Script debug logging is enabled by default at the `INFO` level, but can be configured using the [console logging]({{base}}/administration/logging.html) commands.
log:set DEBUG org.openhab.automation.script
Supported logging functions include:
- `console.log(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN])`
- ` [, obj2, ..., objN])`
- `console.warn(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN])`
- `console.error(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN])`
- `console.debug(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN])`
- `console.trace(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN])`
where `obj1 ... objN` is a list of JavaScript objects to output.
The string representations of each of these objects are appended together in the order listed and output.
see for more information about console logging.
### SetTimeout
The global setTimeout() method sets a timer which executes a function or specified piece of code once the timer expires.
var timeoutID = setTimeout(function[, delay, arg1, arg2, ...]);
var timeoutID = setTimeout(function[, delay]);
The global `clearTimeout()` method cancels a timeout previously established by calling `setTimeout()`.
see for more information about setTimeout.
### SetInterval
The setInterval() method repeatedly calls a function or executes a code snippet, with a fixed time delay between each call.
var intervalID = setInterval(func, [delay, arg1, arg2, ...]);
var intervalID = setInterval(function[, delay]);
The global `clearInterval()` method cancels a timed, repeating action which was previously established by a call to `setInterval()`.
NOTE: Timers will not be canceled if a script is deleted or modified, it is up to the user to manage timers. See using the [cache](#cache) namespace as well as [ScriptLoaded](#scriptloaded) and [ScriptUnLoaded](#scriptunloaded) for a convenient way of managing persisted objects, such as timers between reloads or deletions of scripts.
see for more information about setInterval.
### ScriptLoaded
For file based scripts, this function will be called if found when the script is loaded.
scriptLoaded = function () {
console.log("script loaded");
loadedDate =;
### ScriptUnLoaded
For file based scripts, this function will be called if found when the script is unloaded.
scriptUnloaded = function () {
console.log("script unloaded");
//clean up rouge timers
### Paths
For [file based rules](#file-based-rules), scripts will be loaded from `automation/js` in the user configuration directory.
NPM libraries will be loaded from `automation/js/node_modules` in the user configuration directory.
## Standard Library
Full documentation for the openHAB JavaScript library can be found at [openhab-js](
### Items
The items namespace allows interactions with openHAB items.
See [openhab-js : items]( for full API documentation
* items : <code>object</code>
* .getItem(name, nullIfMissing) ⇒ <code>Item</code>
* .getItems() ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;Item&gt;</code>
* .getItemsByTag(...tagNames) ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;Item&gt;</code>
* .createItem(itemName, [itemType], [category], [groups], [label], [tags], [giBaseType], [groupFunction], [itemMetadata])
* .addItem(itemName, [itemType], [category], [groups], [label], [tags], [giBaseType], [groupFunction])
* .removeItem(itemOrItemName) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
* .replaceItem(itemName, [itemType], [category], [groups], [label], [tags], [giBaseType], [groupFunction])
* .safeItemName(s) ⇒ <code>String</code>
const item = items.getItem("KitchenLight");
console.log("Kitchen Light State", item.state);
Calling `getItem(...)` returns an `Item` object with the following properties:
* Item : <code>object</code>
* .type ⇒ <code>String</code>
* .name ⇒ <code>String</code>
* .label ⇒ <code>String</code>
* .history ⇒ <code>ItemHistory</code>
* .state ⇒ <code>String</code>
* .rawState ⇒ <code>HostState</code>
* .members ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;Item&gt;</code>
* .descendents ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;Item&gt;</code>
* .isUninitialized ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
* .groupNames ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;String&gt;</code>
* .tags ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;String&gt;</code>
* .getMetadataValue(namespace) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* .updateMetadataValue(namespace, value) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* .upsertMetadataValue(namespace, value) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
* .updateMetadataValues(namespaceToValues)
* .sendCommand(value)
* .sendCommandIfDifferent(value) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
* .postUpdate(value)
* .addGroups(...groupNamesOrItems)
* .removeGroups(...groupNamesOrItems)
* .addTags(...tagNames)
* .removeTags(...tagNames)
const item = items.getItem("KitchenLight");
//send a ON command
//Post an update
//Get state
console.log("KitchenLight state", item.state)
calling `item.history...` returns a ItemHistory object with the following functions:
Note `serviceId` is optional, if omitted, the default persistance service will be used.
* ItemHistory : <code>object</code>
* .averageSince(timestamp, serviceId) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
* .changedSince(timestamp, serviceId) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
* .deltaSince(timestamp, serviceId) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
* .deviationSince(timestamp, serviceId) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
* .evolutionRate(timestamp, serviceId) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
* .historicState(timestamp, serviceId) ⇒ <code>state</code>
* .lastUpdate(serviceId) ⇒ <code>Date</code>
* .latestState(serviceId) ⇒ <code>state</code>
* .maximumSince(timestamp,serviceId) ⇒ <code>state</code>
* .minimumSince(timestamp,serviceId) ⇒ <code>state</code>
* .persist(serviceId)
* .previousState(skipEqual,serviceId) ⇒ <code>state</code>
* .sumSince(timestamp, serviceId) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
* .updatedSince(timestamp, serviceId) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
* .varianceSince(timestamp,serviceId) ⇒ <code>state</code>
var yesterday = new Date(new Date().getTime() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
var item = items.getItem("KitchenDimmer");
console.log("KitchenDimmer averageSince", item.history.averageSince(yesterday));
### Actions
The actions namespace allows interactions with openHAB actions.
The following are a list of standard actions.
Additional actions provided by user installed addons can be accessed using their common name on the actions name space
(example: `actions.Pushsafer.pushsafer(...)`)
See [openhab-js : actions]( for full API documentation and additional actions.
#### Audio Actions
See [openhab-js : actions.Audio]( for complete documentation
#### BusEvent
See [openhab-js : actions.BusEvent]( for complete documentation
#### Ephemeris Actions
See [openhab-js : actions.Ephemeris]( for complete documentation
Ephemeris is a way to determine what type of day today or a number of days before or after today is. For example, a way to determine if today is a weekend, a bank holiday, someones birthday, trash day, etc.
Additional information can be found on the [Ephemeris Actions Docs]( as well as the [Ephemeris JavaDoc](
// Example
let weekend = actions.Ephemeris.isWeekend();
#### Exec Actions
See [openhab-js : actions.Exec]( for complete documentation
Execute a command line.
// Execute command line.
actions.Exec.executeCommandLine('echo', 'Hello World!');
// Execute command line with timeout.
let Duration = Java.type('java.time.Duration');
actions.Exec.executeCommandLine(Duration.ofSeconds(20), 'echo', 'Hello World!');
// Get response from command line.
let response = actions.Exec.executeCommandLine('echo', 'Hello World!');
// Get response from command line with timeout.
response = actions.Exec.executeCommandLine(Duration.ofSeconds(20), 'echo', 'Hello World!');
#### HTTP Actions
See [openhab-js : actions.HTTP]( for complete documentation
// Example GET Request
var response = actions.HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest('<url>');
Replace `<url>` with the request url.
#### ScriptExecution Actions
See [openhab-js : actions.ScriptExecution]( for complete documentation
let now =;
// Function to run when the timer goes off.
function timerOver () {'The timer is over.');
// Create the Timer.
this.myTimer = actions.ScriptExecution.createTimer(now.plusSeconds(10), timerOver);
// Cancel the timer.
// Check whether the timer is active. Returns true if the timer is active and will be executed as scheduled.
let active = this.myTimer.isActive();
// Reschedule the timer.
#### Semantics Actions
See [openhab-js : actions.Semantics]( for complete documentation
#### Things Actions
See [openhab-js : actions.Things]( for complete documentation
#### Voice Actions
See [openhab-js : actions.Voice]( for complete documentation
#### Cloud Notification Actions
(optional action if openhab-cloud is installed)
Notification actions may be placed in Rules to send alerts to mobile devices registered with an [openHAB Cloud instance]( such as [](
For available actions have a look at the [Cloud Notification Actions Docs](
// Example
actions.NotificationAction.sendNotification('<email>', '<message>'); // to a single myopenHAB user identified by e-mail
actions.NotificationAction.sendBroadcastNotification('<message>'); // to all myopenHAB users
Replace `<email>` with the e-mail address of the user.
Replace `<message>` with the notification text.
### Cache
The cache namespace provides a default cache that can be use to set and retrieve objects that will be persisted between reloads of scripts.
See [openhab-js : cache]( for full API documentation
* cache : <code>object</code>
* .get(key, defaultSupplier) ⇒ <code>Object | null</code>
* .put(key, value) ⇒ <code>Previous Object | null</code>
* .remove(key) ⇒ <code>Previous Object | null</code>
The `defaultSupplier` provided function will return a default value if a specified key is not already associated with a value
**Example** *(Get a previously set value with a default value (times &#x3D; 0))*
let counter = cache.get("counter", () => ({ "times": 0 }));
**Example** *(Get a previously set object)*
let counter = cache.get("counter");
if(counter == null){
counter = {times: 0};
cache.put("counter", counter);
### Log
By default the JS Scripting binding supports console logging like `console.log()` and `console.debug()` to the openHAB default log.
Additionally scripts may create their own native openHAB logs using the log namespace.
let logger = log('my_logger');
//prints "Hello World!"
logger.debug("Hello {}!", "world");
### Time
openHAB internally makes extensive use of the `java.time` package.
openHAB-JS exports the excellent [JS-Joda]( library via the `time` namespace, which is a native Javascript port of the same API standard used in Java for `java.time`.
Anywhere that a native Java `ZonedDateTime` or `Duration` is required, the runtime will automatically convert a JS-Joda `ZonedDateTime` or `Duration` to its Java counterpart.
var now =;
var yesterday =;
var item = items.getItem("Kitchen");
console.log("averageSince", item.history.averageSince(yesterday));
actions.Exec.executeCommandLine(time.Duration.ofSeconds(20), 'echo', 'Hello World!');
See [JS-Joda]( for more examples and complete API usage.
### Utils
openHAB internally is a Java program.
openHAB-JS converts between Java and JavaScript data types and reverse.
See [openhab-js : utils]( for full API documentation
## File Based Rules
The JSScripting binding will load scripts from `automation/js` in the user configuration directory.
The system will automatically reload scripts when changes are detected to files.
Local variable state is not persisted among reloads, see using the [cache](#cache) for a convenient way to persist objects.
File based rules can be created in 2 different ways: using [JSRule](#jsrule) or the [Rule Builder](#rule-builder).
See [openhab-js : rules ]( for full API documentation
### JSRule
JSRules provides a simple, declarative syntax for defining rules that will be executed based on a trigger condition
const email = ""
name: "Balcony Lights ON at 5pm",
description: "Light will turn on when it's 5:00pm",
triggers: [triggers.GenericCronTrigger("0 0 17 * * ?")],
execute: data => {
actions.NotificationAction.sendNotification(email, "Balcony lights are ON");
tags: ["Balcony", "Lights"],
id: "BalconyLightsOn"
Note: `description`, `tags` and `id` are optional.
Multiple triggers can be added, some example triggers include:
triggers.ChannelEventTrigger('astro:sun:local:rise#event', 'START')
triggers.ItemStateChangeTrigger('my_item', 'OFF', 'ON')
triggers.ItemStateUpdateTrigger('my_item', 'OFF')
triggers.ItemCommandTrigger('my_item', 'OFF')
triggers.GroupStateChangeTrigger('my_group', 'OFF', 'ON')
triggers.GroupStateUpdateTrigger('my_group', 'OFF')
triggers.GroupCommandTrigger('my_group', 'OFF')
triggers.SystemStartlevelTrigger(40) //Rules loaded
triggers.SystemStartlevelTrigger(50) //Rule engine started
triggers.SystemStartlevelTrigger(70) //User interfaces started
triggers.SystemStartlevelTrigger(80) //Things initialized
triggers.SystemStartlevelTrigger(100) //Startup Complete
triggers.GenericCronTrigger('0 30 16 * * ? *')
See [openhab-js : triggers ]( in the API documentation for a full list of all triggers.
### Rule Builder
The Rule Builder provides a convenient API to write rules in a high-level, readable style using a builder pattern.
Rules are started by calling `rules.when()` and can chain together [triggers](#rule-builder-triggers),
[conditions](#rule-builder-conditions) and [operations](#rule-builder-operations) in the following pattern:
rules.when().triggerType()...if().conditionType().then().operationType(), description, tags, id);
Rule are completed by calling `.build(name, description, tags, id)` , all parameters are optional and reasonable defaults will be used if omitted.
- `name` String rule name - defaults generated name
- `description` String Rule description - defaults generated description
- `tags` Array of string tag names - defaults empty array
- `id` String id - defaults random UUID
A simple example of this would look like:
rules.when().item("F1_Light").changed().then().send("changed").toItem("F2_Light").build("My Rule", "My First Rule");
Operations and conditions can also optionally take functions:
rules.when().item("F1_light").changed().then(event => {
}).build("Test Rule", "My Test Rule");
see [Examples](#rule-builder-examples) for further patterns
#### Rule Builder Triggers
* `when()`
* `or()`
* `.channel(channelName)` Specifies a channel event as a source for the rule to fire.
* `.triggered(event)` Trigger on a specific event name
* `.cron(cronExpression)` Specifies a cron schedule for the rule to fire.
* `.item(itemName)` Specifies an item as the source of changes to trigger a rule.
* `.for(duration)`
* `.from(state)`
* `.to(state)`
* `.fromOff()`
* `.toOn()`
* `.receivedCommand()`
* `.receivedUpdate()`
* `.memberOf(groupName)`
* `.for(duration)`
* `.from(state)`
* `.to(state)`
* `.fromOff()`
* `.toOn()`
* `.receivedCommand()`
* `.receivedUpdate()`
* `.system()`
* `.ruleEngineStarted()`
* `.rulesLoaded()`
* `.startupComplete()`
* `.thingsInitialized()`
* `.userInterfacesStarted()`
* `.startLevel(level)`
* `.thing(thingName)`
* `changed()`
* `updated()`
* `from(state)`
* `to(state)`
Additionally all the above triggers have the following functions:
* `.if()` or `.if(fn)` -> a [rule condition](#rule-builder-conditions)
* `.then()` or `.then(fn)` -> a [rule operation](#rule-builder-operations)
* `.or()` -> a [rule trigger](#rule-builder-triggers) (chain additional triggers)
#### Rule Builder Conditions
* `if(optionalFunction)`
* `.stateOfItem(itemName)`
* `is(state)`
* `in(state...)`
#### Rule Builder Operations
* `then(optionalFunction)`
* `.build(name, description, tags, id)`
* `.copyAndSendState()`
* `.copyState()`
* `.inGroup(groupName)`
* `.postIt()`
* `.postUpdate(state)`
* `.send(command)`
* `.sendIt()`
* `.sendOff()`
* `.sendOn()`
* `.sendToggle()`
#### Rule Builder Examples
//Basic rule, when the BedroomLight1 is changed, run a custom function
rules.when().item('BedroomLight1').changed().then(e => {
console.log("BedroomLight1 state", e.newState)
//turn on the kitchen light at SUNSET
rules.when().timeOfDay("SUNSET").then().sendOn().toItem("KitchenLight").build("Sunset Rule","turn on the kitchen light
at SUNSET");
//turn off the kitchen light at 9PM and tag rule
rules.when().cron("0 0 21 * * ?").then().sendOff().toItem("KitchenLight").build("9PM Rule", "turn off the kitchen light
at 9PM", ["Tag1", "Tag2"]);
//set the colour of the hall light to pink at 9PM, tag rule and use a custom ID
rules.when().cron("0 0 21 * * ?").then().send("300,100,100").toItem("HallLight").build("Pink Rule", "set the colour of
the hall light to pink at 9PM", ["Tag1", "Tag2"], "MyCustomID");
//when the switch S1 status changes to ON, then turn on the HallLight
rules.when().item('S1').changed().toOn().then(sendOn().toItem('HallLight')).build("S1 Rule");
//when the HallLight colour changes pink, if the function fn returns true, then toggle the state of the OutsideLight
//and some rules which can be toggled by the items created in the 'gRules' Group:
//when the HallLight receives a command, send the same command to the KitchenLight
rules.when().item('HallLight').receivedCommand().then().sendIt().toItem('KitchenLight').build("Hall Light", "");
//when the HallLight is updated to ON, make sure that BedroomLight1 is set to the same state as the BedroomLight2